Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:12-99,每个团体最多 60 人
用时: 8 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 水,咖啡和茶
- 三明治选择是火鸡、烤牛肉或素食。
- 由知识渊博,经验丰富的船长讲述
- 在船上使用双筒望远镜
- 所有税费均包含在价格中
- 配有卫生间
未包含内容- 酒精饮料(可购买)
- 出发地点:
- 1412 4th Ave, Seward, AK 99664, USA出发地点:海港360酒店的Major Marine Tours报到处 地址:1412 第四大道。 苏厄德,AK 99664 如果您在游轮的早晨从安克雷奇驾车,请预留 4 小时的车程,因为苏厄德高速公路正在施工和交通拥堵。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7166P9- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 成人价格适用于所有旅客。
- 12岁以下的儿童不适合乘船游览
- 酒店提供素食选择,如果需要,请在预订时告知
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 我们的船只容量有限,无法确保我们的客人和船员能够遵循建议的社交疏导准则。
- 我们将继续保持高标准的清洁度,并在航行期间对经常接触的表面实施额外的清洁程序。
- 不建议行动不便的客人入住
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 60 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7166P9
- 1412 4th Ave, Seward, AK 99664, USA出发地点:海港360酒店的Major Marine Tours报到处 地址:1412 第四大道。 苏厄德,AK 99664 如果您在游轮的早晨从安克雷奇驾车,请预留 4 小时的车程,因为苏厄德高速公路正在施工和交通拥堵。
- 途经Resurrection BayKenai Fjords National ParkBear Glacier
- Elvis19830 条分享半日的游轮之旅我给五星的原因不是因为实际的游轮之旅,而是方便和容易取消。尽管我们很想体验这次航行,但由于大自然的原因,不得不取消了。关于在天鹅湖发生的野火的情况,我一直与基奈峡湾巡航之旅保持联系。在这段时间里,我们无法到达苏厄德。我和基奈峡湾巡航之旅的最后一次沟通是,我们在苏厄德高速公路上被耽搁了,我们还没到船就起航了。大多数被派往这些游船的护林员都被叫去救火。由于火灾超出了我们的控制范围,基奈峡湾巡航之旅毫不犹豫地取消了我们的活动,退还了我们的钱。请放心,我们将再次预定这次游船之旅。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- MyKidsRSaints0 条分享他们应该取消这次行程当我们到达办理登船时,我们被告知海浪汹涌,船可能无法完成整个行程。他们给了我们其他选择,但我们决定保持原计划,看看接下来会发生什么。也许我们很幸运。开始,只是普通的天气。之后变冷,下了雨和又阴天。是没办法看到美丽的风景的。并且不能坐在外面喝一杯饮料享受在船上轻松的时光。只能呆在船里面。在回家的时候,很多人都在睡觉。二是在波涛汹涌的水面上。我没有吐,但我感觉很不舒服。其他人则没有那么幸运。船员们正在左右分发呕吐袋。一位可怜的七岁小女孩尖叫着要回家。我为她和她的家人感到难过。这是一个漫长的六个小时,当结束时我们很高兴。如果有什么计划可以让我们从中改变的话,那就是这个行程了。好的一面是,我们到达了艾奥里克冰川,冰川真是太棒了。小块的裂冰,真是令人兴奋。我们在那里呆了20分钟,然后掉头回家。船长竭尽所能把我们带到野外。我们看到海豹,恒星海狮,海雀(如果你能在摇船上用到双筒望远镜-我的丈夫很幸运),一只秃鹰和另一只我不记得的鸟-名字以black单词开头。我们试图追上鲸鱼,但是它游的太快了,天也已经很晚了。我们没有看到这次旅行的价值所在,主要是因为天气原因,我们认为他们应该取消这一天的行程。活到老,学到老;下次我们会做出更明智的决定!撰写日期:2019年9月11日
- bjerrell0 条分享奇妙的冰川体验这次7.5小时的冰川巡航之旅真是太棒了!尽管那天下着毛毛细雨,阴天密布,但看到冰川是我们阿拉斯加之行的一大亮点。尽管海上风浪很大,船员们还是尽一切努力让乘客们感到舒适。这次旅行绝对值得一路的颠簸!一路上我们看到了海豹、水獭、海鹦和其他鸟类。午餐很好。乘客可以在船的三个高度上来回走动,以满足您的观看偏好。我妻子和妈妈大部分时间都呆在里面,而我爸爸和我则呆在外面的顶层甲板上度过了一段旅程。一定要带上你的相机和一副好的双筒望远镜。此外,如果你容易晕车,一定要服用苯海拉明或类似的药物。撰写日期:2019年9月5日
- wejosey0 条分享观赏大自然的超棒的方式这儿很容易预订,而且有大量的停车位。船员们很友好,乐于助人。在船上很舒服,并且从四面八方都能看到美丽的景色。船上食物充足而且很好,饮料也是。我们玩得很开心,带着美好的回忆回到家。撰写日期:2019年9月4日
- Meander283394390160 条分享最棒的seward邮轮船上有国家公园讲解员 很少见 伙食不错 而且是奥巴马来访时接待的邮轮公司。6个小时带我们跟踪到了三种不同的鲸鱼撰写日期:2019年8月10日
- BoardingPass7081140 条分享充满惊奇与美味 收获满满的旅程导览员极具专业知识,全程详尽解说,船长在遇到各种野生动物时,皆会停在不打扰动物的适当距离,让游客们尽兴拍照。沿途遇到了许多 海豚、杀人鲸、座头鲸、海狮、鸟类的动物,冰河景观美不胜收。船上自助餐点也非常美味,沙拉、牛排、鲑鱼排、甜点、软性饮料等皆无限供应。唯一缺点是 船舱座位稍嫌太小。撰写日期:2019年6月10日
- crd4u20 条分享独一无二我们非常喜欢我们3.5小时的巡航之旅。所有的工作人员都非常好,船长对野生动物非常了解。在我们旅行的前半段,我们拥有晴朗的天空和平静的水面。景色非常壮观,我们看到了5只秃鹰,1只友好的水獭还有2只海狮、山羊和水母。总体而言,大人们和我们的两个孩子享受在西沃德的巡航。绝对是一生中的值得拥有的一次冒险。撰写日期:2017年10月19日
- sandrafM6712OG0 条分享巡航之旅舒适、内容丰富巡航之旅的工作人员不断让我们了解信息,特别是巡护员。我们不仅看到了清单上的所有东西,还看到更多。隔间很舒适,食物美味。我们的女船长尽职尽责,我们会再次参加Major Marine Tours的巡航的。撰写日期:2017年9月23日
- julanah0 条分享一定要来旅游这次旅行真棒!我们度过了一个美丽的八月。看到很多野生动物,如虎鲸,海豹,海獭,秃头鹰,鸟,鲸鱼,还有一只黑熊!冰川非常美丽,我们可以近距离观看,船专门停下来等着大家欣赏美景,拍照等。没有人急速前进。船员们非常友好,尽一切可能确保我们看到野生动物!我们吃了自助餐,这同样使我们满意!我强烈推荐这家旅游公司,8.5小时的旅游使我们可以游览更多的地方!撰写日期:2017年9月2日
