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- Sightsee171733474140 条分享帝国大厦的标志性体验我们参观了纽约的帝国大厦,真是一个标志性的地标!从观景台俯瞰城市的壮丽景色,心中充满了震撼。大厦的铝制外立面在阳光下闪闪发光,显得格外迷人。我们还在礼品店挑选了一些纪念品,留下了美好的回忆。尽管游客很多,但这并没有影响我们的兴致。总的来说,帝国大厦是情侣们在纽约必去的地方,充满了浪漫与历史的韵味!撰写日期:2024年12月25日
- erk8010 条分享帝国大厦一日游参观帝国大厦是游览纽约市的必备项目。这座标志性建筑雄伟壮观,是这座城市天际线上的一个标志性存在。 当你走进帝国大厦时,你会立即感受到它的宏伟和历史感。这座艺术装饰风格的大厦以其优雅的设计和令人印象深刻的高度而闻名。乘着快速的电梯上升到观景台,你可以欣赏到纽约市令人惊叹的全景。 从帝国大厦的观景台上可以欣赏到令人叹为观止的城市景观。曼哈顿的摩天大楼伸向远方,中央公园就像一块翠绿色的绿洲。从洛克菲勒中心到自由女神像,你可以看到纽约市的标志性地标。在晴朗的日子里,你甚至可以看到更远的地方,看到新泽西和纽约的其他地区。 然而,在夜幕降临的时候,帝国大厦才真正展现出它的魅力。大厦的顶端被灯光照亮,在天空中闪耀。观看灯光秀是一种令人着迷的体验,当大厦在不同的颜色和图案中闪烁时,它似乎在和城市对话。 帝国大厦不仅仅是一个景点,它也是纽约历史的一部分。了解这座大厦在历史上扮演的角色,以及它如何成为纽约市天际线的一部分,增加了它的魅力。它于1931年完工,是当时世界上最高的建筑,成为纽约力量和雄心的象征。 参观帝国大厦是一次真正令人难忘的经历。它不仅仅是欣赏美景,而且是感受纽约精神。大厦体现了纽约市的活力、雄心和不朽。无论你是第一次访问纽约还是多次访问,帝国大厦都将为你提供一个独特的视角,让你领略这座城市令人难以置信的魅力。 作为纽约的地标性建筑,帝国大厦绝对值得一游。它是一种令人着迷的体验,让你对这座城市有了更深的了解和欣赏。撰写日期:2024年8月19日
- AndreZhangSH0 条分享曾经是世界第一高楼2017年9月19日来的。 帝国大厦建于美国走向世界霸权的开端,而且曾常年霸占世界第一高楼的宝座,可以说是游览美帝的不容错过的景点。 大楼位于曼哈顿中城的中心位置,上观景台可以360°鸟瞰整个曼哈顿,以及周边的新泽西、纽约、康涅狄格等州的风景。不过现在国内乃至全世界比它高的摩天大楼多了去了,风景和视野也是不遑多让,所以,现在上来的意义恐怕就没那么大了。 是不是要上来看一眼,大家见仁见智吧。撰写日期:2024年12月21日
- MINMIN G0 条分享第一次体验电子票很方便,人不多,风景超好看 102最好提前买好,误以为包含了,乌龙了一会 还预定了餐厅,以为是在80楼,没想到在一楼 第一次来纽约,风景很棒撰写日期:2023年7月15日
- Floret3290 条分享值得一游第二次来了,天气很好,人很多,景色很美,拍了很多照片。 向南可以看到自由女神像(较远),向北可以看到中央公园,向东可以看到泽西城,向西则有布鲁克林区皇后区,如果晚上来,夜景应该也很漂亮,留着下次来再看。撰写日期:2022年7月27日
- yufreenyc0 条分享值得一游疫情舒缓后重新开放,来这游览只能网上买票且门口要测体温且佩戴面罩才能上。现在人不多,买普通票就可以,服务人员很友好。电梯最多一次坐四个人,在80层换乘电梯到86层观景台,向南可以看到自由女神像,向北可以看过中央公园,向东可以看到泽西城,向西则有布鲁克林区皇后区。当前的曼哈顿车流不多,傍晚景色很好,一切都会恢复的。撰写日期:2020年7月27日
- sys200000 条分享必到景点之一来到纽约,除了时代广场,帝国大厦就是另一个非去不可的景点。帝国大厦出名的就是到它的顶楼观景台看一下360度的纽约。但是因为人很多,所以用了差不多一小时排队上去,上去拍照拍了15分钟就看完了。撰写日期:2020年2月15日
- sky2033620 条分享增加不合安检物品处理选项我不慎携带瑞士刀前往参观,安检人员认为不合规定,说明对于不合安检物品处理2个选项:1.带回原住处、2.丢弃至垃圾桶,我不得已将瑞士刀丢至垃圾桶,但认为实属不合理;请尽速增加第3选项-3.暂存于服务台或储存柜;相信一定可以做得到,也达到服务至上的目标。撰写日期:2020年2月1日
