7晚Yasawa Islands斐济游轮
7晚Yasawa Islands斐济游轮
供应商/业主为:Captain Cook Cruises
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:5-99,每个团体最多 120 人
用时: 8 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 早餐
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- 午餐
- 午餐
- 早餐
- 晚餐
- 带导游的岛屿和乡村漫步
- 与我们的海洋生物学家一起进行浮潜和玻璃底游船之旅
- 使用水上运动设备,包括皮划艇、站立板和迷你健身房
- 酒店下车
- 午餐和晚餐期间供应当地自酿啤酒、葡萄酒、软饮料和果汁
未包含内容- 酒店接送
- Padi 5 星级潜水和水疗护理(可购买)
- 出发地点:
- Denarau Island, Denarau Island, Viti Levu
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5382P5- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 120 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5382P5
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第 8 天
- sarahjameel0 条分享很棒的旅程,奇幻的海滩服务员很不错,位置也很好!海滩很难以形容。我绝对推荐你来这里。撰写日期:2019年9月7日
- foo020 条分享一般的外出的一天我们登上高高的船去了提瓦岛。那天风很大,真不幸。我丈夫做了一次沉船潜水。天气变幻莫测,那天的视线也不太好。没有足够的遮阳棚供每个人使用。午餐很好。我想潜水,但天气不允许。在回来的路上,他们在船上挂了一个帆,很酷。在旅途中来回,可以享用茶和咖啡以及饼干。工作人员在唱歌,做卡瓦仪式,做一些修补工作,这是看起来很棒的。我在岛上做了一次按摩,由于没有隐私保护,有点不舒服,还有一位女士脱下我的泳衣。要是有墙就好了,所以这只是还行的。撰写日期:2019年9月6日
- Susan H0 条分享在Reef Endeavor呆着的一周简直棒极了,非常壮观我们真心享受此趟行程的每一刻。船员,当地的友好,以及岛上的无敌美景,都将长久留在记忆深处。为了保护这些礁石,我们专门买了EcoStinger的全身泳衣套装,面料UV防晒指数达到50+,这样我们浮潜的时候就不会因为要涂防晒霜而污染水质了。回去之后也没感到疲惫,身心放松,而且依然是斐济时区。撰写日期:2019年8月27日
- 91brittnim0 条分享很棒我们的库克船长巡航一日游非常棒。船只巡游岛屿十分有趣,还可品尝Kava、唱歌、享用美味点心。小岛是私人的,很美,有午餐供应、开放式酒吧、按摩!我们的导游李,非常棒。他和船员让我们感觉受到无比热情的欢迎,我们仿佛成为家庭的一份子。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年8月21日
- DandJ_Melbourne0 条分享最好的晚餐巡航去斐济旅游一定要试试晚餐巡航。我们每次去都会吃。船员们欢迎我们回到床上,很迅速地给我们上了饮料,在日落开始前,主持人还给我们讲故事。进去室内吃了很不错的晚餐,吃完后还有当地人跳舞和船员一起跳舞助兴,客人也一起参加和开心。这是去斐济的旅程中一定要尝试的活动。撰写日期:2017年10月23日
- Michell C0 条分享日落晚餐,巡航斐济!我能说什么!这是迄今为止经历过最好的一次乘船游览晚餐!我们喜欢这种娱乐,尤其是马克!他和他的船员们都很出色!那里的食物非常美味,日落真令人惊叹!他们跳起舞,让我们大家都站起来一起跳,不让我们坐下来,直到马克说那太棒了!很值得去做,建议去斐济的人去试试这个,是的,我们将会回到日落巡航,即使马克说不要回来!哈哈!对不起,我们要回来了!撰写日期:2017年8月30日