- Ansarata210 条分享惊人的服务生!!惊人的工作人员!我们进行了6小时的“复活湾”巡航。不幸的是,天气不作美。我们没有看到很多野生动物,但工作人员努力找到了2只海狮,许多海雀,几只秃鹰和2只海獭。我们确实看到了正在裂开的霍尔盖特冰川。船上的水是未经加工的,尽管工作人员在上船前建议服用抗恶心药物,但很多乘客晕船。工作人员非常出色,不断检查乘客,并尽一切努力使乘客尽可能舒适和安全。我是暂时晕船的乘客之一,我绝对会再次参加这次巡游!出色的工作人员!撰写日期:2017年8月13日
- LandMCampHill0 条分享6小时基奈峡湾国家海洋公园—最佳阿拉斯加体验因为我们的船长对工作的热情,复活湾的风景景色也感觉更加美好。你可以听到他声音的魅力。我们跟随着一条座头鲸,但是却只找到了三条小座头鲸。他的努力让他取得了一些成功,在海湾发现了野生动物。看到了秃鹰、恒星海狮、水獭和许许多多野生的鸟等等。峡湾和冰川的景色也很壮观。我喜欢经常从星座看鲸鱼,这样增加了机动性。但是海运舰艇上有一个知识渊博的船长(和三月天中稀稀落落的人群)构成了完美的一天。船本身有个双船体结构(在大浪中保持稳定),有足够的空间伸展开来。撰写日期:2017年7月22日
- Vince P0 条分享鲸鱼观赏游览检查地点不在正常的Major Marine展台,而是在酒店。我们确认的电子邮件没有具体说明,我们从来没有收到一封电子邮件,让我们知道它是在不同的地点。直到我们看到门上的字条才发现,然后匆忙赶到新的检查地点。非常令人失望,鲸鱼观赏游览时没有看到鲸鱼。船长似乎有一条路线要走,不会做任何偏差去寻找鲸鱼。当我们使用Major Marine时这已经发生了几次。我们过去使用过其他的旅游活动,他们会去寻找鲸鱼,这是一个更好的体验撰写日期:2017年4月27日
- carmina_santos_970 条分享度假这次旅程非常棒!工作人员非常谦逊友善。明年春天或者夏天我还会来一次!酒店完美,景色震慑人心!感谢所有人!撰写日期:2017年3月29日
- roccoz180 条分享4个小时的旅程因为我们的船长对工作的热情,复活湾的风景景色也感觉更加美好。你可以听到他声音的魅力。我们跟随着一条座头鲸,但是却只找到了三条小座头鲸。他的努力让他取得了一些成功,在海湾发现了野生动物。看到了秃鹰、恒星海狮、水獭和许许多多野生的鸟等等。峡湾和冰川的景色也很壮观。我喜欢经常从星座看鲸鱼,这样增加了机动性。但是海运舰艇上有一个知识渊博的船长(和三月天中稀稀落落的人群)构成了完美的一天。船本身有个双船体结构(在大浪中保持稳定),有足够的空间伸展开来。撰写日期:2017年3月17日
- Anna M0 条分享对于冰川和野生动物来说,这次巡游是最好的在7.5小时的游览之中,我们有时间去真正接近冰川,看和听他们吱吱和生崽子。我们还看到了鲸鱼、水獭、虎头海狮,海豹,海雀,和鹰。较大的游船(后来在我们的行程)不能比较。这艘较小的船能使我们更接近风景和动物的生活。我女儿喜欢成为一个荣誉护林员和我们享受由产犊冰川做出的玛格丽特。真的,这次的旅行在某种程度上,适合所有的人。撰写日期:2017年1月23日
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177 条点评
Carolyn K
弗吉尼亚里士满109 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
We did the six hour boat trip, which I think was the perfect length of time. We got lucky with some beautiful sunny and calm conditions and were able to see lots of wildlife, including sea otters, Stellar sea lions, puffins, Muirs, Dall's porpoise, and even a humpback who hadn't migrated south yet. It was very cool to see the glacier as well. The boat was very comfortable and you are able to sit at seats around a table inside to stay warm whenever you want and then head out on the deck when wildlife is spotted. Definitely bundle up, it is always colder out on the water when the boat is moving and you have a breeze! Sandwich lunches leave a bit to be desired, but I did appreciated the brownies they gave us at the end :)
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Heather C
密歇根16 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Fantastic tour company. Seas were rough but they knew in advance and warned everyone before departing to take motion sickness medication. Great info provided throughout the cruise, and they went out of their way to search for wildlife. The boat captain was incredible, getting the large boat around, between and up so-close-you-could-touch-it landscapes. Crew was very knowledgeable and friendly, you could tell they love what they do. Highly recommend this company and would book another trip with them if in the area again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
威斯康星62 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
We did the Northwestern Fjord Cruise and would highly recommend. Justin and Zach did a phenomenal job keeping us informed of wildlife sightings along the way. We saw Orcas, Stellar Sea Lions, Sea Otters, Puffins and more. We felt safe the entire ride and were very pleased with the overall experience. The boat never felt overcrowded and there was space inside for everyone if one wanted.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
