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年龄限制:4-99,每个团体最多 23 人
用时: 45分钟
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- 徒步和乘船游览洞穴
- 新西兰必看景点之一令人惊叹
- 了解怀托摩洞穴的地质和历史背景
- 旅游会在不同时间出发,因此您可以选择一个适合您的日程安排
- 当地导游
- GST(商品和服务税)
- 入场/门票 - 怀托摩萤火虫洞
未包含内容- 纪念照片(可购买)
- 出发地点:
- Waitomo Caves, Waitomo Caves, Waitomo District, Waikato Region, North Island出发点:怀托摩萤火虫洞穴游客中心 地址:怀托摩39怀托摩村路 日期:每日
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3930P3- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 带来舒适的醒鞋和温暖的夹克
- 您必须在旅行团出发前 30 分钟登记。
- 由于需求量大,容量有限,如果您迟到或错过预定的游览时间,您的门票将被没收,不予退款。 新预订将产生全额旅游费用,并视供应情况而定
- 禁止拍照
- 不适合在楼梯上导航有困难的人
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 23 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3930P3
- 1在怀托摩萤火虫洞穴之旅中探索您的魔力时刻。被称为新西兰最好的自然景点之一,乘船游览萤火虫洞穴,惊叹于成千上万的神奇萤火虫,成为130多年文化和自然历史的一部分。世界闻名,吸引了本地和海外游客,怀托摩萤火虫洞穴在新西兰度假愿望清单中占据很高的位置。 萤火虫Arachnocampa luminosa是新西兰独有的。成千上万的这些微小生物散发出明确无误的发光,因为专家指南提供了有关其对该地区的历史和地质意义的信息性评论。 怀托摩萤火虫洞是任何旅行者必看的景点。在成千上万的神奇萤火虫下享受世界着名的乘船之旅,成为超过125年的文化和自然历史的一部分。 穿过雄伟的大教堂洞穴,以其壮观的形态和声学而闻名。 当你在Glowworm Grotto的星空仙境中默默地滑行时,惊叹于大自然的光芒。沿着怀托摩河(Waitomo River)蜿蜒地下,在萤火虫石窟(Glowworm Grotto)无数的萤火虫灯光下静静地凝视着。当您进入这个微小的生命灯光星系时,您将立即体验到宁静的氛围,并被照亮您的方式的小萤火虫迷住和吸引。
- Mooner160 条分享令人失望的游览 - 外面有更好的选择穿越洞穴的游览相当短暂,也没提供什么信息。人非常多,所以很多次都听不到导游在说什么。她肯定来过无数次了,肯定每次说着一样的东西,机械性地重复着。坐船去看萤火虫很快,我们回来又过去几次看同样的地方 - 参观完后,别人又给我们推荐了其他的公司,所以买票前没有多做些研究是我们的错。不过萤火虫相当神奇 - 在非常黑的夜里就像在看星星。我想说,这里之外有更好的体验。撰写日期:2019年7月30日
- travelerau830 条分享很好的体验我们已经来过两次了。萤火虫洞之旅太棒了!花费了52美元, 游览洞穴用了1小时45分钟,然后坐船去看萤火虫。工作人员友好而专业。这里有很棒的餐厅,咖啡厅和礼品店。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2019年7月11日
- Janine B0 条分享很棒的旅行!我们一家五口(包括一岁、二岁和五岁的孩子)今天来参加这个45分钟的旅行, 我们都是玩得很开心的! 这个萤火虫洞穴真的是很令人难以置信的,我们是由一个非常知识渊博的导游带领着游览的,她是图里亚,为我们提供了一个有趣的旅游体验(她还给我们唱了一首歌——她有着美妙的歌声!) 。最后的划船旅行体验也真的是很棒的。 我真的是非常喜欢这次的旅行的。撰写日期:2019年6月23日
- COmtngal0 条分享一定要看!比我预期的好很多。在坐船去看萤火虫之前,我们还漫步在美丽的溶洞内。导游对于溶洞、萤火虫和这个地区的毛利人的历史懂的很多。萤火虫真是太漂亮了!这次旅行的内容比我预期的要丰富得多。撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- kwfung61540 条分享一定要看一次!来到北岛必定要参观这个萤光虫洞,这里的萤光虫并不像一般认识的会飞的那种,而是一条条吊挂在石壁上,在山洞里完全漆黑的环境下就能看到它们发光发亮,像看星般一样美!此导赏团还会乘坐小船观看萤光虫,十分难忘!撰写日期:2019年5月23日
- Coastal8231320 条分享一日探险记怀托摩萤火虫洞的探险是一次奇妙的经历。进入洞穴后全程乘船行进,一路上都是让人无法想象的、难以置信的奇妙场景,真的是美的超乎想象。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年5月18日
- boyee07210 条分享不可错过的旅游体验怀托摩萤火虫钟乳石洞(Waitomo Glowworm Cave) 是世界七大自然奇观之一,洞内有各种千奇百怪、大大小小之钟乳石,据说是经过3000万年的时间长年累月而形成,亦是世界首屈一指的萤火虫繁殖地。乘搭小舟泛游地下湖,欣赏犹如满天星光闪闪的萤火虫奇景,洞内熠熠生辉,彷如置身于太空,梦幻非常!撰写日期:2019年5月10日
- Tania S0 条分享非常迷人和有趣我们在耶稣受难日抵达这里。 我们本打算在前一天预订门票,但被告知所有的票都已经售光了。但我们决定无论如何都要去这里,有趣的是我们得到了两张票,并且只等了20分钟。 我个人认为,售票处给刚刚进入售票中心的人在每个场次都预留了一定数量的座位。 无论如何,这次旅行非常有趣,独一无二,我们非常喜欢。 导游非常耐心,友好和知识渊博。 非常值得一游!!撰写日期:2019年4月21日