- KangeH0 条分享夜景很棒终于来到电影中常出现的帝国大厦,楼上可以看到曼哈顿全部的景色,这次选择晚上上去,景观台上有很多望远镜可以遥望远方可能白天比较适合,不过夜景直接看也是很美的,商品部的商品设计的也很有特色。撰写日期:2019年12月20日
- hsinfenl0 条分享太美的景色我在下午约五多点的时候到达帝国大厦。刚好可以上去87楼看到美丽的夕阳、从它ㄧ开始到日落、把整个天空照的非常的美、彩霞伴随夕阳有不同颜色的变化、让我心里非常的激动澎湃。待了1个多小时。曼哈顿建筑物和街景实在是非常的漂亮、我不得不佩服美国的强大。极力推荐此行程。撰写日期:2019年10月18日
- 1104tort0 条分享Mr Mrs Holt我们玩的非常开心。所有员工都非常友好且乐于助人,就是排队有点困难,因为我老婆腿不方便,但除此之外都很好。撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- Corina G0 条分享太贵了景色很美,但是不值票价。我对他们展示的东西一点都不感兴趣。除了外边的风景,没什么值得看的。撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- suwans45900 条分享曾是世界最高建筑的鸟瞰图我得到了参观这座建筑的机会。这座建筑有自己的故事。壮观的景色,组织良好的员工安排我们的小组通过电梯。电梯很快,非常有效率地带我们去了瞭望台。我真的很喜欢360度的纽约景观,结构良好的大道和街道周围的高楼大厦让人惊叹不已!一定要参观,强烈推荐!!!撰写日期:2019年9月29日
- MichaelaB82280 条分享非常好——没有失望最后一次精彩的假日之旅——帝国大厦没有让人失望。组织得很好,信息丰富,有趣,而且由于是晴朗的一天,阳台的风景非常美…绝对是游客清单上的一个!撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- Strictlyfan0 条分享人很多,但是值得一游我担心我们拿不到票,因为没有预定,不过还好拿到了。我们是在一个周四的上午10点来的,然后径直走了进去。这里的门票和纽约的其他东西一样贵,但是在去瞭望台上的途中的展览做得很好。一旦你上到顶楼,每个人都争先恐后地拍照,这里就变得异常拥挤。排队搭电梯下楼的的队伍比上电梯时要长得多,但工作人员非常乐于助人,彬彬有礼,而且组织得很好。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
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Emily E
1 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
The Empire State Building is an absolute must-visit! The friendly and accommodating staff ensure a seamless experience from start to finish. The journey to the top is as memorable as the destination, with engaging and informative exhibits along the way. Once you reach the observatory, the panoramic views are nothing short of breathtaking—especially at sunset, when the city skyline glows. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a local, it’s an unforgettable way to experience the beauty and magic of New York City!
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We love this so much!! Thank you so much! We are so happy you enjoyed your experience with us!! We wish you a very happy and successful 2025!
