Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
参观华盛顿山(Mt.来自西雅图的雷尼尔国家公园。跳过长途跋涉的旅程,然后有时间在小巴上放松一下,然后停在公园的游客中心进行定向幻灯片放映。继续前往Narada Falls,Christine Falls和Mt.雷尼尔(Rainier)与导游陪伴下轻松的旅行,这个导游知道公园的最佳目的地。
年龄限制:5-99,每个团体最多 22 人
用时: 10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 包括从西雅图市中心 4 个方便的会议地点接送服务
- 乘坐气候控制的小巴
- 船上装有冰的冷却器,用于存放易腐物品
- 有时间在公园咖啡馆或杂货店购买午餐
- 当地专业导游
- 乘坐空调迷你巴士
- 巴士内有提供带冰的冷却器,以冷藏任何易腐物品
- 所有费用和税费
- 入场/门票 - 雷尼尔山
- 入场/门票 - Henry M. Jackson Visitor Center
未包含内容- 小费(可选,不包含在此行程费用中)
- 食品和饮料(您可以在杂货店或游客中心的咖啡厅购买午餐)
- 配有卫生间
- 配有 WiFi
- 酒店接载
- 不允许 5 岁以下儿童入住
- 出发地点:多个会面地点选项。
- 选项 1325 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA 98105, USA这是我们的 MoPop 接送点。请于早上 6:55 在 Harrison Street 转弯处集合。如果您在流行文化博物馆 (MoPop) 旁边的环形车道上,您就知道自己来对地方了。
- 选项 2Seattle Public Library - Central Library, 1000 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104, USA请于早上 6:40 在位于 1000 4th Ave 的西雅图公共图书馆前的 4th Avenue 集合。
- 选项 31900 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101, USA请于早上 6:50 在斯图尔特十字路口的第四大道见面。如果您在 Urban Yoga 或 Urban Coffee 标志前,您就知道您来对了地方。请在第四大道一侧。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5396MTR- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 收到确认后,请与当地服务商联系,安排从您入住的酒店或附近位置接车
- 不提供私人住宅处接车服务
- 在出发时间之前前往酒店享受车接服务。请联系当地服务提供商,获取准确的酒店车接时间
- 在瑞尼尔山咖啡厅享用午餐或在我们的杂货店购买野餐(自费)
- 建议穿着多件衣物和舒适的鞋子(温度可能在一天内发生大幅变化,从阴冷下雨到炎热天晴不定)
- 无论何种天气均出团,请穿着合适的衣物
- 交通状况和道路条件可能会改变旅游路线
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 由于交通或路况,我们可能会要求您步行几个街区以便接送或下车
- 此行程无法容纳行李
- 不建议 5 岁及以下儿童使用
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 22 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5396MTR
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- Dreamer659333902490 条分享经典打卡之旅如果是第一次来西雅图,还是可以考虑这趟旅程的。虽然各个景点待的时间都不算长,但是也可以走遍,而且只需要半天时间。 几个景点都是热门,停的时间也合理。 特别,今天的司机兼导游Bob先生服务特别好,讲解耐心且专业,由于堵车超时服务也很Nice。撰写日期:2024年8月8日
- EarlyResolution0 条分享一日快捷旅行我们刚刚结束了由我们的司机和导游Ken先生主持的三小时西雅图西北之旅。我们喜欢他的专业和表达方法,带有一点幽默,所以他得到了我们的五星评级。他在旅程中安排了几个停留点,我必须说他接送我们的过程很顺畅,我们作为团队被送到了主要景点,最后那天回来也很顺利。如果你正在考虑西雅图之旅,我推荐你来这里,希望你能和我们一样享受这次旅行。除了这次旅行,我们还游览了班布里奇岛、地下隧道和史密斯大厦,并在雷尼尔山哈雷戴维森商店短暂停留。撰写日期:2019年9月12日
- annmt10 条分享西雅图旅游。我是和另外几位很要好的朋友一起来西雅图玩的,我们当时跟了丹尼尔的团一起外出游玩。他一路上给我们讲各种笑话,同时又让我们看到了很多亮点和有趣的地方。他对这片地区及其历史都非常了解,整个旅途让我们非常享受。撰写日期:2019年8月6日
- Gayle Y0 条分享花的钱不值得!!!我们通过这家公司预定了旅行,期望得到很棒的体验!我们(从评论)读到这个波音工厂旅行非常棒,所以很激动!90分钟的行程本身很好,但是开车往返的那几个小时太痛苦了!我们每人花了89美元,却要被只知道老套的图片和益智问答游戏的罗恩队长载着,兜圈子把我们送回到错误的酒店放下来!我们永远不会再在这家旅游公司预定行程!撰写日期:2017年11月10日