- Slav K0 条分享船长库克晚餐巡航我和朋友在这次游轮晚餐上玩得很开心。我们的主人马克非常有趣,使我们的夜晚成为了来斐济丹娜拉7年来度过的最愉快的夜晚之一。食物都很亮美味,娱乐活动也是极好的,所有的工作人员包括可爱的船长也和客人一起分享他们美好的时刻。如果我们明年回来的话,一定会再次举办这次晚宴,希望有同样出色的工作人员给我们留下美好的回忆与我们的朋友分享。很棒的工作。八月11日!撰写日期:2017年8月11日
- Tarquin W0 条分享海岛一日游很高兴能和库克船长一起开展我的斐济岛游历之旅。船上的工作人员非常专业,对乘客表现出极大的爱。午餐非常棒!岛上有很多活动,而且有很多可以放松身心的地方。撰写日期:2017年6月29日
- vakalalaburem0 条分享晚餐之旅一登船就会发现这个BULA游轮是如此的令人吃惊,Bula Smilesfrom的工作人员会跟你打招呼。员工如此的惊人,他们倾向于满足你所有的需要。娱乐是极好的并且食物是美味的。你可以想吃多少就吃多少。总的来说,体验是可爱的。谢谢队Captain Cook Cruisesfor所有伟大的服务人员。我高度推荐这晚餐之行给每一个人。如果你想体验他们的可爱的服务。不要犹豫,打电话或和他们预定。你不会失望的。撰写日期:2017年6月9日
- Opal280 条分享斐济全日游真是乐趣多多!这是我所体验过的最棒的全日游!潜航,单桨冲浪,玻璃海底船还有巴菲特的午餐是一整天的安排。这整个岛都是我们的。我七岁的孩子闹了一阵,不愿意从岛上下来。这儿的水如水晶般清澈,温暖,鱼儿们离海岸如此的近。我们甚至看到了一只年轻的礁鲨离海岸就几米远。员工和船上工作人员都非常好,让我们感到自己是受欢迎的。我强烈推荐库克船长全日游。撰写日期:2017年5月20日
- Hewee0 条分享风景和娱乐设施都很棒!我们在斐济的最后一晚,我们作了黄昏乘船之旅,我们玩的最开心!船上的人刚刚好,我们不会挡到人们或者他们的事业。Mark的解说信息量很足,也很风趣——他真的是很非凡,很热情,很有天分!我们的自助晚餐很丰盛,很想再来一盘——尽管我们喜欢更多色拉菜品!酒和岛上其它餐馆的差不多。日落非常美,我觉得这是饭后娱乐最棒的部分之一。我们喜欢这里的歌唱以及舞蹈,Mark又崭露了头角!看观众的参与度,每个人都玩的很开心!感谢这一个超级棒的夜晚!撰写日期:2017年4月26日
- Bernie S0 条分享黄昏乘船之旅为了庆祝我60岁生日,我们参加了黄昏乘船之旅,感觉非常开心。夕阳非常漂亮,海面宁静无波,员工热情友好,食物美味可口,设施齐全的酒吧,背景音乐斐济歌优美动听,歌舞表演超赞。和伴侣一定不要错过这趟行程。撰写日期:2017年4月8日
- Geoff M0 条分享天堂般的小岛屿这是极好的一天!在帆船上感觉非常棒。船员们都很出色,让我们感受到了快乐。岛田园和浮潜都是很好的项目。午餐很美味和丰富,也有免费饮料。撰写日期:2017年3月17日
- JAB38500 条分享梦幻般的一天!!我们继续坐船在这里游玩,度过愉快的时光。船员们很出色,很有礼貌,乐于助人。李是最了不起的导游。他很善良,对我们这些想去潜水但不自信的人很有耐心!!!一整天都很愉快,没有什么可抱怨的。我们强烈推荐这次旅游。下次我们去斐济时,我们一定会再去的。撰写日期:2017年2月10日
- Adrian S0 条分享在游轮上的悠闲午餐我和妻子这次假期中请到了布拉做我们这次的导游,她是最佳导游之一。悠闲轮船游的员工都很好,他们努力为顾客服务... 他们为客人和孩子们表演了很多节目,唱歌、吉他表演、斐济传统歌曲等等。在我们下潜时还给我们指出漂亮的珊瑚礁。能喝上一杯时给我们拿来了饮料... 这半天很开心。岛上有很多树荫可以休息,还有娱乐项目可以游玩。我想玩一整天应该更适合,能愉快地在船上吃一顿午餐。我们还会回来的—谢谢!撰写日期:2017年1月14日
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42 条点评
3 条分享
2024年2月 • 家庭
After staying at a hotel for two nights made our way to Denerau Port to board our Capt Cook Cruise for Yasawa Is on the Saturday morning to be told there was a mechanical problem, we weren’t going, but come back Monday.
