Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:10-99,每个团体最多 11 人
用时: 4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 从直升机上欣赏Franz Josef Glacier的壮观景色和照片
- 包括保暖衣物和安全装备
- 团体规模限制为11人,以确保个性化服务
- 三个出发时间可供选择
- 往返弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川的往返直升机航班
- 2小时15分钟(约),冰川漫步
- 所有徒步旅行装备(Gore-tex夹克,裤子,羊毛帽和手套,皮靴,冰爪)
未包含内容- 酒店接送服务
- 小费
- 前往弗朗兹约瑟夫 (Franz Josef) 的直升机大本营与导游会面并穿上保暖的衣服——您可以用夹克、裤子、帽子、手套和皮靴来补充自己的装备。 登上直升机前往弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川的观光飞行,欣赏冰原一览无余的美景,然后降落在冰川上进行冰川徒步。 跟随您的导游穿越洞穴和尖峰的冰冷景观,参观冰层森林,了解正在改变弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川面貌的环境变化。徒步旅行结束后,在返回弗朗兹约瑟夫时飞越冰川。
- 出发地点:
- Franz Josef Glacier Guides, Te Ao Marama, Glacier Base, 63 cron street Franz Josef Glacier Franz Josef Glacier, Franz Josef / Waiau 7886, New Zealand
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2524HDICE- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 最低年龄为 10 岁
- 最低体重35公斤,身高137厘米
- 建议与较年幼的孩子一起旅行的家庭在赛道更适合的情况下预订下午的旅行
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 冰川散步是中等难度,客户需要适应和能力。由于健身水平不合适而无法参加当天活动的客户将无法享受退款,即您选择适合自己体能的旅行非常重要。对于健康状况不佳的客户,指南保留缩减或取消旅行的权利
- 在大多数天气条件下操作,请穿着合适。建议使用两到四个温暖的上半身衣服,快干裤或短裤(不带牛仔裤),帽子和手套,太阳镜,防晒霜和相机
- 运营商保留以任何原因取消或更改任何服务的绝对权利,包括由于天气状况、预订不足或任何不可预见的事件或情况。这些旅行取决于天气。
- 出于健康和安全原因,我们无法为孕妇提供指导。请注意:直升机徒步旅行中每人的重量限制为 115 公斤。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 11 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2524HDICE
- Te Ao Marama, Glacier Base, 63 cron street Franz Josef Glacier Franz Josef Glacier, Franz Josef / Waiau 7886, New Zealand
- 1这是您需要办理冰川之旅的地方。
- Relax277837452830 条分享令人难忘与朋友们一起在南北群岛度假。我们决定乘直升飞机到弗朗茨·约瑟夫冰川。我们都认为这是我们假期的亮点。是难忘的一天。撰写日期:2019年7月3日
- Sunshine480812916870 条分享一次独特的经历,高度推荐这是我们在美丽的南岛之旅的最后一次活动,坐着我们非常信赖的露营车返回基督城之前,这是一种令人惊喜的结束方式。乘坐直升机去冰川的过程非常棒,从整个徒步旅行到我们在团队中遇到的人和导游,整个过程都非常完美。撰写日期:2019年5月29日
- Jac P0 条分享直升机和徒步弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川之旅这是很棒的一天-除了乘坐直升机的时间太短了。在这里徒步很棒!整个体验中的准备工作和向导都非常好。你不用走得太快,中途有很多休息点。和宣传照一样好。物有所值。撰写日期:2019年4月30日
- 923joannap0 条分享很棒的导游,神奇的经历这不仅是我第一次爬冰川(毫不奇怪),也是我第一次坐直升机。整个行程组织得很好,自始至终都有详细讲解。我们的导游奥利维亚不仅对弗朗茨约瑟夫冰川了如指掌,对周遭环境也非常了解。她很乐意回答我们的任何问题,她的答案妙趣横生。真是一次很棒的旅行和奇妙的经历。要确保你有4个半小时的时间。网站上说要在冰面上待3个小时,但要有处理停当和在冰川上上下移动的额外时间。撰写日期:2019年4月14日
- Z2927HZkateb0 条分享令人难忘一开始到那里的时候,我们确实有一点焦虑。但是后来发现,我的天哪,布莱特真的是一个见识宽广的导游。我非常喜欢在直升机上看到冰川顶部的感觉。也非常喜欢后来泡的温泉。撰写日期:2019年3月3日
- Robin W0 条分享冰川之旅很棒,但热水池的升级很失望冰川之旅很棒,我们的导游Liam知识渊博,人很有趣,是整个旅行中我最满意的地方!我们的问题在于后来的热水池,当时我们在桌子上看到一张促销卡,上面有热水池的照片和介绍。然后我询问了工作人员,出示了那张卡,预定了 当天下午晚些时候的热水池,费用是NZ$70。实际情况其实只是一个私人泳池,根本不是广告上说的那样。后来我们又去询问,工作人员告诉我需要升级才行,事先没人告诉过我,也没有在卡片上说明,所以我是被骗了吗?也许不是,但这至少意味着预定的工作人员沟通不畅。撰写日期:2019年1月30日
