Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。

年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 999 人
用时: 1–2 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况

  • 同时体验新奥尔良鬼屋之旅和泡吧
  • 了解法国区历史地标背后的故事
  • 使用真正的超自然探测设备,亲自尝试幽灵探秘
  • 一路上在导游为您精心选择的当地酒吧购买饮料(自费)

  • 地导
  • 团体游
  • 小费
  • 饮料

请于您结账时所选择的时间前往 Vieux Carre 与您的导游会和,这里也被称为法国区,是美国最古老、最富情调的社区之一。漫步游览克里奥尔式住宅和众多历史地标,例如杰克逊广场上的圣路易斯大教堂,以及 1803 年路易斯安那购地案签署地点。 法国区也以鳞次栉比的酒吧而闻名,因此您可以在多家酒吧稍作停留并购买外带饮料(自费),这真要感谢该市较为宽松的禁酒法令。 您的导游还会为您讲述有关吸血鬼、幽灵和巫术仪式的故事,让您深入了解新奥尔良的黑暗历史。参观有闹鬼传闻的房屋,并尝试使用真正的超自然调查员所使用的探测设备,包括电磁场仪表。 旅程在原出发地点结束。 如果您更喜欢私人体验,可升级至私享团。

  • 941 Bourbon St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
    旅游团在传奇拉菲特铁匠店酒吧 (Legendary Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar) 前的人行道上集合和出发,该酒吧位于 941 Bourbon Street New Orleans Louisiana 70116。 游览不在拉菲特铁匠酒吧内集合。请在酒吧附属庭院门口的人行道上与导游会合
  • French Quarter, New Orleans, LA, USA

  • 无障碍通道
  • 婴儿车可入内
  • 允许携带服务型动物
  • 靠近公共交通
  • 交通工具有无障碍设施
  • 表面有无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:9349P23