Taxi back to Hotel to rebook in.
Monday booked out & taxi back to port for embarkation. Not going again, come back Tuesday so rebooked into hotel.
Book out of Hotel Tursday (have now 5 welcome shell necklaces). Tuesday still not going, can’t find person to sign off repairs they are in Paris or Dubai. Back to Hotel and ‘Come back Wednesday!’
You must be joking Capt Cook! There comes a time!!! So many irate guests in a queue!!
Went back to hotel in tears & booked flights home.
Never boarded the ship. Comms were terrible, no cancellation emails or ph calls, their office staff wandered around like chooks with heads cut off, blaming everyone else. Wanted us to not get credit but do another cruise. We have been with them before- never again.
Taxi back to Hotel to rebook in.
Monday booked out & taxi back to port for embarkation. Not going again, come back Tuesday so rebooked into hotel.
Book out of Hotel Tursday (have now 5 welcome shell necklaces). Tuesday still not going, can’t find person to sign off repairs they are in Paris or Dubai. Back to Hotel and ‘Come back Wednesday!’
You must be joking Capt Cook! There comes a time!!! So many irate guests in a queue!!
Went back to hotel in tears & booked flights home.
Never boarded the ship. Comms were terrible, no cancellation emails or ph calls, their office staff wandered around like chooks with heads cut off, blaming everyone else. Wanted us to not get credit but do another cruise. We have been with them before- never again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dianne S
3 条分享
I peviously wrote a review saying how we were, amongst others, unfortunate enough to be waiting to check in for our 7 night cruise, that did not eventuate , because of paperwork delays from Captain Cook Cruises in Paris.
After contacting Captain Cook Cruises in Fiji, we are now booked on another 7 night cruise in June, and we have very graciously been granted an upgraded suite.
After contacting Captain Cook Cruises in Fiji, we are now booked on another 7 night cruise in June, and we have very graciously been granted an upgraded suite.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
David O
澳大利亚布里斯班160 条分享
Above excellent environment and service, however the ship is starting to show its age.
We have done this cruise twice now and would do it again in a flash.
The islands and snorkelling are outstanding, the crew are very friendly and feel like family.
The ship is starting to show its age (and is being replaced soon), but everything else is perfect.
We have done this cruise twice now and would do it again in a flash.
The islands and snorkelling are outstanding, the crew are very friendly and feel like family.
The ship is starting to show its age (and is being replaced soon), but everything else is perfect.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Justin M
澳大利亚墨尔本98 条分享
Great way to see Fiji islands, which were much more beautiful than expected. Active cruise with 2-3 stops per day of snorkelling and island visits.
Crew were amazing. Very social boat.
We did the full 7 nights, many just did the 4 or 3 nights then went off to an island resort.
As long as your expectations aren’t for luxury, you will have a fun time.
The boat is old but comfortable, food is reasonable but don’t expect gourmet.
Many sun lounges and deck chairs to find a quiet space.
Highly recommend as part of your Fiji visit. Many guests booked another cruise whilst still on the boat.
Crew were amazing. Very social boat.
We did the full 7 nights, many just did the 4 or 3 nights then went off to an island resort.
As long as your expectations aren’t for luxury, you will have a fun time.
The boat is old but comfortable, food is reasonable but don’t expect gourmet.
Many sun lounges and deck chairs to find a quiet space.
Highly recommend as part of your Fiji visit. Many guests booked another cruise whilst still on the boat.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Tim W
2 条分享
2022年12月 • 好友
Absolutely disgusting service from captain cook cruises. We were told the rooms were not quite ready for us so had to take tall ship out until we could be picked up. That’s when all the disasters started. The ship was not ready to sail at all and was in almost disrepair, no hot water, no air conditioning. No fridges or power at all in parts of the boat. The toxic diesel fumes throughout the ship were enough to make anyone sick. Rooms falling apart and full of mould. Plumbing leaking and drains blocked which flooded the floors. The pool was disgusting, rust everywhere. Actually the only thing that was good about this boat is the staff. We were then told to leave with no option of anywhere to go or any compensation for being left stranded in port Denarau, Fiji. After finding other accommodation (at a huge extra cost) we were told we would be refunded for our cruise. Not good enough from captain cook cruises, the way your customers were treated was absolutely terrible and I would find it very hard to come back and try again after the experience we had. Thanks for wasting my time and only holiday I’ve had in a long time.
