纽约自由行通票(含随上随下巴士观光+可选 48/72小时套票)
纽约自由行通票(含随上随下巴士观光+可选 48/72小时套票)
供应商/业主为:Gray Line New York Sightseeing
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 3-99
用时: 1–2 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
语音导览:德语, 葡萄牙语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 使用纽约市三重乐趣套餐探索曼哈顿
- 乘坐随上随下巴士游览市中心景点
- 公交车频繁运行,因此您永远不会太久等待乘车
- 包含参观世贸中心一号楼观景台和纽约摄影中心
- 随上随下的市区双层观光巴士一日游
- 巴士上以 6 种语言录制的解说
- 一号楼观景台门票
- RiseNY 门票
- 入场/门票 - 世贸一号观景台
- 入场/门票 - 纽约市
- 入场/门票 - RiseNY
未包含内容- 小费
- 酒店接送
- 食物或饮料
- 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2625FNYP- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 巴士之旅提供带预录导游解说的耳机,语言包括英语、法语、西班牙语、德语、意大利语、葡萄牙语
- 2 岁及以下婴儿免费
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2625FNYP
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- Jeanmx0 条分享非常棒的纽约之旅我跟朋友一起来的这儿,这是她第一次来纽约,我们的时间也不是很充足...这次旅行真是棒极了!我在这一天看到的纽约美景要比我前几趟来这儿加起来看到的美景都多。我们第一站的导游是艾伦,他知道得非常多,还很有趣,我们很喜欢这趟旅行。我们在911纪念碑下了车,先是在这儿表达了我们的祭奠然后我们又到码头乘船开启下个目的地,在那儿我们也玩得很好,可惜的是艾伦没有来这儿。下次再来纽约的话我肯定还会再来的。整趟下来价格很合理,很适合在一天之内看完整个城内的景点。撰写日期:2019年10月23日
- mayalleA20020 条分享探索纽约最棒的方法曼哈顿最佳观光之旅(6小时)——这趟旅行是我们整个旅程的组成部分。导游埃维塔·路易桑特让这次旅行物有所值。她很专业,有礼貌,有很强的幽默感,对每个人都很好,能够回答每一个人问她的问题。如果你想坐巴士旅行,那就坐这辆车吧,一定要让她做你的导游。我们想看什么就看什么,还坐了轮渡近距离看自由女神像,游览了城市的每一个角落。我强烈建议你参加这次旅行,而不是参加任何一站一站单独的旅程。撰写日期:2019年10月16日
- Roam061462262720 条分享认识纽约的好选择之前去纽约都是跟着团队走的,一切不用自己动脑筋。这次出行是和朋友自由行,想要在有限的时间里多看看,如何更好利用时间、编辑好线路、节省脚程、还要划算真是让人很费心思的一件事。有朋友强烈推荐了gray line,订票后一个二维码放手机里全程通用,下载app之后所有相关线路一目了然,5条线将曼哈顿绝大部分精华景点全都概括了(还有布鲁克林哦!),你只用follow它的时间线控制好时间节奏,轻松串起行程不是问题。随车导游会向游客全程讲解,上车后领一副耳机便可。另外我们选的是可以包含三个attractions 的票型,直接在景点扫码取票非常方便。对行走曼哈顿的游客来说,是一个不错的选择撰写日期:2019年10月15日
- TnC3260 条分享罗斯的尼亚加拉瀑布之旅我们在罗斯行程的第二天访问尼亚加拉瀑布。这是一次非常愉快的旅行,因为获得的信息丰富,计划很周密。我们的导游是我们遇到的最好导游之一。他做了更多的努力以确保这是一次很棒的旅游经历。超越之前的旅游,强烈建议加拿大和美国方面都这样做。美国是我们最喜欢的,尽管在我们到来之前听到有很多相反的说法。如果可以的话,我强烈建议你同时进行这两个旅行。撰写日期:2019年8月19日
- cuberaa0 条分享在公共汽车上观赏纽约的景色就像我之前说的,如果你要去纽约玩几天,这里是一个很好的选择,可以更深层次地了解纽约,了解所有建筑物及其背后的历史渊源,信息量非常丰富且令人惊叹。撰写日期:2019年8月3日
- Tzu-hsun H0 条分享轻松逛完整个纽约市区只要坐在巴士上层,就可以轻松逛完整个纽约市的景点,唯一的缺点就是在没有大楼遮阴时,需要忍受日晒。 但是票价根据售票员的推销会有很大的变化,如果搭配越多行程整体票价看似会越便宜,但是需要先考虑清楚自己想去的行程有哪些,不要一昧地被售票员的推销话术牵着走。撰写日期:2017年8月31日
- Temoore120 条分享周年我们买了通行证,可以让我们去所有的环路,这里没有让我们失望。我们看到了想要看的一切。如果驾驶员在某些地方放慢速度,但是我理解他也需要随着交通情况去驾驶。我们有几个梦幻般的导游,有一个不应该在旅游业工作。夜间游玩也很不错。撰写日期:2017年8月12日
- dana s0 条分享巴士旅程我们用灰线巴士游纽约。完美!人们非常乐于助人。我们每人花了70英镑乘车3天。我们每10分钟就到指定地点去,这就把我们带到了各处。另外,他们给你耳机并介绍你看到的东西,还会在指定地点下车观光。建议大家使用这种交通方式。地铁很便宜,但看不到地下的风景。撰写日期:2017年7月15日
- Beth S0 条分享这是一种很好的游览城市的方式这是在城市四处游览,参观城市景点的一个很好的方式。有时候的确是有一些慢,大巴都很满,你可能会花大量时间停留在车站,在车上等待你的团队。导游对行程也有很大的影响。我们遇到好几个性格不同的人。我们最喜欢的是“Debbie Halle Berry”,她使大家一直很有参与感和代入感,非常棒。“吼吼”钱花的很值!撰写日期:2017年6月30日