  • 您将在预订时收到确认信息
  • 大部分旅行者都可以参加
  • 如有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们联系。条款和条件 当客人购买一张或多张门票时,即表示他们同意以下条款和条件。费用包含 - 门票、当地导游、徒步 游览持续时间:游览时间大约为 1 到 2 小时。提供的所有旅行均为中等节奏的徒步旅行。持续时间各不相同,并且可能会持续更长的时间,具体取决于酒吧内的等待时间。一些酒吧可能很忙,会在很大程度上延迟行程 排除 - 小费(推荐) 沿途可购买饮料 集合/出发地点:在人行道上集合,位于拉菲特铁匠店酒吧 (Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar) 旁的庭院门口,位于 941 Bourbon Street New Orleans Louisiana 70116。请在出发时间前几分钟到达并与导游联系。游览不在拉菲特铁匠铺酒吧内集合。我们与位于该地址的 Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar 无关。旅游团按预定时间出发。客人必须在旅游出发前几分钟办理登记,并在预定出发时间随旅游团离开。导游在旅行团出发后无法接听电话,因为我们当时正在为旅行团导航并进行解说,因此我们无法使用手机来带领旅行团。迟到者将不予退款。如果您迟到,请在行程安排出发前联系我们,以便我们尽力帮助您在出发时间之前办理登机手续或重新安排您的行程。我们将尽力为您重新安排下一次有空位的旅行。如果客人迟到几分钟,导游将不会再出现在集合出发地点,因为我们会按预定时间出发。请在旅行出发前联系我们,以避免任何有关迷路/迟到的问题。每次旅行开始时都会在集合地点拍摄带有时间戳的照片。出发时间备注 - 时间可能会因当地交通状况而发生变化。我们保留针对可能出现的某些情况延迟和/或重新安排旅行的权利。如果旅行延迟,我们将通过短信和或电子邮件通知客人。这种情况有时会发生,因此我们能够联系您并更新更改非常重要。短信是我们用于所有更新(包括任何更新、延迟或取消)的最常用通知方法。预订代理或旅游团将不予退款(因任何原因,包括天气)。这包括新奥尔良、路易斯安那州或世界其他地方的天气。不要要求退款,我们确实喜欢拒绝退款,但如果要求的话我们会的。雨天政策——旅游无论晴天还是雨天都可参加。客人应针对我们当前的天气类型做好准备。诺拉的天气可能非常热,但也可能非常冷。如果旅行被取消 - 所有取消通知都将出现在我们的网站、社交媒体上,并且我们将向所有在预订时留下准确有效手机号码的客人发送短信通知。预付费旅游将获得未来旅游的积分。我们保留因恶劣天气或任何其他天灾而取消或重新安排旅行的权利。所有游览仅供娱乐目的。不保证您在这次旅行中会遇到任何超自然现象。不幸的是,我们无法在旅行期间随时随地创造幽灵/超自然生物!这包括非物质实体,例如天使、鬼魂、吸血鬼、恶魔、神和灵魂。如果它不是人类,我们不能保证您会看到它。我们的旅行很现实!不会以任何理由提供退款或赔偿。这包括抱怨没有看到鬼魂或超自然生物的客人。我们不会给潜在客人或活跃门票持有者带来看到鬼魂的虚假希望。客人在我们的旅行中拍摄了超自然现象的照片,所以请放心,我们绝对有可能没有闹鬼。我们有一个照片相册,其中包含来自客人的照片的文字,这些照片在照片中捕捉到了超自然现象,如果您有兴趣,请查看它们!行程如有更改,恕不另行通知。我们保留更改任何/所有旅游信息和路线的权利。本次旅行中提供的所有信息均为公众所知,并由作者/导游通过研究收集。所有游览都将在公共财产上进行,不得进入私人财产。不得进入私人场所。旅游团、导游、旅游/预订代理和所有其他旅游工作人员不对持票人的安全负责。对于由于游览路线沿途陈旧、不平坦和破旧的街道和人行道而造成的个人物品丢失或被盗或任何伤害,我们概不负责。参与者被警告不要阻塞人行道或街道。对于由此产生的任何后果或在旅行期间未能遵循任何其他指示,我们不承担任何责任。旅游门票持有者将在整个旅游期间与他们的团队在一起。不得离开团体拍照。导游不能阻止旅行团让客人停下来走开拍照。导游必须遵守时间表。需要适度的速度才能按时完成游览路线。旅游门票持有者将遵守旅游工作人员制定的指南。旅行社、导游和其他旅游工作人员保留随时拒绝向任何人提供服务的权利。旅游门票持有者可以在旅游期间饮用酒精饮料。但为了所有客人的安全,旅行社保留拒绝为极度醉酒或有极度醉酒迹象的乘客提供服务的权利。如果您的旅行因此被取消,您将无权获得退款。旅游门票持有者将尊重私人财产的隐私,不会侵入私人财产。请不要在私人住宅按门铃。法国区是一个社区,我们要求每个人都尊重居民。旅游门票持有者可以在旅游期间使用超自然设备。游览开始时必须检查超自然设备。对于任何丢失、损坏或缺失的设备,将收取 250 美元的费用。请不要掉落设备。在客人离开旅游团之前,必须检查超自然设备并将其归还给工作人员。如果您对设备感兴趣,您必须到达办理登机手续并索取设备。您需要提供您的姓名、电话号码、地址和预订参考号。在检查超自然设备之前必须收到此信息。所有超自然设备均通过 GPS 进行标记和跟踪。除非得到其中一位导游的授权,否则 18 岁以下儿童不得在没有父母或监护人陪同的情况下入场。请记住,并非所有酒吧都允许儿童进入。游览路线沿线设有外带酒吧/窗口,供不想进入酒吧的任何人使用。游览期间不允许使用音频或视频录制设备。可以拍照并鼓励!最低数量适用。如果没有足够的乘客满足要求,确认后有可能取消。本次旅行的预订截止时间为预定出发前一小时。请注意,在预订截止时间,如果未达到最低人数,旅游将被取消,我们将在旅游预定出发前一小时通过电话、短信或电子邮件与您联系。如果发生这种情况,我们将向您提供替代方案或全额退款。对于因旅行取消而感到不便的顾客,我们不会提供额外补偿。知道这次旅行有可能被取消的客人可能希望有一个备用计划,以防这次旅行在最后一刻取消。如果您对旅行有任何问题或投诉,请在旅行期间告知我们。如果您有任何投诉,请不要等到旅行结束后才通知我们!我们自 2014 年创建并经营这家旅游公司。多年来我们取得了成功,并努力为客人提供最好的旅游。我们的首要任务是提供非凡难忘的体验。所有销售都是最终的,并会产生 100% 的取消罚款。门票先到先得。门票不会被搁置。谢谢。我们感谢我们的客人!观光旅游 - 醉酒历史之旅 - 巫毒之旅 - 幽灵之旅 - 吸血鬼之旅 - 超自然之旅 - 传奇之旅和神秘之旅
  • 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
  • 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
  • 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 999 人