- Maria S0 条分享旅程很棒昨天我们参观了3小时市区观光。导游Mark非常赞,工作负责,刚直幽默,对于西雅图的历史知识了如指掌。我喜欢了解各种知识。Mark非常热情,总是确保我们全程玩得开心。我对这趟旅程印象深刻,会向我的朋友、家人和同事推荐。撰写日期:2017年10月25日
- nautregal0 条分享浪费时间,而且和宣传不符西北之旅真的是非常糟糕的一次体验。导游甚至半途就把我们送回了,我们并没有完成全程的旅行。长时间让我们呆在杂货店和冰淇淋店里,完全就是在浪费时间。性价比实在是太低了。回程也没有把我们送回酒店,司机的服务态度真的是非常的糟糕,极其不专业。我们发送邮件抱怨了这一切,但是旅游公司的回复让我们更加火大。他们一点都没有道歉的意思,而且一点都不关心游客的感受。他们心里只想着赚钱。奉劝大家还是省下钱来自助游吧。他们只是让我们坐了一个穿梭车,并没有实质的在旅行。自己去的话虽然累一些,但是感觉是完全不一样的。撰写日期:2017年10月13日
- Kim A0 条分享波音工厂之旅导游丹尼尔非常准时,知识渊博。护送我们安全地去参观。不幸的是,我们的公共汽车在路上抛锚了,但他们把我们重新安排好了,我们得以继续整个旅程。在波音公司的工厂里,参观的细节很清楚,周围参观的一大群人很普通。撰写日期:2017年9月22日
- Bill C0 条分享很棒的游览,停靠在我们的游轮上我们乘坐了3小时的城市之旅到我们的游轮(但是,不是很正确的名字)。看到了一些很酷的东西,包括在弗里蒙特的一件事,我认为这是一个典型的错误(我不知道)。我们在每一站都有足够的时间来享受它。最后,我们和我们的行李被送到了我们的游轮上。撰写日期:2017年8月29日
- mjf512530 条分享超赞的城市纵观这真是个优秀的城市纵观。这旅程包括不同的站点,优秀的导游Yarek给了我们很多信息,和十分美丽的景致。这是个8-10人的小团队旅游,所以导游有充足的时间去回答问题,和给出更多额外的信息。我会再次参加Yarek的旅程,因为他有西雅图十分好的信息!撰写日期:2017年8月12日
- Plastic10 条分享波音工厂之旅旅游司机来酒店接我们,在西雅图的车流中导航,告诉我们关于我们经过的地方的各种各样的故事。这辆车载着20个人,非常舒适。工厂导游为我们做了充分的准备,他拥有很好地处理这个团队的问题各种能力。我们非常喜欢这家公司,在与其他乘客交谈后,我们在第二天预订了一场不同的旅行。撰写日期:2017年7月10日
- LSSretirement0 条分享3小时之旅从预订、到安排时间、到机场接机送机、都很方便,体验是一流的,很不错。3小时的旅行行程安排得很慢,去了西雅图的景点,了解到了很多信息。导游在旅行期间向我们介绍了很多信息,让我们了解了这座城市。下次来西雅图,我们一定还会毫不犹豫地再次预订此次旅行。撰写日期:2017年6月29日
- Mary C0 条分享很愉快的时光在我们乘船观光前,我们只在西雅图停留了很短的时间,Yarek是一个很不错的导游,带我们在西雅图参观,我们可以很好的了解这座城市。撰写日期:2017年6月8日
- lilycielo0 条分享我旅程中最棒的部分就是这次行程!我和我妈妈都很喜欢这次行程,这是我们整个旅途中的亮点!这是一个和很多专家一起游览西雅图的很多地方的很不错的方式。我们的司机Steve非常博学,也很友好和有趣。他到酒店来接我们,最后把我们送回酒店,我很喜欢这种方式。非常准时,服务很到位。他们的巴士很漂亮很干净。我强烈推荐这个行程!撰写日期:2016年4月27日
- warren r0 条分享3小时的城市之旅这是一次很棒的旅行。我们有一个很好的司机,他叫 LANCE,但是他的话有点多。我们看到的很多是关于 Dr Maynard的,但是不论他的名字是什么,也不论是谁发现了这座城市,总的来说,这是一次很棒的旅行。你会喜欢它的。一条反馈是,请在这里停留的久一点。撰写日期:2016年3月30日
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533 条点评
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1 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Weather was perfect. Tour guide, Erika, was knowledgable, gracious and patient with the large group. Definitely glad we went.
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Lucia M
墨西哥Tlajomulco de Zuniga1 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
The place is spectacular and really if you do not have the time to go all weekend this walk is ideal, the Guide was great, has everything really planned there are places that if he does not stop to show us we would not have seen them even if they are at the foot of the road. It is important to take into account all the recommendations he gives you, such as stopping to buy food, bring water, etc.