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Kel H
澳大利亚巴瑟尔顿26 条分享
We booked for the sunrise tour, but unfortunately we had no view at all due to the weather. We still went up and took photos, but was very surprised to receive a pass to return on another day to see the view. We were not going to be in New York when they next ran the sunrise tour - but we were very happy to choose when we went back. The pass we were given was a fast pass, so we even got to skip the queues.
Fantastic service
Fantastic service
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We are absolutely thrilled to hear this! Of course we want to help as much as possible when Mother Nature doesn't agree with us. We are so happy everything worked out in the end. Thank you so much for choosing to spend some of your valuable NYC time with us! All the best to you!
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Stefan Varga
马耳他459 条分享
We have actually booked the sunset viewing and of course it gets super busy around this time but it’s truly worth it. Unlike OWTC, this building has much more character and the outdoor viewing is truly something else. Try to book the first viewing as the crowds get bit too much at certain times.
They also offer a dinner package with a restaurant downstairs and I think the food was fabulous
They also offer a dinner package with a restaurant downstairs and I think the food was fabulous
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We appreciate your kind feedback! Thank you so much for choosing to spend some of your NYC time with us here at the Empire! We are so appreciative! Have a great 2025!
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西班牙Barbate666 条分享
We booked tickets to watch the sunset on the empire stage and we were not disappointed. It had stunning views of Manhattan
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We have the best sunset views in the city! We are so glad you enjoyed everything! Thank you for coming!
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Anna D
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
I had the best experience here with my family! From start to finish, everything was exceptional. The staff is incredibly friendly, making you feel right at home. Kevin, in particular, was a pleasant surprise—he was not only sweet but also very helpful throughout our visit. It was such a joy exploring the building and interacting with such great people. Highly recommend this place for anyone looking to have a wonderful time with loved ones!
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We love to see this! It makes us so happy that you had such a wonderful experience with us! We are so grateful for your kind words, and we will be sure to pass along all your compliments to Kevin and the rest of the staff! We hope 2025 is amazing for you!
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德国Sasbach am Kaiserstuhl5 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
A magnificent 360° view of NY. We went around 16:30 to see the sunset. Beautiful images of the construction of the building.
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Merci!! We are so glad you came to spend some time with us during your trip! Thank you for your feedback! We are thrilled you had a great time!
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Betic L
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
Beautiful monument, to do once in a lifetime, it was really interesting with a small museum to begin with, then there is the view that was breathtaking!!
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Thank you so much!! We have to agree that we are the best in NYC, for sure!! You haven't done NYC if you haven't done the Empire State Building!! Thank you, again!!
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阿联酋迪拜101 条分享
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侣
The Empire State Building is a must-visit! The views from the top are breathtaking, showcasing NYC in all its glory. Well-organized with helpful staff, and the historical exhibits add depth to the experience. Go early or late to avoid crowds. A classic NYC landmark worth every moment!
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We agree with everything you said! We so appreciate all the kind words you said, and we are so happy you had a great experience! Thank you so much!
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William C
6 条分享
The view was breathtaking! I went with my friends for the first time, and we were all thrilled to see the stunning cityscape of New York from the top of the building.
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We are so thrilled to hear that you had a memorable experience with your friends! There's nothing like making lifetime memories with people you love, and we are so honored to be a part of that with you and your crew! Thank you for coming!! We wish you a happy holiday season!
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Cerine F
1 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
An incredible, sensational view. If you want to see enough. The staff is very attentive. We still can’t believe it.
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Thank you so much for your visit to the Empire State Building! We will be sure to let our staff know about your kind words!
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Are there only a few dates a month? I’m looking at June but there are no dates open.
Hi there well how you have got no dates for June im 68 yr and me and my Half Brother Peter we went to New York for 60th Birthday June 22nd and we were hear for 14 days and the Empire State Building was open we have never known it to close unless there
is work going on find out hope this helps you OK
Steve W
HI Paula N sorry i realised it's The Empire State Building
well yes its an amazing place to visit and its open every day
from 8.am to early hours in the next morning because you can
visit Night time you will really enjoy OK . You will have no problem for November.
Steve W
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