  • 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。

如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:9349P23



  • 941 Bourbon St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
    旅游团在传奇拉菲特铁匠店酒吧 (Legendary Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar) 前的人行道上集合和出发,该酒吧位于 941 Bourbon Street New Orleans Louisiana 70116。 游览不在拉菲特铁匠酒吧内集合。请在酒吧附属庭院门口的人行道上与导游会合
  • 1
  • 2
  • French Quarter, New Orleans, LA, USA

4.5 分,共 5 分57 条点评

Stacey E
28 条分享
1.0 分,共 5 分
Tour was canceled.:( The guide did offer to refund, haven't seen that yet. Car trouble was the reason. Guide did offer 9 pm tour but we were unable.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。

Steve R
1 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年6月 • 好友
This tour made our trip to New a
Orleans absolutely amazing. We laughed so much and had so much fun and learned a lot during the tour. It lasted for around 2 hours and there was not a moment of boredom. I spoke with Ashli the lady who owns the company and she’s a riot! She helped us plan our trip down to the parking spot and checked in on us. The guide Coty was awesome. He was attentive with a great personality full of enthusiasm and information regarding the city. This tour cannot be missed out on. I knew it was going to be fun but I couldn’t have anticipated just how great it was. Thanks guys!! We look forward to seeing yall again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。

Denise G
2 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
Cory was very informative and entertaining! We enjoyed ourselves very much and highly recommend the experience to anyone interested in the eerier side of NOLA
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。

Alaric j
俄亥俄辛辛那提2 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2022年12月 • 好友
I think the drunk part took over lol at one point my buddy snapped a picture of me licking the frost off the outside of a frozen hand grenade bottle Good times Good times hahaha we visited many cool and unique locations that we would have never known about between bar stops... The bars omg they had the best drinks... The most memorable part of our trip to the big easy... Their motto about learning is intoxicating is very true we learned so much about the French quarter and it's many buildings monuments vars and the people all thou I may not have retained it all hahaha we had the fines of our lives
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。

Missy L
1 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
Coty was a FANTASTIC guide! He knew so much great information about every building I asked. Such a great way to spend the evening and see the French Quarter. Loved it!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。