- Compass371407481720 条分享非常棒的一天我们今天的直升机徒步旅行真是太棒了。格雷格,我们的飞行员,带我们上了冰川。然后梅根带我们走上冰梯,穿过冰上的小隧道和裂缝。这是完美的一天,温暖的温度和一次伟大的冒险。撰写日期:2019年1月16日
- Angela M0 条分享清晨的冰川行走我们在冰川里散步,这很有趣而且收获了许多知识。我们的导游Krsto(我有点搞不清如何拼写)很棒,他的叙述使我仿佛回到了上学时的地理课,引人入胜。他还给我们讲了毛利人命名冰川背后的故事,是一个很动人的故事,我很喜欢。我推荐这次旅行,并希望你选择Krsto作导游。撰写日期:2018年12月16日
- MartinM84580 条分享上冰川第一次坐直升机就系上冰川,本身预订了早上,可惜天气不好要改到下午。大约三小时的行程,会一直上冰面上行走, 导游会讲解历史, 值得一去。撰写日期:2018年12月2日
- TohHH0 条分享冰川徒步体验导游分享许多关于景点的信息,这次徒步增长见识。唯一有点遗憾的是我们没有机会进入冰川,虽然我们理解背后的原因。撰写日期:2018年9月2日
- Kamila Z0 条分享直升机徒步(Heli Hike)今儿我在弗朗兹约瑟夫完成了直升机徒步。我真心喜欢这一行程的每分每秒,无论是在空中还是在冰上,都很喜欢。我们的导游Jara棒极了。他很照顾我们,还不时关照我们以确保我们不会受伤。他既风趣又博学。我们的飞行员也很专注。我能坐前座,而且就在飞行员旁边, 这真的很幸运啦。今天的天气也很棒,晴空万里。我超推荐这类行程的,真的值得来玩玩。撰写日期:2018年8月4日
- zeonike0 条分享一次奇妙的体验一切都很棒。乘直升机、风景、冰川徒步旅行和导游。3个小时足以捕捉到冰川的全貌和声音,这是一个非常难忘和美妙的经历。当你游览西海岸时,这里绝对是最值得推荐的景点。(唯一的缺点是能闻到的是帽子和连指手套散发出来的轻微味道)撰写日期:2018年6月26日
- Sarah C0 条分享玩得很开心,虽然正赶上下雨我步行游览了弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川。天很冷,很湿,大部分时间都在下雨,但导游让这次旅行变得超值。尽管我对新西兰的冰川、气候变化和动植物群有一些了解,但是有一个导游还是很好的。提供雨衣也算是一个小福利。虽然下雨有点遗憾,但当下的气候是可以理解的。跟着导游总体上可以更好的了解冰川和新西兰。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2018年5月9日
- julalynn0 条分享太棒了我没有计划过这次旅行,但当我看到天气很好时,我不由自主地预订了。这是我做过最好的决定! 一切都是令人难以置信的惊险。友好的导游对冰川非常了解,会告诉我们很多很酷的事!强烈推荐,我会再来的!撰写日期:2018年4月27日
- Nicjane150 条分享哈拉是一个超棒的导游我们在复活甲的星期天进行了一场直升机游览,而且很幸运的有新西兰导游为我们介绍。哈拉的专业知识非常的好,而且非常的注重安全。他们这里的安全和其他地方的谨小慎微又有着本质的区别。当然了,没有人愿意在旅行的时候受到伤害,所以注重安全是一个很好的事情。当我们在冰川上空的时候为我们介绍了很多有趣的故事。我强烈推荐冰川旅行,只是对飞行的部分不是很满意,只能飞行到三千米的高度,并不能看到冰川的全貌,当然这也是为了安全。撰写日期:2018年4月6日
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333 条点评
Sam H
哥伦比亚特区华盛顿特区2 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
This might be the most amazing thing my wife and I have ever done. The flights to/from the glacier were stunning. Walking around the glacier was absolutely mind-blowing. The formations of the ice made it feel like you were on another planet. Everything we saw felt like the coolest thing we had ever seen. The crampons made it so easy to navigate the icy terrain. Our guide, Abbie, was fabulous, confident, and full of knowledge. We were lucky to be in a small group as well so we could move faster as a group, see more, and do more exciting things. From the start, everything the company did put us at ease. There were lots of safety measures in place and we didn’t need any of them. Going early in the winter (we were in the 8:00 group) allowed us to see the glacier in the shade and then change as the sun came up. Highly recommend this trip - we were so incredibly lucky to have done it!
