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美国自然历史博物馆是纽约市的主要家庭景点,被认为是世界上最大、最著名的博物馆之一。这个著名的机构既具有教育意义又具有娱乐性,应该出现在每个人的待办事项清单上。普通门票让您可以参观 40 多个永久展厅、罗斯地球与太空中心以及理查德·吉尔德科学、教育和创新中心。
年龄 3-99
用时: 3–4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
语音导览:德语, 中文, 韩文, 葡萄牙语, 日语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
书面指南:德语, 中文, 韩文, 葡萄牙语, 日语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 探索博物馆著名的化石大厅,这里拥有世界上最大的恐龙化石收藏
- 探索永久展览和玫瑰地球与太空中心
- 在沉浸式米尔斯坦海洋生物馆探索海洋生态系统,这里有 750 多种动物模型,其中包括标志性的 94 英尺长、21,000 磅重的蓝鲸模型
- 升级特别展品,大屏幕电影和海登天文馆
- 参观常设展览
- 参观罗斯地球与太空中心
- 理查德·吉尔德科学、教育与创新中心门票
- 限时参观 1 场特别展览(仅限普通门票 Plus One 门票)
- 现场无线网络
- 入场/门票 - 美国自然历史博物馆
- 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 表面有无障碍通道
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- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 语音导览:下载博物馆的免费移动应用程序 Explorer(iOS 或 Android 版本)(https://www.amnh.org/plan-your-visit/explorer)
- 可打印地图:以英语和其他 11 种语言下载(https://www.amnh.org/plan-your-visit/museum-map)
- 在博物馆入口、问询处和会员服务台获取纸质地图
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2396AMNH
- Pioneer006660024640 条分享缺少成人票到了自然历史博物馆,现场工作人员订单居然只🈶儿童票二维码,请立即补偿额外购买成人票费用28美元!浪费客人时间!撰写日期:2024年2月6日
- 431anniek0 条分享买一张城市通行卡,来这里游览这个博物馆真的太棒了!布置得很好,很干净,很适合家庭游览,而且也很有教育意义。我明白,这个博物馆的门票可能是个问题,但是可以买一张城市通行卡,这样就不用排队买门票了。性价比很高,而且可以去纽约大部分景点。真的很不错。撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- Bellsyoungleson0 条分享不错很棒的经历!记得下载应用程序,因为它可以帮你节省时间,并为你导航到想要去的地方。 我推荐用三天时间来玩,因为真的有很多可以看和做,你不可能在一天内完成所有。太棒啦,真的很棒!撰写日期:2019年7月21日
- DWNBRHM0 条分享有点令人失望要排很长的队进去,不收费,但是在排队拿票的时候他们会要求你捐款,这太荒谬了。有些展览品不错,但是有些像北美印第安区的就令人失望了。有很多座位,可以好好欣赏展览,有很多洗手间。下午五点关门,到点他们会立刻赶你出门。所以我的建议是早点去,保证自己有时间四处逛逛,而不是太匆忙。撰写日期:2019年7月12日
- moniruzzamans20 条分享探索的好地方你可以很轻松地安排半天时间游览,能涵盖很多部分。这里有一块巨大的霸王龙化石和史前鲨鱼的颚化石。我发现一件有趣的事情,在售票处他们提到了全票价,但问你愿支付多少钱?你可以自愿选择多付或少付。撰写日期:2019年6月24日
- O1354ZLandrewb0 条分享世界上最好的博物馆没有任何一个自然历史博物馆能与之相比(对不起,史密森尼博物馆)。它很大,但是布局很好,而且很现代。这里的展品很特别,比如“霸王龙”就特别好。作为奖励,你还有机会进入海登天文馆的。从81街的地下入口进去坐地铁——这条线路比较短。撰写日期:2019年5月17日
