Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 6 人
用时: 55分钟
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 观光直升机飞行与降雪(5 - 10分钟)
- 试点指南
- GST(商品和服务税)
未包含内容- 个人性质的物品
- 出发地点:
- The Helicopter Line, Mount Cook, Glentanner Park, State Highway 80, Glentanner 7999, New Zealand
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3434P21- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 由于气温低,建议在这次旅行中穿上保暖的衣服和合适的鞋子。
- 受天气条件限制。如果因恶劣天气而取消,您可以选择其他日期或全额退款
- 如果婴儿不占座位且不足15公斤,则适用婴儿费率
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 6 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3434P21
- Glentanner Park, State Highway 80, Glentanner 7999, New Zealand
- 途经Aoraki Mount Cook National Park (Te Wahipounamu)Blue Lakes and Tasman Glacier walksTasman GlacierFox GlacierFranz Josef Glacier
- Haemia F0 条分享景色壮美的飞行路线今天这是一次震撼人心的体验。今天天气极好,是欣赏美景的好时机。雪地里的机场超级酷(一语双关)。我们的飞行员Simon知道很多关于周边风景的有趣知识,很乐意在我们在雪里玩的时候帮我们拍照。谢谢Simon!撰写日期:2019年4月22日
- Lauren F0 条分享难忘的冰河之行这是我去新西兰旅行的一大亮点。谢天谢地,那时的天气好极了,让我们得以在塔斯曼冰河展开直升机短途飞行观光和徒步之旅。这真是一次令人惊叹而千载难逢的经历,值得我推荐给所有人。员工们都见多识广,乐于助人而且多才多艺。如果你想在新西兰体验户外活动,那就选择这个旅游项目吧。撰写日期:2019年1月17日
- arqlove0 条分享Mount Cook Flight via The Helicopter Line我们乘坐THE HELICROPTER LINE 的35分钟直升机旅程及能降落在雪山上。我们没有驾车,他们提供免费酒店接送服务,十分方便。机师非常专业,坐在直升机上很稳定及安全。很幸运地,这天天气非常好,能清楚看到雪山, 冰川及冰河湖,景色非常漂亮,整个旅程十分难忘。撰写日期:2018年11月24日
- Fallon S0 条分享棒极了!一次令人难忘的直升机远足。价格比Franz Jozeph贵一点,但物有所值!直升机上能看到很棒的景色,在冰川上行走是太酷了。我的导游克里斯能告诉我很多关于冰川和东西的事情,我们很幸运能进入2个洞穴。如果你正在寻找一个难忘的旅行,你一定要来试试这个!撰写日期:2018年10月8日
- Nick719590 条分享太奇妙了!多奇妙的体验~我们昨天订了这个直升机游,但是天气太糟了,所以当我们醒来的时候,都特别紧张。我们打电话过去的时候,服务取消了,不过当我们准备开车去远足的时候,我们看见了一架直升机,所以又打了个电话过去,发现提供服务,超开心!坐在飞机上,看着塔斯曼冰川的景色,真是太壮观了。我们的女驾驶员知识渊博,且最重要的是,她特别优秀。真是一生难得的经历。撰写日期:2018年4月9日
- 0 条分享直升机看冰河第一次坐直升机,看到冰河非常新奇,非常壮观。但在冰河上却不敢走动,一走就滑,建议下次要穿止滑的鞋子来。撰写日期:2017年11月17日
- Sai Yiu T0 条分享不错的体验。没做过直升机的值得一玩,而且景色比雪乡漂亮多了,还能看到整个mt cook。但是不推荐会晕车晕船晕机人士,因为我都有点晕晕的……撰写日期:2017年5月13日
- bek a0 条分享我非常喜欢这个景点也值得向你推荐哦沿途风光无限,景色十分宜人,丝毫没有让我感到任何的失望可以选择在这里拍照片,欣赏到美丽的风景,所有的工作人员都热情友好,一切都被组织得井然有序,去想去的地方也非常容易我非常喜欢这次体验,也强烈向你推荐撰写日期:2017年2月1日
- Robert H0 条分享超棒的直升机飞行感谢我们的飞行员特洛伊让我们度过了一个飞越库克山的美妙飞行。景色非常棒,有机会在山顶上行走是一段永远不会被忘记的经历。特洛伊对这个地区非常了解,包括这里的历史、勇者攀登的山峰以及斜坡。天气非常不错并且出奇地温暖。这是我们南岛之行的一大亮点。再次感谢特洛伊。撰写日期:2017年1月10日
- karma640 条分享Mt Cook的短程飞行在飞行员Sara的陪伴下,在Mt Cook进行了短程飞星。由于天气的原因,很颠簸。非常令人兴奋的雪上着陆和步行。可能更喜欢少一些深雪着陆,多一些飞行。所有的一切都是非常特殊的经历。乘客太多了 挤在一起。撰写日期:2016年7月28日
- pasariravi0 条分享在快登机时天气状况太糟糕导致我没飞成前台和信息部的员工服务很周到很快捷。不幸的是我的飞机没能起飞,因为一直有关于糟糕天气的即时信息在播报。我退了款,订了去其他目的地的机票,比直升机线便宜。撰写日期:2016年6月10日
- Skychopper0 条分享难以置信的合力徒步和飞行一支伟大的球队的一次令人难以置信的经历。谢谢邓肯,安娜,特洛伊,让我下午有一个令人难以置信的飞行和徒步旅行。同时,为飞行技巧感谢特洛伊。对任何要寻求冒险的人来说,这都是一定要的。撰写日期:2016年4月5日
- alan c0 条分享飞行员只是按部就班而已一分钟10美元,40分钟就要450美元,比我想象中差一点,飞行员没有讲解耳麦怎么用以及背后的规定。耳麦的声控不是智能的,在一片雪地上着陆也不是特别激动,不过空中景色还是很美的。撰写日期:2016年2月3日
- Barbara S0 条分享遗愿清单上的旅行我之前从未搭乘过直升机,这是我这辈子最美好的经历之一。飞行员让我和丈夫还有3个孙子拥有了非常棒的经历。这次飞行和在雪地里的时光让人非常激动。感谢你们,这次直升机飞行是一次超级棒的航行(经历)。撰写日期:2015年10月23日
- Loyjvy0 条分享独一无二的体验,不可不试!!!!我们预定了上午9点的雪地着陆行程,时长20分钟。我们是8点45分到的,教练向我们简单讲了安全须知,我们等了一小会儿,行程在上午9点准时开始了。那天风和日丽,我们降落在雪山上,有好几分钟可以拍照,真的酷毙了。我们拍了很多照片,机长也帮我们拍了一些。机长真的很棒,他向我们介绍了整个地区的情况,告诉我们在飞行过程中都看到了些什么。我们玩得很开心。以后真的希望能够参加更长的飞行体验,因为20分钟太短了!!!撰写日期:2015年8月31日
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98 条点评
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David D
新加坡3 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Amazing view surrounded by glacier, we took very beautiful pictures of ourselves. Worth the experience. Highly recommend.
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Kia Ora,
Thank you for your great review. It sounds like you had a truly breathtaking experience on your flight, those photos must be stunning. Thanks for recommending us so highly. We appreciate your support. Thank you for joining us in Aoraki / Mount Cook.