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Morena! Nga mihi for this amazing review - the beauty of Ka Roimata o Hine Hukatere (Franz Josef Glacier) is truly special, and we are so thrilled to hear you think the same! I will make sure to pass on these kind words to Abbey - we are very fortunate to have her on our team!
On behalf of the whole team, we thank you for experiencing our gorgeous Glacier Country, and hope you have a safe rest of your travels around Aotearoa!
Ma te wa
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7 条分享
2024年7月 • 独自旅游
Honestly the best and most surreal experience from my time in New Zealand. The tour guide was super knowledgable and friendly. Had beautiful clear skies up on the glacier and could see all the way down to the coast. Absolutely worth the price paid for it! 🥰
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Kia ora,
Nga mihi nui for this fantastic review! We are thrilled to hear you had such a great time on Ka Roimata o Hine Hukatere (Franz Josef Glacier) with us. The view all the way to the ocean is just incredible!
Safe travels on the rest of your journey of Aotearoa and we hope to welcome you back to Glacier Country some other time!
Ma te wa,
Customer Service Representative
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加拿大温哥华岛8 条分享
One of the best experiences I have ever had. Going up in a helicopter and then doing a hike in the ice for about 90 minutes in a group. The views are breathtaking and so unique.
I have never done anything like this in my life and it surpassed expectations. All the staff were also lovely and all clearly love what they do, which makes the experience even better.
Would definitely recommend to anyone visiting NZ!
I have never done anything like this in my life and it surpassed expectations. All the staff were also lovely and all clearly love what they do, which makes the experience even better.
Would definitely recommend to anyone visiting NZ!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora,
Nga mihi! Thankyou very much! It's hard to hide how much we love our job and Ka Roimata o Hine Hukatere - I don't think anyone could blame us! We are so pleased to hear that you had such a great experience, it really is once-in-a-lifetime!
We hope you have a fantastic time in Aotearoa, and welcome you back to Glacier Country anytime!
Ma te wa,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Rick Jensen
纽约州纽约市32 条分享
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侣
We did the heli-hike on a superb day with clear blue skies. The entire operation is well organized and focused on the safety and satisfaction of the clients. The short flight up to the glacier does not disappoint; views are stunning. Our guide, James, an experienced outdoorsman, took care to ensure that the entire group felt secure regardless of their experience in the mountains. We moved a bit faster than the normal program prescribes, and so James took us a bit "off piste" (but not too far)--that was fun and rewarding for all of us. A great experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora rej5175,
Fantastic to hear that you enjoyed our Glacier Heli Hike tour! We are very fortunate to have guides like James to take you around the glacier.
We hope you enjoy the rest of your tour of Aoteoroa!
Nga mihi nui!
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英国伯恩茅斯32 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
We recently did the Franz Josef Glacier HeliHike tour and had a fantastic guide Amy. I was nervous about being on the ice, but Amy soon put me at ease and was very encouraging and passionate about her job. We had an amazing experience so thank you very much Amy and the rest of the team!
Sonya and Paul
Sonya and Paul
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Kia Ora Sonya and Paul,
We are so glad to hear you had an amazing time up on our beautiful glacier with our guide Amy! She is pretty amazing isn't she, we are very lucky to have her on our team.
He rawe te noho i a koe!
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英国Epsom1,213 条分享
Franz Josef offers you the opportunity to try a Hellihike . C
Clothes supplied, a helicopter will take you to the Glacier , and with your guide your walk the glacier and climb through some ice caves .
A gentle pace, good instructions and super friendly staff .
Wow the views make it worth it , highly recommended trip .