- Nancy C0 条分享自然历史博物馆参观博物馆和海登天文馆。由于有很多值得一看的地方,所以预先计划好行程是有好处的。最好是提前获得门票,以确保有机会参观您可能希望看到的展出。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- Nathalie V0 条分享等的时间非常长,并且安保人员的态度十分有攻击性当时正在下雨...我们从博物馆左侧的酒店出发步行到达这里。此时已经排起了长队,我们很有纪律的开始排队。当45分钟后我们几乎到达入口处的时候,一名保安突然出现,并开始大喊告诉我们需要在大楼的另一侧再次排队!在这之前我们在排队的时候没有人告诉我们这一点,只有直接购买门票的人(不是城市通行证)可以先进去。我们放弃了,非常失望,觉得这个非常粗鲁的保安的行为是不公平和令人愤怒的......真是太糟糕了。下午我们回来了,那个家伙还在大声喊着人们快点走......非常拥挤......使得博物馆里面的展品都变了味道。多可惜...撰写日期:2019年4月20日
- ChristinaP21270 条分享电影控必访之地「博物馆惊魂夜」的电影粉丝咖必访之地,尤其大廰里的那座巨大的恐龙骨骼,似乎让人跌入电影场景而无法自拔。撰写日期:2019年4月10日
- genekhoo0 条分享世界上最棒的博物馆之一我参观了世界各地的自然历史博物馆(如伦敦、洛杉矶等)。这是最好的博物馆之一,空间充足,标识和互动都很好。许多展品能让参观者真正接触到文物:化石、陨石等。撰写日期:2019年3月31日
- 19Bumblebee0 条分享过时而且乏味我很期待参观博物馆,但走的时候却非常失望。几乎所有的展品都放在阴暗、满是灰尘的玻璃柜里,展品描述非常乏味。在这个时代,很少有互动元素是我所期待的。除了四楼的恐龙馆,它似乎自20世纪60年代以来就没有更新过。布局很混乱,没有轮流更换的展品,而且建筑里的导航标识非常差。建筑本身在入口处令人印象深刻,但很快在展览区域,就失去了他的宏伟。那里有很多值得一看的东西,如果你想走遍每一个地方,可能需要好几个小时。撰写日期:2019年3月15日
- Francella L0 条分享令人印象深刻-必游之地如果你有一些时间,即使你没有,这里是一个必须参观的地方。他们总是有一些有趣的博览会。另外,我听说在一个月的某些日子里,你可以在晚上免费进入。记住,你可以在入口处付你想要的费用,而不是买全票——一个当地人的最佳建议!撰写日期:2019年3月9日
- SteveLalaE0 条分享宏伟的博物馆这是一个如此巨大而又美丽的标志性博物馆,有许多可看的东西。我特别喜欢恐龙展览。你会花很多时间在这个地方。至少要计划半天。这是最少的。撰写日期:2019年2月23日
- yaodajee0 条分享探索自然界奥妙与壮丽不愧为美国国家级博物馆,空间规模大,展品内容包罗万象,除了有许多仿真的动物标本及恐龙化石外,更有一间展厅将世界最大体积的动物-蓝鲸,也给牠摆进去了,令人叹为观止撰写日期:2019年2月11日
- Babesb790 条分享我们发现它很没劲我们喜欢伦敦的自然历史博物馆,但对这个博物馆感到失望。我们一共花了66美元,这样我们也可以参观海洋展览馆,但它很小,远不及我们在其他地方看到的大多数水族馆。我们还会去吗?不。秘籍:如果你只是想快速浏览下,不想去看什么特别的展览,你可以捐5美元或10美元,尤其是你待的时间不长的话。我们最后付钱了撰写日期:2019年1月27日
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Rose Tea
卡罗莱纳州1,557 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
Honestly, I kind of hated this museum. The rock collection was pretty great, and the lobby dinosaurs and gift shops were neat. But the majority of this museum is just creepy, life sized, stuffed animals and it was unsettling to me. I would recommend spending time most anywhere else in NYC over this museum, especially the MOMA.