I highly recommend this walk.
I highly recommend this walk.
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密歇根Bloomfield Township53 条分享
It was a rainy day so, the chances of seeing the mountain were slim but, Ken, our driver gave us a great, knowledgeable and safe tour / drive of what we could see / do. It was albeit a lot of ride time but, it was very enjoyable!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Chloe G
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
My Partner & I visited Mt. Rainer on the 6th of September 2024 and the trip was absolutely amazing! We were very fortunate with the weather as it was scorching hot all day. The views on the way to Mt Rainier and Mt Rainier itself was breathtaking . Our tour guide Edumud was really friendly and a great photographer. The last stop of the excursion was the reflection lake, where to my surprise my partner got down on one knee as asked me to marry him! Making this trip a once in a lifetime experience. Would strongly recommend this trip to all and hopefully this spot on the trip may helps others who are planning to pop the question.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Jeanie N
3 条分享
The tour guide was very knowledgeable. We enjoyed all of the beautiful scenery and waterfalls. Everyone should take this tour. It was the highlight of our vacation.
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Bai K
4 条分享
We are family of four. We had a wonderful time on this tour. The weather was perfect, the route was well designed and the best of all: Ken is one of the best guides we ever encountered in our many years of travel. Ken is not your usual tour guide; he is funny, knowledgeable, humble and easy going. He is more like your friendly neighbour or the nice teacher you met in high school that is not only knowledgeable but also approachable and helpful. He made the tour a wonderful experience. Thank you very much Ken!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mary V
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Our guide was amazing and helpful, we had plenty of opportunities to take pictures and complete short hikes. The views he took us too were absolutely beautiful. He provide cooler and water and walking sticks for those who needed them. Definitely worth our while.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
宾夕法尼亚Hughesville20 条分享
Our tour guide John was very knowledgeable. Even though it was overcast and we couldn't get a close picture of Mt. Rainier. John did a great job of visiting other places to get pictures of. I would definitely recommend this tour. We would not have seen the things we did.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
3 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Tour guide Mark is amazing. Enthusiastic and very knowledgeable. Learnt alot during the trip. Very comfortable and manage to cover a number of trails along the way. Overall experience is great.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
How many hours of walking, driving and resting? I wanna know what I’m getting myself into before buying hehehe
Lots of stops along way. Drive down we went for an hour roughly then stopped to buy some lunch then another half hour to first stop. Once in the park it was lots of little drives then stops at lookouts. Can walk more or less depending on energy levels. Last stop is for once cream then push back into Seattle which was a little over an hour. We were back at a decent time too.
We did not have an official ice cream tasting stop. But we did stop for snacks at a grocery store and we had lunch up at Mt. Ranier.
This tours envolver to much walk for a 70 years old obese person. ? He Do not use any device to walk but the distance in any walk is limited. It is
There are some flat paths that are easy. There was at least one trail that was a challenge. They also have the option of staying on the bus.
Customer service at Northwest Tours are 24/7. They are extremely nice and cooperative on answering questions.
However, in my opinion, 1 (one) year old plus heat and bugs do not combine for a nice time.
Will this tour be near Myrtle Falls or at least a short hike away?
On Sunday May 22nd. here was 5 to 7 feet of snow on the trail at Paradise Park adjacent and north of the Henry M. Jackson Memorial Visitor Center, Mt. Rainier National Park. Our Tour Guide told us to stay on the well traveled snow trail. If a hiker had walked into a ravine covered with snow that hiker could possibly break through the snow shelf and sustain injuries. Myrtle Falls is probably not that far away from Panorama Point. However, I don't remember our Tour Guide saying anything about Myrtle Falls. As to the feasibility of hiking to Myrtle Falls from the Henry M. Jackson Memorial Visitor Center during a specific tour that remains a decision for the Tour Guide to make on the behalf of the tour group.
I'm in my late 70's, walk with a cane, and have limited mobility. Will I be able to do this tour? I can no longer go on hikes.
You have the option of staying on the bus and enjoy the view of this gigantic mountain.
They do stop for lunch at the lodge (paradise Falls) I think its called. You can get off the bus at the doorstep. Not that much walking to find a table and eat your lunch.
What is the earliest time the tour normally start picking people up from hotels?
I was the first to be picked up for the tour and that pick up time was set for 06:50AM
Depending on the activity level of the group AND the weather, the tour guide will make a decision on whether or not to go to the "Sunrise" side or the "Paradise" side. And within each of those sides are different hiking trails.
Approximately what time does this tour start and end? We are doing a Sunday tour.
My tour was on a weekday and was scheduled to begin at 07:30. Hotel pick-ups began around 6:50AM and hotel drop-offs were around 5:00-5:30PM
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