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kent20 条分享
The crew are amazing beautiful lovely people who go over and above to make sure you have a lovely holiday. They all work so hard and are always smiling. The boat is basic but everything works and the food is pretty damned good. The snorkelling is amazing. Lovely to meet lots of people, big hello to Adam Sandler, Crocodile Dundee and Heston Blumenthal! Haha! This is one holiday I will definitely do again.
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Bula Annie, so pleased you loved your 7 night cruise aboard Reef Endeavour. Appreciate your review and see you again soon
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Felix Clarkson
澳大利亚悉尼4 条分享
2022年5月 • 夫妻情侣
We had the most beautiful cruise. The staff were outstanding, the islands were out of this world. I would highly recommend! This is all about the experience! If you love the ocean this is a must!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Vinaka Felix, thanks for the review of your cruise aboard Reef Endeavour exploring some of the 330 islands in the group. See you again soon.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Stephen M
加利福尼亚雷丁35 条分享
2020年2月 • 夫妻情侣
Overall this 7 night trip was outstanding for seeing the beautiful western islands and getting the opportunity to see what the non-city life is like for Fijians. The cruise staff works to ensure you understand Fijian culture expectations, provides historical background, extends warm hospitality and outstanding personal service, and strives to ensure everyone’s wellbeing and safety during water, land based & shipboard activities.
The food served is very good and varied. The bar servers seek to please. The on board staff work as a seamless team to get the job done (their on board & nationally recognized marine biologist, Amos Daniel, also supports the working crew, assists in the bar, and dances with the staff during cultural demonstrations).
Water based excursions for dives, snorkeling and beach time is well coordinated and again, safety is paramount. Glass bottom boat operator, Ice Iskulathan Amos, uses dry wit and humor while giving clear to understand instructions after gaining all on board his boat’s attention with a loud and hearty “Bula!” All staff involved with excursions are constantly scanning the group for indications of any need for assistance.
Accommodations on board are pleasant. The ship is older and the cabins are basic yet functional. Realistically, you are in your cabin to change clothes and sleep on this cruise because they have you on the go from breakfast until after dinner which ends around 8:30pm (with the option to stay in the lounge area or various decks for several hours while listening to live music).
The cruise is also a wonderful social experience. You meet people from all over the world on board and truly build a camaraderie with other guests and the staff quickly.
My wife and I hope for the opportunity to have another adventure on the Reef Endeavor in the future. The 7 days aboard were one of the highlights of our 6 week South Pacific adventure.
The food served is very good and varied. The bar servers seek to please. The on board staff work as a seamless team to get the job done (their on board & nationally recognized marine biologist, Amos Daniel, also supports the working crew, assists in the bar, and dances with the staff during cultural demonstrations).
Water based excursions for dives, snorkeling and beach time is well coordinated and again, safety is paramount. Glass bottom boat operator, Ice Iskulathan Amos, uses dry wit and humor while giving clear to understand instructions after gaining all on board his boat’s attention with a loud and hearty “Bula!” All staff involved with excursions are constantly scanning the group for indications of any need for assistance.
Accommodations on board are pleasant. The ship is older and the cabins are basic yet functional. Realistically, you are in your cabin to change clothes and sleep on this cruise because they have you on the go from breakfast until after dinner which ends around 8:30pm (with the option to stay in the lounge area or various decks for several hours while listening to live music).
The cruise is also a wonderful social experience. You meet people from all over the world on board and truly build a camaraderie with other guests and the staff quickly.