Kind regards,
The Helicopter Line
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
10 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
Check in was easy and we took of on time. All of the staff were knowledgeable and good communicators. Greg our pilot was very knowledgeable. Happy that our experience exceeded our expectations.
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Kia Ora,
Thank you for taking the time to share your 5-star review. We'll be sure to pass along your great feedback to Greg. We're pleased you enjoyed your flight with us. Thank you for joining our team in Aoraki / Mount Cook.
Best wishes,
The Helicopter Line
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Joshua Z
1 条分享
We (family of 4) booked the 55 min tour through a local tour operator in Queenstown and after driving 3 hours to Mt Cook, were told due to weather that only a 40 min option would be available. Before agreeing to the downgrade, we were promised a pro-rated refund on site (Suhas) due to the shorter fight time and missed sights, and to follow up with the local tour operator directly upon return. However, upon returning to Queenstown, the refund we received was unusually small. We asked for an explanation from the tour operator and they said that only a small amount was authorized by The Helicopter Line and that we had to follow up with them directly. Since we could not determine why we received hundreds of dollars less than expected, we asked The Helicopter Line directly for additional details about how our refund was calculated. The Helicopter Line ignored my request for more details (I provided all of the prices from their website to base my prorated refund calculation on) before Hazel finally responded (after yet another email prompting) with simply “this is all we are refunding”. No further explanation, no math, nothing. I asked one more time for details and was ignored.
I’ve never written a negative review on TripAdvisor before but in this case, I have the email receipts.
Actual trip was fine but hard to enjoy when you are ripped off, especially when you purchased their most expensive trip package. Half a world away I have no further recourse other than to leave a review and warn others. We trusted them to do right by us and they took advantage of us.
Highly recommend you book with another provider.
I’ve never written a negative review on TripAdvisor before but in this case, I have the email receipts.
Actual trip was fine but hard to enjoy when you are ripped off, especially when you purchased their most expensive trip package. Half a world away I have no further recourse other than to leave a review and warn others. We trusted them to do right by us and they took advantage of us.
Highly recommend you book with another provider.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia Ora Joshua,
We appreciate you taking the time to share your review. We are disappointed to hear about your experience with us and we apologise for the unclear communication provided by our staff. We appreciate you holding us accountable to provide better customer service to future guests.
Best wishes,
The Helicopter Line
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
法国Menerbes21 条分享
An unforgettable experience 😃. We were lucky with the weather and were able to really enjoy the 55 minute flight around Mount Cook with landing on the glacier. John, our pilot, was very nice and explained everything in detail.