- ScarlettandRhett0 条分享最好的观光选择!我在Groupon购买了票。你不仅得到了叙事式的观光旅行,还可以在很多地方随乘随下。他们每隔15到20分钟就来一次。这是一辆双层巴士,所以你可以看到城市的各种美景。撰写日期:2017年6月7日
- Iverson J0 条分享大卫·考尼让这次旅行变得完美!我和妈妈一起去纽约庆祝母亲节。我们决定先开始一场旅行,了解一下这座城市的概况,没想到此次旅行遇到了世上最好的一个导游,真是荣幸极了,他就是大卫。大卫是一位知识渊博的导游,他向我们传授了各种历史知识和迷人的故事。他把我们规划的旅行时间安排得井井有条,甚至还空余了一些时间,额外多逛了几处景点(因为周日的交通压力不是很大)。他表现得非常专业,本职工作做得很到位,是一位出色的导游——他想确保我们拥有一次绝佳的体验......我们感受到了!撰写日期:2017年5月17日
- Jiggy580 条分享无质量控制!我们在一天内做了两次。我们在下午晚些时候做的,我们的导游很一般。我们做了夜间游览,导游决定不提供任何关于这个城市的信息。如果我有更多的时间,我会骚扰公司或博客上评论负面信息,直到退还我的钱。这证明他们没有质量控制,也不关心顾客。我强烈建议任何人想玩的愉快都不要参加这个团。撰写日期:2017年4月28日
- lynng3380 条分享非常好的纽约之旅我们买了通行证,可以让我们去所有的环路,这里没有让我们失望。我们看到了想要看的一切。如果驾驶员在某些地方放慢速度,那会更好,但是我理解他也需要随着交通情况去驾驶。我们有几个梦幻般的导游,有一个不应该在旅游业工作。有很多站点可供选择,服务的时长也不错。夜间游玩也很不错。撰写日期:2017年4月8日
- Christina L0 条分享大客车之旅而不是格林之旅浪费时间和金钱。支付了48小时的行程-真希望我们省了我们的钱!必须在总公司排队等候30多分钟激活我们已经在酒店购买的票。第一天:滞留在布朗克斯旅游接我们的地方,但并没有车来。第二天我们等了1小时,在世贸中心的位置,然后5个班次过去了,我们的车还是没来。最后放弃了,并采取了地铁。公共汽车太可怕了,如果你坐在公共汽车的下面,就看不见窗户。大巴 -看起来像一个更好的选择而且显然是更便宜的价格。撰写日期:2017年3月16日
- mrja21240 条分享很棒的招手巴士我们以前在柏林用过Gray Line,所以我们决定仍然选择它。我们有很好的导游:从一个年老的见多识广的导游到从布鲁克林来的一个声音非常响亮的女导游。他们都知识渊博,但是当涉及到娱乐以及在曼哈顿要去的地方,你需要找LEON和BIG AL。他们非常令人惊讶,有趣,且会推荐一些好地方。交通有点慢,但是,这毕竟是纽约。唯一可以改进的应该用卡片替代纸质凭证。撰写日期:2017年2月24日
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103 条点评
dummy thiccc
佛罗里达劳德代尔堡15 条分享
Bus tour was great! After I took my mom on this tour, her cervical cancer went into remission. The doctors said they had never seen anything like it. Praise Jesus God bless 🙏🙏🙏
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We're truly touched by your story and so glad to hear you and your mom enjoyed the tour. It's wonderful to hear that she's doing well, and we wish her continued health and happiness. Thank you for choosing us for your special day, and God bless! 🙏
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Wayne J
12 条分享
2024年1月 • 独自旅游
I would definitely recommend this experience. I did this on my first full day in NYC and it gave me a great introduction to the City on my first day but the hop on/off option is brilliant. The buses are every 15/20 minutes from the various locations so great for a day pass. It was -5 degrees so really cold on top deck and little heating inside the bus.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for recommending our experience and sharing your positive feedback!
We're delighted to hear that our hop-on/hop-off option provided you with a great introduction to NYC, even on a chilly day.
Looking forward to servicing you again on your next visit!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
geert v
比利时哈勒14 条分享
