Chiesa Nostra Signora De La Salette

Chiesa Nostra Signora De La Salette

Chiesa Nostra Signora De La Salette
It is quite interesting architecturally both inside and out.
4.0 分,共 5 分2024年5月
这是一座位于贾尼科伦斯区、多利亚潘菲利别墅南部的教堂,建于 1957 年至 1965 年间,由建筑师 Vivina Rizzi 和 Ennio Canino 设计,供奉拉沙勒特圣母。“拉沙勒特圣母”这一特殊称号最终源于 1846 年在法国格勒诺布尔附近的拉沙勒特村出现的一系列圣母幻象。它被委托给拉沙勒特圣母传教士,他们是它的主人。 从它所在的广场,可以看到前教堂的正面,旁边是 1896 年建立的总会大楼。它有一个矩形平面,有一个圆形后殿和两个通往中殿的侧廊,从广场的大门可以看到正面。教堂的主体是砖砌的。 新教堂的建筑风格非常有趣,无论是内部还是外部。 外部前面是一条宽阔的楼梯,可通往教堂。 立面分为两个平台:入口位于第一个平台。第二个平台的特点是高大的窗户,形成了教堂供奉的圣母像的背景,圣母像上方伸出一种高高的钢筋混凝土天篷。 教堂两侧是一座钟楼,钟楼底座呈三角形,高 52 米。 它有两个侧教堂,右边的教堂供奉耶稣圣心,左边的教堂供奉圣母玛利亚,两侧有两幅描绘圣约翰保罗二世和圣约翰二十三世的肖像,最近又增加了基督被废黜的雕像,放置在祭坛下方。 相当阴暗的内部主要是弯曲的砖墙,由混凝土框架构成。 后殿里有一个巨大的木制十字架,两边是深蓝色和白色的彩色玻璃窗,上面有让人联想到十字架的几何图案。 一进门,右边就是平日里的小教堂,里面供奉着圣体。祭坛的右侧是圣母玛利亚的雕塑,风格朴素。 在教堂外面,当你沿着通往教堂的相当陡峭的斜坡向上走时,左边有一座小教堂,里面最近修建了一尊雕塑,风格相当朴素,但因此具有暗示性,是圣母玛利亚在显灵时的姿势,也就是她哭泣的时候。



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摩纳哥65,439 条分享
4.0 分,共 5 分
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
It is a church in the Gianicolense district, south of the Villa Doria Pamphilj, built between 1957 and 1965 to a design by architects Vivina Rizzi and Ennio Canino and dedicated to the Madonna de La Salette.The special title of "Our Lady of La Salette" derives ultimately from a series of visions in 1846 of Our Lady at a village called La Salette near Grenoble in France. It is entrusted to the missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, who are its owners.
From the square where it is located, one can see the façade of the former church next to the building of the Generalate, which was founded in 1896. It has a rectangular plan with a circular apse and two side aisles to the nave, and the façade is visible from the gate in the square. The body of the church is in brick.
The new church is quite interesting architecturally both inside and out.
The exterior is preceded by a wide staircase which gives access to the church.
The façade is divided into two terraces: the entrance is located on the first. The second is characterized by tall windows that form the backdrop to the statue of the Madonna to whom the church is dedicated, over which a sort of high reinforced concrete canopy juts out.
The church is flanked by a bell tower with a triangular base, 52 meters high.
It has two side chapels, the one on the right is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the one on the left is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with two images depicting S. John Paul II and S. John XXIII on the sides and recently enriched by the statue of Christ deposed, placed below the altar.
The rather shadowy interior is dominated by the curving walls in brick framed by concrete.
The apse contains a large wooden crucifix, and on either side are stained glass windows in dark blue and white with a pattern of geometric shapes evoking the cross.
As soon as you enter, on the right there is the small weekday chapel housing the Blessed Sacrament. A sculpture of the Virgin Mary, in naïf style, is on the right of the altar.
Outside, as you go up the rather steep ramp that leads to the church, on the left a small chapel has recently been set up with a statue, in a rather naïf style but for this reason suggestive, of the Madonna de La Salette in the same attitude during the apparition, that is, while she is crying.
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意大利罗马7,305 条分享
3.0 分,共 5 分
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
The exterior is preceded by a wide staircase that gives access to the temple. The facade is divided into two terraces: the entrance is on the first; the second is characterized by high windows that form the backdrop to the statue of the titular Madonna, which appeared in 1846 in La Salette in France, over which a sort of high reinforced concrete canopy projects. The church is flanked by a bell tower with a triangular base, 52 meters high.
The interior has a central plan with brick walls that converge sinuously towards the single altar. The lobed elliptical plant. It was built between the end of the 50s and the mid-60s of the 20th century.
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