内华达拉斯维加斯3 条分享
4.0 分,共 5 分
My friends and I really enjoyed this tour! Cody was a terrific guide. Personable and funny, not a snooze fest! I do wish it was a bit longer, to see more things and learn more History. Plus we only stopped at one bar for about 15 minutes (The time it took to get a Hurricane as it was packed, and to use bathroom.) So the term "Drunk" doesn't really apply! (The Hurricane was strong, but that was towards the end!) That being said, I am so glad that we went!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your review of the tour! Reviews like this truly make our day! I love that you said it isn’t a snooze fest LMAO I am curious about the one bar stop since the tour starts at a bar and stops at a few others that we talk about the historical background and the ghosts that lurk around on the properties. We offer drinks at each one that we stop at before heading to the next location. Lafittes Blacksmith Bar is one of the first few bars we go to. At this bar we recommend the “purple drink” as most folks call it! I’m curious which bar you received the hurricane from we recommend different drinks at each bar stop depending on what bar we are at. Regardless I’m happy to know you had fun. We genuinely enjoy showing guests around and hope to see you again soon! We understand you have many tours and tour companies to chose from and we are truly flattered and appreciate you giving us the opportunity to offer a tour to you and your crew. If you would like another tour I am always happy to discount tickets for our repeat customers! Also, if you have any suggestions please let me know! I am always a call or text away! As we always say: laissez le bon temps rouler… Let the Good Times Roll!!! Kind Regards Ashli Young (504)715-1269
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

1 条分享
4.0 分,共 5 分
Coty was a really nice and welcoming tour guide. He was super knowledgeable about New Orleans, and was happy to answer any questions we had about the city. I do wish we had more historic locations during the tour, instead of celebrity homes. And, I was under the impression this was a bar crawl, but we only went to one bar. It was a really cool old bar, and we had fun! Those are my two suggestions, but honestly, overall, I really had a great time and a lot of fun on the tour!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your review of the tour! Reviews like this truly make our day! We genuinely enjoy showing guests around and hope to see you again soon! We understand you have many tours and tour companies to chose from and we are truly flattered and appreciate you giving us the opportunity to offer a tour to you and your crew. If you would like another tour I am always happy to discount tickets for our repeat customers! Also, if you have any suggestions please let me know! I am always a call or text away! As we always say: laissez le bon temps rouler… Let the Good Times Roll!!! Kind Regards Ashli Young (504)715-1269
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

内华达里诺61 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
Awesome guide with great stories about NOLA. Funny and unique. Gave us good tips for Mardi Gras. Great pace. We enjoyed the locations we went (lots of madness and drinking - get the Hurricane).
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your review of the tour! Reviews like this truly make our day! We genuinely enjoy showing guests around and hope to see you again soon! We understand you have many tours and tour companies to chose from and we are truly flattered and appreciate you giving us the opportunity to offer a tour to you and your crew. If you would like another tour I am always happy to discount tickets for our repeat customers! Also, if you have any suggestions please let me know! I am always a call or text away! As we always say: laissez le bon temps rouler… Let the Good Times Roll!!! Kind Regards Ashli Young (504)715-1269
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

Kari B
1 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
I loved learning all of the history that goes along with the tour of the French Quarter! I was just in aw of all the information that the tour guide shared with us!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your review of the tour! Reviews like this truly make our day! We genuinely enjoy showing guests around and hope to see you again soon! We understand you have many tours and tour companies to chose from and we are truly flattered and appreciate you giving us the opportunity to offer a tour to you and your crew. If you would like another tour I am always happy to discount tickets for our repeat customers! Also, if you have any suggestions please let me know! I am always a call or text away! As we always say: laissez le bon temps rouler… Let the Good Times Roll!!! Kind Regards Ashli Young (504)715-1269
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

哥伦比亚特区华盛顿特区13 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2023年1月 • 好友
Cody was lots of fun and full of trivia as we walked around. The places we stopped for drinks were fantastic. Highly recommend this tour!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your review of the tour! Reviews like this truly make our day! We genuinely enjoy showing guests around and hope to see you again soon! We understand you have many tours and tour companies to chose from and we are truly flattered and appreciate you giving us the opportunity to offer a tour to you and your crew. If you would like another tour I am always happy to discount tickets for our repeat customers! Also, if you have any suggestions please let me know! I am always a call or text away! As we always say: laissez le bon temps rouler… Let the Good Times Roll!!! Kind Regards Ashli Young (504)715-1269
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

显示第 110 页的结果,共 57