- eleanneh0 条分享鲁阿库利溶洞的评论我和我孩子(分别4岁和6岁)参加了鲁阿库利溶洞的旅行团,我们都度过了非常愉快的时光。这旅途的时间长得很合理(大约是90分钟),孩子们也没有非常躁动。同行的人有很多-我们加起来有15人吗?-我说的是我们一行所有人,这人数还是合理的,不算少,但是每个人都能玩得愉快。如果可以的话,我会选择独行冒险或者再次观光,但带着小孩子一起的话, 这旅行团是个不错的选择!撰写日期:2019年4月7日
- jcmiii30 条分享很有趣的旅行萤火虫洞只是有点不起眼。这并不是说看到萤火虫不令人印象深刻,因为它确实令人印象深刻。看到大量发光的昆虫幼虫是令人着迷的。这确实是一种你无法以其他方式看到的景象。然而,乘船游览,你可以看到萤火虫,这真的是整个行程中最短的部分。你花了很多时间排队——排队走到入口处;导游跟你说话时,在入口处排队;排队等候上船等等。如果你有机会,我建议你去参观一下,但是要降低你的期望值。撰写日期:2019年3月30日
- viczombie0 条分享很漂亮,保护也很好与导游一起共度了一段美好的时光,他给我们展示了洞穴和萤火虫。我们后面的一个旅游团是韩国人,他们竟然在洞穴里唱歌! 我们轻声细语说话,尽量不打扰萤火虫,而同时他们却在制造不和谐的骚动。在船上的短时间内,体验萤火虫特别真实。即便是专门绕道而去都是值得的。我们在去怀托摩家园(Waitomo Homestead)的路上吃了馅饼,很不错的体验。撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- ConduitConsulting0 条分享一次既长知识又有趣的简短旅行旅程的大部分时间都是徒步。一次简短的砂岩洞穴之旅。向导给我们讲解了很多有趣的关于洞穴是如何发现和开拓的信息,还有很多有趣的萤火虫的知识。只要昆虫和蜘蛛不往你身上爬,还是很好玩的。旅行的最后是很短的一段地下河航行,坐船通过一条顶部飞满了萤火虫的隧道。相对这么简短的旅途来说,价格看起来像是有点贵了。但是如果把这个花费当成是用在怀特摩洞穴和萤火虫的保护和我们获得的快乐上,这个价格还是很合理的。撰写日期:2019年2月23日
- 705annb0 条分享非常棒的萤火虫洞我们买了套票,先参观了萤火虫洞,然后去了Ruakuri洞。非常推荐这两个地方。萤火虫洞非常适合参观,而且管理得很棒。看着洞内的景色,同时还能听到洞中的声音和这里的历史,感觉很棒。离开的时候乘着小船去看萤火虫。然后就去了Ruakuri洞,真是美妙绝伦。那里面的钟乳石和石笋非常漂亮....一定要来这里看看。撰写日期:2019年2月16日
- Coreynz0 条分享和孩子一起必须做的事!带孩子们(7岁和5岁)到洞穴参观,这是必须做的一件事。我上次来是25年前。在网上预订了上午8:30的这个时段。我们是个小团体,这使得参观更加个性化。强烈建议在大量的旅游大巴到达之前提早进行游览。全新的设施让此行成为一个美好的早晨,孩子们很喜欢。我们的向导Reign棒极了,理应获得提拔!!撰写日期:2019年2月2日
- LUJ1730 条分享跟一般的萤火虫感觉不同可以乘船或是徒步溯溪至萤火虫洞 当然价格及花费的体力不同 如果想要悠闲的欣赏 建议搭船欣赏 且有导游仔细讲解撰写日期:2019年1月6日
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545 条点评
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23 条分享
2025年2月 • 夫妻情侣
Incredibly beautiful, but they cram way too many tours in for us to be able to enjoy it.
In our case, there was a tour right in front of us and two stuck behind us. With a big backlog for the boat ride, the entire cave was an acoustic nightmare. It was a real shame when these caves should have been a place of quiet reflection.
In particular, the silent boat ride was instead a case of constant echoed complaints from stuck tour groups.
Everything we saw was beautiful, and our guide was fantastic. It was so disappointing to have it spoiled by the sheer number of people being pushed through.
In our case, there was a tour right in front of us and two stuck behind us. With a big backlog for the boat ride, the entire cave was an acoustic nightmare. It was a real shame when these caves should have been a place of quiet reflection.
In particular, the silent boat ride was instead a case of constant echoed complaints from stuck tour groups.