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64 条分享
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
This experience was one of the best in all my trip in ny, highly racomanded for Children and Who loves nature and animal, the museum is huge and has many exhibition, my fav was the ocean life. 10/10.
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法国巴黎209 条分享
Plan the day to see all the exhibitions plus the extra planetarium or butterfly greenhouse type!
Otherwise it is a fantastic museum!
Otherwise it is a fantastic museum!
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41 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
This is a great museum. We spent most of the day here on a cold NY winter and it was wonderful. Each floor has a great variety of exhibits and the blue whale and dinosaur hall were a favourite. Go and see the space exhibit and the hall of people, so many areas to explore.
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Holden C
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
I dragged Phoebe to the museum of Natural History this Sunday, while I was home for break. She didn't want to go because she'd already gone with her class earlier that week. She wanted to see some crumby play called I Know My Love, that starred the Lunts. But I'd already seen the depressing play with Sally and I hated Broadway and the whole movie business, so we decided on the museum. Before the museum we got some food at a diner, where I had once had a fantastic conversation with some nuns. These nuns were truly very nice, but I had been a little worried they were gonna ask me if I was Catholic, but they never did. After eating a quick breakfast, we made our way to the museum. The museum is truly great, I'm not kidding. It's one of the only places that makes me feel less depressed and truly marvelous. One of the best parts is the smell. It always smells like it was raining outside, even if it wasn't, and you were in the only nice,dry, cosy place in the world. I loved that damn museum (Salinger 156). My favorite part of the museum, I mean even better than the smell, is the Native American exhibit. There's this large canoe and a squaw weaving whose bosom you could see. The exhibit is very swell, but the best part is that everything stays the same. I mean you could come back a week or year later and the exhibit would still be the exact same. The squaw still weaving and the canoe still as large. I think that's got to mean something in this world filled with phonies. Everyone is just so damn crumby, it kills me. But this museum and the Native Americans show not everything has to change. Certain people like the Native Americans can remain a constant. In such a lousy world, the Native Americans are needed to remain the same, to help deal with the rest of the depressing world.
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Rubens R
巴西阿雷格里港70 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
Nice tour, we stayed about 3 hours inside the museum. But with a baby becoming tired, we look at the parts we were interested in. But the pass is excellent.
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Naran Shi
荷兰阿默斯福特10 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
The museum is absolutely stunning and a must-visit! However, be sure to purchase your tickets directly from the museum's official website. We made the mistake of using a third-party vendor and ended up waiting in line for 45 minutes just to get paper tickets when we arrived. Save yourself the hassle and book directly!
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Luca Mastacchi
意大利Province of Bologna84 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
Entrance with sliding booking despite the queue. Rich and well organized exhibition. I also recommend purchasing access to the Hayden Planetarium show, which is simply extraordinary.
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智利圣地亚哥1,524 条分享
2024年12月 • 独自旅游
Spectacular as always, the way the museum is developed is very entertaining and didactic, the different rooms with their displays are easy to travel and visually pleasing, the building itself is magnificent. Point apart is the display of butterflies that really is wonderful, to see them flying in their natural state between plants and flowers is shocking.
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Do you mean *just* for the ticketed exhibition? I don't think so, no. You have to buy genera entry tickets and when you purchase those, add on the specific ticketed entry exhibitions you require.
Is there a standby to get into the AMNH if you can’t get tickets on a blocked out day?
I’ve booked the tickets for 8sept but when I’ve gone onto the amnh website it’s fully booked for that day. Do I cancel my ticket and get a refund?
I agree that you should call the museum and ask them. If you have booked your tickets for that date, you should be part of the “fully booked” group.
You know they do have a website you can check for the latest information being as it can change at any time because of Covid you know.
Why are you posting this? Call the museum to get this resolved.
I paid $18 on a timed reservation and it was not any tickets they sent me. I could have printed paper tickets off my email confirmation but I just downloaded the tickets on to my phone.
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