Clothes supplied, a helicopter will take you to the Glacier , and with your guide your walk the glacier and climb through some ice caves .
A gentle pace, good instructions and super friendly staff .
Wow the views make it worth it , highly recommended trip .
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Kia Ora Sparcs07,
Ngā mihi nui for taking the time to write us a review! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your experience with us on Ka Roimata o Hine Hukatere (Franz Josef Glacier). Ka whakapau kaha matou i te mahi i roto i ā mātou kaupapa.
We appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you back again. Noho ora mai!
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Darshni P
1 条分享
2024年2月 • 好友
An amazing experience! The entire process was so smooth and all the staff, from check in all the way through to guides, were knowledgable and friendly.
We booked last minute approx 2 days before the departure date. The website was initially slow to take payment and remained on the loading screen, but we got there in the end. The team were well responsive via email.
On arrival, there is free parking on the main street and a tap to fill up water bottles. We were allocated into groups of 11, which was split across 2 helicopters. Our guide, Yula, was so fun and patient. As the first group onto the ice, we were able to stop at a sheltered part of the glacier alone and watch the sunrise over the mountain whilst she told us an indigineous origin story about the glacier - magical!
Try to factor in some breathing room into your itinerary. Some flights in the afternoon were cut short due to incoming cloud but the team are very good at communicating this as a possibility throughout. They do everything they can to maximise the experience safely.
I would thoroughly recommend this experience to anyone!
We booked last minute approx 2 days before the departure date. The website was initially slow to take payment and remained on the loading screen, but we got there in the end. The team were well responsive via email.
On arrival, there is free parking on the main street and a tap to fill up water bottles. We were allocated into groups of 11, which was split across 2 helicopters. Our guide, Yula, was so fun and patient. As the first group onto the ice, we were able to stop at a sheltered part of the glacier alone and watch the sunrise over the mountain whilst she told us an indigineous origin story about the glacier - magical!
Try to factor in some breathing room into your itinerary. Some flights in the afternoon were cut short due to incoming cloud but the team are very good at communicating this as a possibility throughout. They do everything they can to maximise the experience safely.
I would thoroughly recommend this experience to anyone!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora darshnip2024,
We are so glad to hear you had an amazing time on Ka Roimata O Hine Hukatere!
Safe travels on the rest of your journey throughout New Zealand!
Nga mihi nui
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Bontaks Travels
澳大利亚悉尼640 条分享
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侣
This adventure was so worth the money and effort to get here and do it. We were very fortunate to have the time to rebook when our first attempt didn’t go ahead due to bad weather. I highly recommend planning a few days in FJ and booking this for the first day so that you have the chance to rebook if things don’t go to plan.
I was so impressed with the safety procedures followed by this company. We knew we were in good hands when at check in they spoke to each individual who had flagged any kind of health condition to ensure that they can cater to your needs and keep you safe – from knee injuries to high blood pressure. And if you are on medication for serious health concerns, take it with you in case the weather changes quickly and you have to spend overnight on the ice (no, I’m not joking).
After our safety briefing and kitting up, we walked to the helipad where our group of 11 was split into a 6 and a 5 to be transferred in two helicopters to the glacier. They delivered us onto the massive ice formation, James Bond style, but safely! Our guide, Jimmy, knew this area intimately, his informed commentary allowing us plenty of time to pause and marvel in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The regular communication between guide team members increased when the cloud began to quickly descend, and soon we received instructions to return to the landing point before the weather prevented the helicopters from transporting us off the ice. No one wanted to spend overnight on the glacier, even though the guides are fully prepared for that possibility – tents and supplies stored in waterproof crates in an ice nook at the ready!
The entire experience was thrilling, one of the most unforgettable of our many travels.
I was so impressed with the safety procedures followed by this company. We knew we were in good hands when at check in they spoke to each individual who had flagged any kind of health condition to ensure that they can cater to your needs and keep you safe – from knee injuries to high blood pressure. And if you are on medication for serious health concerns, take it with you in case the weather changes quickly and you have to spend overnight on the ice (no, I’m not joking).
After our safety briefing and kitting up, we walked to the helipad where our group of 11 was split into a 6 and a 5 to be transferred in two helicopters to the glacier. They delivered us onto the massive ice formation, James Bond style, but safely! Our guide, Jimmy, knew this area intimately, his informed commentary allowing us plenty of time to pause and marvel in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The regular communication between guide team members increased when the cloud began to quickly descend, and soon we received instructions to return to the landing point before the weather prevented the helicopters from transporting us off the ice. No one wanted to spend overnight on the glacier, even though the guides are fully prepared for that possibility – tents and supplies stored in waterproof crates in an ice nook at the ready!