Everything we saw was beautiful, and our guide was fantastic. It was so disappointing to have it spoiled by the sheer number of people being pushed through.
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肯塔基路易斯维尔3 条分享
2025年2月 • 家庭
The cave was great and the glowworms were quite beautiful! However, BEWARE, you are not allowed to take pictures of the glowworms or the cave. The reason given is that there is/ was a sacred burial ground above the cave and it is believed that the spirits of ancestors are in the cave. But above the cave is a cafe, gift shop and toilets, which doesn’t jive for me with the sacred burial ground. If you would like a picture, however, you can buy a photo of you from the gift shop for $15 “pretending” to spot the green screened glowworms or a postcard with pictures of the glowworm cave.
If you don’t care about having pictures and simply want to have the memories though, it is beautiful and a great tour.
If you don’t care about having pictures and simply want to have the memories though, it is beautiful and a great tour.
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俄勒冈波特兰22 条分享
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
Unique experience you'll only get in New Zealand. Our tour guide was funny and friendly, the boat experience was silent and beautiful. It's like a close blanket of stars under a night sky.
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Glenn M
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
This was an amazing tour! Our guide, George, was informative, funny and conveyed in a very positive way how important it was to protect the glowworms and the cave, while helping misunderstand the formation of the cave and the spiritual connection to the Māori people.
The boat ride in silence, slowly through the cave, you neis not long, but amazing! There were four of us, and we all loved it!
The boat ride in silence, slowly through the cave, you neis not long, but amazing! There were four of us, and we all loved it!
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Mark S
英国Great Bookham39 条分享
Visited this cave on combo ticket after Ruakuri Cave (which was much better!)
Waitomo cave felt like a Disney experience - staged and superficial. May be nice for kids but didn’t work for us.
After learning about the fragile environment for the glowworms at Ruakuri, why were we encouraged to sing Happy Birthday metres away from the glowworms?
Waitomo cave felt like a Disney experience - staged and superficial. May be nice for kids but didn’t work for us.