Total criminal behaviour... for almost 18 months I try to get a refund for a pass booked. The sad part is that I am a loyal customer to their services in different cities. Viewing I am from Europe there was no way to access the states so off course our trip to new york was cancelled. The only thing they offered was to extend the pass while during that time still nobody could enter the states. This pandemic we all have to go trough... from all companies we got respectfull treatment and solutions. Except this one. In crisis people and companies show their true faces... VERY SAD
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5 条分享
Freestyle pass was excellent value, easy to use and would highly recommend. Did all the bus tours and 3 attractions, and ferry tour, ferry tour was an unexpected highlight for everyone, great guide, amazing views!!
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比利时Kampenhout10 条分享
Really good value for money. We bought a Freestyle pass with 7 attractions, attraction entrances are valid for 14days once your pass is scanned for the first time. The cruise in the harbour was magnificent with a very good guide on board!
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爱尔兰都柏林13 条分享
2020年2月 • 家庭
It is very good value if you are visiting for more than 3 days & want to see the sights of New York only disappointment was the Empire State Building not included
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Claire J
英国Royston2 条分享
Travelled in February with husband and 18 year old son. In our opinion this was a great way to see the major sights in a short time. We could choose the 3 attractions and plan our days around them. It was very handy to be able to pick up the bus from wherever we ended up. Easy to use and hassle free. Had no long waits anywhere but it was February!! Tickets scanned from our phones - easy! Definitely recommend.
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Marce Marey
阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯32 条分享
2020年2月 • 家庭
Compramos online un free style pass con 7 atracciones.
Nos resulto muy practico porque incluia 3 dias de bus los que recomiemdo tomar al imicio. Un dia downtown. Otro dia uptown y el tercero Brooklyn. Para cubrir toda la zona. Luego las atracciones se pueden utiluzar durante los recorridos en bus o bien 14 dias despues. Organizando previamente los recorridos se puede visitar todo y se ahorra bastante dinero.
Lo recomiendo y lo volveria a utilizar
Nos resulto muy practico porque incluia 3 dias de bus los que recomiemdo tomar al imicio. Un dia downtown. Otro dia uptown y el tercero Brooklyn. Para cubrir toda la zona. Luego las atracciones se pueden utiluzar durante los recorridos en bus o bien 14 dias despues. Organizando previamente los recorridos se puede visitar todo y se ahorra bastante dinero.