The entire experience was thrilling, one of the most unforgettable of our many travels.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora Bontaks
Thanks for taking the time to write us a great review of your experience, we really appreciate it!
We hope you are enjoying the rest of your travels around Aotearoa.
Nga mihi nui!
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20 条分享
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侣
We waited three days from our original booking date to complete the heli hike due to bad weather but it was worth the wait. The helicopter trip was thrilling and the hike on the glacier was stunning. It wasn't physically challenging and the pace was relatively slow but we thoroughly enjoyed our time on the ice, guided by Max who was very friendly and informative.
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Tena koe CGFo1234, thank you for the taking the time to write a review and we are so pleased you enjoyed your experience with us, and that the weather cleared to allow us to take you on this adventure! Enjoy the rest of your travels around Aotearoa. Ngā mihi nui.
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Matthew S
24 条分享
They did not tell me it was cancelled until I got there. I get weather happens but people should know ahead of time. If they had informed me before I literally got there I would have made other plans instead of wasting three days on standby. Best part is I am walking out a whole tour is getting ready to leave on their helicopter.
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Kia ora Sitmer
Thank you for taking the time to make a review. The weather can be incredibly frustrating and can change at short notice hence why some trips are not cancelled in advance, we do our very best to get everyone that we can up on the glacier however sometimes this is just not possible due to changes in weather, safety is always our highest priority. We do hope you enjoy the rest of your travels and everything that Aotearoa has to offer.
Nga mihi nui
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Deepika S
What company do you recommend using? Also do they check passports or IDs to confirm children’s age? Thank you!
Deepika S
What company do you recommend using? Also do they check passports or IDs to confirm children’s age? Thank you!
Hoping to book this for Mid-february. How many days did you book in Franz Josef incase for weather reasons?
What was your back up plan incase bad weather led to a cancellation?
Vanessa H
While the hikes and helicopter ride all sound amazing, my 9 year old son especially wants to see/touch snow. Is this part of the experience or is it just walking on frozen ice? We will be there at the end of March.
We did the helicopter flight, and landed on the snow... it was not the help-hike adventure, just the glazier view with landing. ask the booking desk
Do you mean where is the helipad? It’s a short walk from the information centre and centre of Franz Josef Village. We stayed over in the village so didn’t need a pick up from our hotel so if that is what you meant then you will need to enquire directly with the organisers. Hope this helps
I booked for the morning - the first tour of the day. From my understanding this is the better time of day to go as low clouds can build in as the day goes on.
sharon w
hello, we are a family group of seven people from Hong Kong.
there are 4 elderly we accompany with,
just want to know if they feel tired to walk during the trip,
is it possible to wait there to wait for the trip ends?
is it a round trip that we drop off from the helicopter
and after about 2 hours we wait for the helicopter at the same place?
The helicopter takes off from a spot near the office, and lands on the glacier. After the walk, the helicopter would pick up up from the same spot on the glacier, and take you back to ground level near the office.
Best to check with the organisers of the trip, if people can wait by themselves unattended if they feel tired on the glacier.
Hi, I am interested in taking the family on the Heli-Hike Franz Josef Glacier Walk in early December to experience a hike through the snow caves and crevices. Some of the information says its best to go on the Heli-Hike tour in winter, if I book the tour in December will there still be ice caves to explore or do they start melting? Also is there a high chance of cancellation due to unpredictable rainy weather in December? Thanks
Best to check with the provider. Remember Southern Hemisphere so December is not winter there. Ice changes daily so what you explore will depend on condition. All year round experience so will still be really good. Totally weather dependent so again, just down to conditions when you are there. Amazing experience of you get up there.
Hi, I am curious about the arrangements for toilet breaks. How will these be managed? I assume there will be people who will need to heed the call of nature during the 3 hour hike.
Also, I am not terribly fit. How fit do you need to be? Is an afternoon hike really less strenuous? Thanks.
I think the challenge is not so much an endurance or strength one as it is technical. If you can handle a hike through the woods for a few hours you've probably got the fitness level required. If you have any balance issues, difficulty climbing or perhaps claustrophobia, maybe this one's not for you.
As for the call of nature, just make sure you go before getting on the helicopter. Oh, and don't drink too much coffee before hand!
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