After learning about the fragile environment for the glowworms at Ruakuri, why were we encouraged to sing Happy Birthday metres away from the glowworms?
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法国Saint-Cannat8 条分享
2025年1月 • 独自旅游
The tour is really a unique experience. Our tour guide « Mu » made it even more special, very informative and charming. All the other personnel was also very friendly and everything is well organised.
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哥斯达黎加哥斯达黎加安东尼奥国家公园271 条分享
You definitely have to see the glowworms and hear about their life cycle. The caves themselves are quite gorgeous stalactites and stalagmites as well as The Glow Worm. We took the boat tour and it was fairly accessible as my husband has some difficulty walking long distances. It was no problem to him. The infrastructure was well designed and maintained. The caves are run by some of the original European families from the area who are very invested in keeping the caves, healthy and accessible. You will be glad you came.
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Dominique R
法国Saint-Medard-en-Jalles232 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
great visit to caves where the stalactites and stalagmites make a magnificent decor , then mounted in a boat to float under a vault illuminated by exceptional glowworms
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Larissa M
澳大利亚159 条分享
Came with my dad and brothers, and had a fantastic time. Our tour guide, Tame, kept it really fun with a lot of jokes, and the glow worm caves themselves were awe inspiring.
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Jo B
新西兰奥克兰63 条分享
Although a short experience, I would definitely recommend this to anyone. It's fascinating to see these remarkable worms close up and a magical experience
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Are you offering seats for children under 3? My husband and I are bringing our 1 year old daughter to see the caves but when I check for availability with an infant, I see it is not an option currently.
I use a cane, right now, but plan to be less dependent when I come. Can I walk the short route, and see the glow worm cave? How much time and distance in the shortest route to caves? Can I use a scooter and leave it coming back from the worm caves to retrieve it? ALA
You are guided all the way, but there is a few steps - up and down - My wife was a bit slow, but guide waited patiently.
You said that social distancing is enforced at all times of the tour, but the picture shows people sitting pretty much shoulder to shoulder in the boat. Is a different boat now used?
When we went they put each group within the tour into a separate bench in the boat and left an empty bench between the groups
We booked to stay at Waitomo Caves Lodge 1st October. Can we visit the caves that afternoon or 2nd October?
It depends what time you arrive. Trips leave every 30 mins from 9am to 4.30pm every day so just book in for whatever time suits you via their website.
I was in hospital for operation and treatment of cancer. I could not open my laptop at all.
Are the tours time specific when purchased or elected anytime after arrival? David
Booked online and so was able to pick times that suited us. Guess you’ll just have to take a chance on the day if don’t pre book. Went in March. It was very quiet so would not be a long wait. The tours are only at set times so probably best to plan in advance if you want to do all 3 as it involves driving between the 3 sites. Enjoy
Arriving in New Zealand via cruise ship can you get to these caves easily from the port?
Easily? no. Like the others have said, it's a 2-3 hour trip to the caves (then about 45 min tour of the caves), then 2-3 hours back (7 hour round trip??). They are awesome if on your way. I wouldn't go to this much trouble. I'd do Hobbiton instead. Or stay closer to Auckland and do Mt Eden and Mission Bay. Just a suggestion.
Is this tour wheelchair accessible? I can transfer to sit in boat and could either lift folded wheelchair into the boat or, if the boat trip is a circle, leave the wheelchair near the boat dock until the boat returns.
Hello, no unfortunately. There are lots of stairs and it is quite dark in parts. Plus, the boat is really a large "tinny". And dark. So, if you did fall in, it would be very difficult to see you. I wouldn't recommend.
This experience is only by boat or the group will need to walk or go up on a stairs? I’m asking because my mom can’t walk long distances, but I would like to take her to see the this.
Hi, My Dad was very limited with his walking and we had to stop often, there are very few places to sit and you have to keep the pace as the tour guides are on a schedule.
On the last Cave we toured which was the Ruakuri Cave ti was all better because they can provide you with a wheel chair, it's a beautiful one and you can still see the glow worms, better still, you can also take pictures of them (without a flash)
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