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Kia Ora,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a 5-star review. We are so glad to hear you enjoyed your flight with John. Will be sure to pass along your feedback. Thank you for joining us in Aoraki / Mount Cook.
Kind regards,
The Helicopter Line
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Robin K
加利福尼亚托伦斯74 条分享
2023年11月 • 夫妻情侣
If the weather is partly cloudy or clear and not too windy, you really can't go wrong booking this heli flight. Seems like a lot of people book a day or two in advance and switch times to make sure their flight is confirmed (minimum 4 people). We had PERFECT weather and could see for miles and miles. Mountains, glaciers, gemstone-colored glacial lakes, braided rivers, and lots of snow! It was glorious. With that said, you, of course, don't get to pick where you sit on the helicopter as seats are assigned due to body weight. If at all possible, you want to be in a seat on the left side of the heli (opposite the pilot) at a window on the first leg of the 55 min flight for the best views. As a photographer, it was a bit disappointing to be stuck in the middle for most of the flight. We switched after our glacier landing but the views weren't as exciting on the second leg of the trip. Otherwise, it was a great trip and our pilot and everyone at The Helicopter Line was very kind and helpful. We loved the experience so much, we had hoped to book a heli hike with them the following day but they were booked up.
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Kia Ora,
Thank you for taking the time to write us a wonderful review. We are so glad you got to experience our Mount Cook & Glaciers flight. We agree that this flight is truly spectacular! We try to make sure everyone gets the chance to have a window seat in the flight so that everyone gets to see some awesome views. We will be sure to pass on the kind words to our team. Thank you for joining us.
Kind Regards,
The Team at The Helicopter Line Mount Cook
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Caitlin Maddox
2 条分享
Wonderful experience as part of our honeymoon!! Beautiful flight and great guides. The views of Mount Cook and the surrounding mountains are unreal and playing on the top of the Franz Joseph glacier was fun. Highly recommend!
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Hi Caitlin!
We are so happy that you chose to fly with us on your honeymoon trip and had a spectacular flight! We love having guests fly with us for their special occasions. Enjoy the rest of your travels and we would love to see you back in the future.
Kind Regards,
The team at The Helicopter Line, Mt Cook
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Kerry G
澳大利亚悉尼66 条分享
This was a real bucket list experience! We took my mum-in-law on a trip of a lifetime for her 80th birthday and this glacier flight was a real highlight. We had the loveliest pilot, Sam, with whom we felt very safe in a heli gliding over the exquisite glaciers. From the moment we walked in to the office, the lovely Dior took care of us and the professionalism continued from start to finish. Our family loved this day - my 17 year old daughter said it's one of the best things she has done and she has travelled a fair bit.
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Hi Kerry,
We are happy to have given a trip of a lifetime! Indeed, fly around Mt Cook and the glaciers is a special experience. We are also glad you had a great experience with our staff, we will pass on your kind words. We hope to see you and your family back here again.
Kind Regards,
The team at The Helicopter Line, Mt Cook
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澳大利亚利物浦1,290 条分享
Loved it! From check in, to safety instructions, flight itself - staff were professional and friendly. Pilot was cool. The views are incredible. The landing on the ice was sensational as we had a fantastic view across the valley to Mt Cook. Flight back to Lake Pukaki and Tasman very interesting as well. Well worth it - once in a lifetime? I hope not....
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Hey Hahn,
Thanks for taking time to leave us a review. We are glad you had a great experience not only with your scenic flight but also with our staff as well. We love showing off our spectacular backyard to our lovely customers. Hope you visit again for another Once in a lifetime experience 😄
Kind Regards,
The team at The Helicopter Line, Mt Cook
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1 条分享
2021年8月 • 家庭
One of the best moments in a Lifetime, The ride was just fantastic backed by a team of professionals who made sure that it was a trip to cherish. Right from the super friendly Pilot and the staff, everything was just perfect. You might find so many Helicopter ride deals in Queenstown but I would highly recommend The Helicopter Line , The BEST in the Town!!! Well Done Team!!!
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Hi Ritesh,
Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review. We are so glad you had an awesome experience. We will pass on your kind words to the team 😊
Kind Regards,
The Team at The Helicopter Line, Mt Cook
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Detlef P
新西兰但尼丁91 条分享
Einen Tag später als gebucht (wegen zuvieer Wolken) konnten wir unseren Heliflug antreten. Bei bestem Wetter und bestem Piloten ( Clark), hatten wir einen Aufenthalt auf dem Gletscher. Die Aussicht war grandios. Herzlichen Dank an die Crew vom Helicopter Line Team. Immer zu empfehlen
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Kia ora Detlef! Thank you for taking the time to leave your wonderful review. It is great to hear you had a memorable experience exploring the glaciers with our team on the West Coast. We hope to take you on more adventures in the future! Kind regards, The Helicopter Line.
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Is the attraction opened for booking on Christmas Day ,25th of Dec 2022?
I was rejected by the company, and the money has not been refunded to my bank account, what should I do?! What is the contact number of this damn helicopter company
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