lucy m
26 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Great tour. Orcas, seals, puffins, mountain goats and glaciers. The captain and crew take good care of their guests. The captain also makes sure to take his time at sightings so everyone gets a viewing. It was a great day.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Paula S
3 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
Excellent, well skilled and funny guide; very personable who put us at ease and made the experience outstanding! He took awesome photos and was adept at sighting wildlife. All in all an amazing experience; it seemed way too short!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dean H
爱荷华North Liberty5 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
An excellent trip with very knowledgeable guide and captain. They were keen on getting everyone views of wildlife and the scenery, and paid special attention to a few rare birds I wanted to see!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
加拿大渥太华113 条分享
We just want to show our appreciation that this trip brought into our hearts and souls. We feel fully satisfied with our visit to Alaska because of this trip on board a cruise ship that held about 50 to 60 passengers and three crewmembers who took such good care of everyone.. thank you Scott and thank you Carson and Captain John and Captain John. The captain was amazingly knowledgable and spoke frequently about all of the nature around us and the geology and the animals and, the weather patterns, etc. of course, weather permitting, they were able to take us into the most remote little corners with glacial ice falling at our feet near the cruise ship, we felt very safe at all times. We were even served cocktails with the glacial ice that was hand, chosen and cleaned prior. We saw amazing sea otters, seals, mini species of birds, bald eagles, and a humpback whale. The captain would delicately stop the engine so we could take pictures from up close. We met with many interesting and new people all because we were encouraged by this amazing staff to speak with and sit with others. We are fully satisfied with our Alaskan visit due to this experience on the cruise ship. 🇺🇸🙏🏽
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Natalia M
加利福尼亚圣马特奥18 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Despite a rainy and windy day, our family really enjoyed this day cruise. The crew was fantastic and went above and beyond with make everyone comfortable. They were on a constant look out for wild life and spotted multiple humpback whales, sea otters, seals, porpoises, many kinds of birds, and even mountain goats. They have shared lots of information and many fun facts about wildlife, local geology, glaciers, and the Kenai Fjords National Park to help us earn more about this wonderful place. We will definitely be back!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Connie H
24 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