Lo recomiendo y lo volveria a utilizar
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john c
英国斯劳56 条分享
We bought our tickets in advance at home BUT go to them direct through the GREYLINE site, You pay in $ but its under half the price when you convert to £.
I had to use my mobile phone samsung internet to book as my computer Chrome & Firefox wouldnt allow it kept refusing payment screen.
They send tickets to your mobile or i printed them out & activated on the bus the day you want them to start.
We did 3 day freestyle & 3 Attractions. well worth it with the money we saved.
All the buses we went on had live commentry which is much better than the pre-recorded.
I had to use my mobile phone samsung internet to book as my computer Chrome & Firefox wouldnt allow it kept refusing payment screen.
They send tickets to your mobile or i printed them out & activated on the bus the day you want them to start.
We did 3 day freestyle & 3 Attractions. well worth it with the money we saved.
All the buses we went on had live commentry which is much better than the pre-recorded.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sharon H
6 条分享
We purchased the 3 day Hop on Hop off pass with 3 attractions. Worked brilliant for us - its Feb so buses were never too busy, we used our attractions on One World Observ, TOTR and 911 museum.Uptown tour was OK, Downtown was great. We got off at the Financial District to visit 911 and One World then jumped on the Brooklyn Tour at 3pm.We cant quite remember the name of the guide - Rocky, or El Chapman possibly, but he was a local cabbie, a true Brooklynite and totally full of bull!!We love a narrated tour, and know that they spout off non stop with facts and figures,but this guy was just saying anything! He told us Brooklyn has the biggest Marriott in the world - it doesnt.He told us that Juniors cheesecake in Brooklyn was 40% less than Times Square - it wasnt.He told us to go to Hells Kitchen district to eat for 40% off the main tourist traps- it wasnt.We asked for family friendly bar recommendation- he told us Rudy's- it wasnt! Our teenagers hadn't even got through the door before someone said it wasnt a place for youngsters. He harpwd on about property prices but that was proved to be more BS after a quick Google! He was arrogant, and rude to some people and got annoyed when we all switched off from his bleating on.What did he expect - we paid for an enjoyable tour not to be made to feel uncomfortable if we didnt laugh at his bad jokes or take a photo when he told us too. Maybe it's just an English thing that we dont 'get' this type of tour guide but I for one was glad to get off. After of course, him shouting at everyone to sit down even though we had stopped at the stop but then they moved forward a foot to prove a point. Great up to that point, and all staff in the streets very helpful.
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Come funziona il pass al lunapark di coney ?? Cosa comprende? Grazie
É possível visitar a estátua da liberdade com esse passe?
Is the 72 hour hop on hop off bus ride included in the 7 attractions for the 3 day pass or is it separate and always included with the package?
I do not know, but dont bother waste off money , traffic a nightmare, you will spend Hours waiting @ bus Stops, best use the Subway
There is a list on the website of all the included attractions you can choose from. I cannot paste a link because Trip Advisor does not allow it, but if you search around you can find it on their site. I did the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island which included the Ferry, The Natural History Museum, and The 9/11 museum. There is a great selection of like 12 -15 attractions to choose from.
Where can I find a list of ALL the attractions so I can make my choice of 7 attractions/discounts?
If you go to the web site you can download the map and get a list of the attractions.
où peut on trouver le plan des lignes de bus?
où peut on avoir la liste complète des attractions?
où et comment prend t on les billets pour les attractions?
les attractions sont elles toutes en fast pass?
The breakfast at Applebee's is it free and available everyday of the pass
Sorry I don’t know the answer as I did not take any of the included options only the sightseeing pass.
Waar kan ik zien toegang to welke attracties allemaal vallen onder deze NYC FreeStyle pass?
do you have to chose the attractions you want to visit when you book the pass or can you decide when in New York
Do you have to pre book attractions or just go on the day
No need to prebook or decide in advance, just make very sure that your tickets will allow you in the places you want to visit. Be very carefull with new york city sightseeing or similar companies, they make much of their business by fooling tourists. I was scammed by one of them and could barely do anything to fight for what was right.
It is worth it if you want to reduce wait-times and save a bit if combining activitied. I recommend doing the Rockefeller -Top of the Rock-; make sure it’s in the list!
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*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。