My wife and I hope for the opportunity to have another adventure on the Reef Endeavor in the future. The 7 days aboard were one of the highlights of our 6 week South Pacific adventure.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
The connections made aboard Reef Endeavour are far reaching and heartening. I hope we can welcome you aboard again. Vinaka for an incredible review in these difficult times.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
新西兰奥克兰中心地区136 条分享
The 7 day cruise was amazing. Great snorkeling, diving, food, entertainment... but the crew makes this experience.
- Ilisani the entertainment director who was organized, funny and was great at explaining culture and keeping us organized. “Good try..... but no that isn’t the word of the day”
- Amos, the marine biologist who made sure we saw great things on our snorkeling trips
- Billy, the award winning (literally) bartender who made us unique and tasty cocktails.
- Ice, the glass bottom boat driver who got us to the ship after church in rough seas and who was amazing with the children
- Nurse Boo Boo, who is the happiest lady on earth...a big smile constantly
- Susie, Suzanna, Raibe our amazing severs....I’m sure I’m missing a bunch
- The Padi dive crew who kept us safe and ensured we had amazing dives.
- Patricia, the infamous curry cook
- Aspiring deck officer Jack, who ensured I made it back from the hike
- Mela our female 1st officer .... #girlpower! Go Mela!
- and many others we are forgetting but will not be forgotten.
The crew took this experience from great to amazing. We had a blast! Beth & Brian Canada
- Ilisani the entertainment director who was organized, funny and was great at explaining culture and keeping us organized. “Good try..... but no that isn’t the word of the day”
- Amos, the marine biologist who made sure we saw great things on our snorkeling trips
- Billy, the award winning (literally) bartender who made us unique and tasty cocktails.
- Ice, the glass bottom boat driver who got us to the ship after church in rough seas and who was amazing with the children
- Nurse Boo Boo, who is the happiest lady on earth...a big smile constantly
- Susie, Suzanna, Raibe our amazing severs....I’m sure I’m missing a bunch
- The Padi dive crew who kept us safe and ensured we had amazing dives.
- Patricia, the infamous curry cook
- Aspiring deck officer Jack, who ensured I made it back from the hike
- Mela our female 1st officer .... #girlpower! Go Mela!
- and many others we are forgetting but will not be forgotten.
The crew took this experience from great to amazing. We had a blast! Beth & Brian Canada
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华盛顿Sammamish8 条分享
Extraordinary vacation aboard the Reef Endeavour, Fiji. What a treat it was to spend time cruising the Yasawa and Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. Captain Ian and his crew exceeded all expectations with service, entertainment, food, cultural experiences, diving, snorkeling and beaches. The Fijians are such lovely, warm and welcoming people. We experienced a Kava ceremony, a Fijian Church service and school visits. Ilisani did a beautiful job coordinating our daily activities and providing us with a schedule for the day. Captain Ian and crew took us to some of the most beautiful coral reefs and beaches in the world. We had daily information sessions, with Amos, about the coral reefs we were visiting. My husband was thrilled to get his dive certificate during our week long stay. We had a wonderful cultural experience of song and dance from the crew on our last night. Many thanks to Captain Ian and the Reef Endeavour crew for making this an unforgettable experience!
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A big Vinaka Vaka levu Debbi, I'm so pleased you enjoyed the cruise so much. I hope you can join us again soon.
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Is there internet access on board? And is there internet in the villages?
Are there other companies apart from Captain Cook Cruises that do this route?
What are the drink prices like on board for non-alcohlic and and alcoholic drinks that aren't inclusive of the fare.
Drinks are expensive but in Fiji Dollars, you cannot bring your own alcohol on board.
Just wondering what to pack in relation to clothing? Obviously casual clothing during the day but how dressy is dinner?
Depends on the time of year you travel but some kind of rain gear, good hiking shoes if you are doing the hikes, your own snorkel equipment if you want and a pair or two of longer pants for both men and woman to enter the villages.
Yes you can smoke but only in certain areas of the ship outside your room
Your not supposed to but we managed to be a little sneaky =;-D
What are drink prices for wine, beer and cocltails please?
Drink prices are on par with resort pricing. Around FJ$8 a beer from memory, cocktails about FJ$20, wine by the glass or bottle with a range of options from about $20 (bottle)
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