We took the 8.5 hour tour out to Northwestern Glacier. This tour was amazing. The time flew by! We saw orcas, humpbacks, dolphins, sea lions, bald eagles and many other birds. The highlight was watching the humpbacks bubble net feeding - we saw 15 whales doing this at once! It was a once in a lifetime experience. I'm sure all of the tours got a chance to see this but being on a smaller boat for the 8.5 hour tour was much nicer. Lunch was delicious and the crew was fantastic! If you get Zach on your tour, you are very lucky! He took the time to speak to everyone personally and share his knowledge and pictures of everything we were seeing that day!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Alicia S
6 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
I can't say enough about what a great time we had on the full day National Park Northwestern Fjords tour!
The entire crew was very professional and made everyone feel welcome and safe. We had a blast out on the water. We were able to see a lot of wildlife and the views were just breathtaking. We lucked out with the weather, but I know the crew would have made any day a great day.
Especially appreciated the fun of having a margarita made with ice from the glacier and the warm brownie that ended the cruise. Do NOT miss out on this tour. It was definitely one of the top highlights of our trip.
As a bonus, the crew kept track of where we went and what wildlife we saw as the day went on. This was in addition to the live map showing us where we were heading, and the handouts about the different types of wildlife we'd see. These were all especially helpful little touches that really made a difference!
The entire crew was very professional and made everyone feel welcome and safe. We had a blast out on the water. We were able to see a lot of wildlife and the views were just breathtaking. We lucked out with the weather, but I know the crew would have made any day a great day.
Especially appreciated the fun of having a margarita made with ice from the glacier and the warm brownie that ended the cruise. Do NOT miss out on this tour. It was definitely one of the top highlights of our trip.
As a bonus, the crew kept track of where we went and what wildlife we saw as the day went on. This was in addition to the live map showing us where we were heading, and the handouts about the different types of wildlife we'd see. These were all especially helpful little touches that really made a difference!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We will be departing our cruise ship this morning, will we be able to do this adventure and/or is there a place to store our luggage?
Please respond,
Mike T
Your FAQs state you can transfer our luggage to the cruise ship while we are on the boat tour? Is this accurate still and what is the process? (Northwestern Fjord 8.5 Hr)
Hi, I have the following questions
1. Are 5.5 year old kids allowed to do this trip?
2. What are the chances of spotting humpbacks and killer whales?
Is the tour limited to 36 or 10 people; the description says both.
显示第 1 至 9 页的结果,共 9 页
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