Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate that you took the time to write about your experience for us to give our version. Firstly, we are very sorry to hear that you didn`t see any whales. The whale season 2016-17 was a fantastic one, with whales sometimes as close as 30 minutes from Tromsø city centre. We knew that there were some chances that this might not be the case for the whale season 2017-18. The situation was that the whales moved further north, meaning that only some of the operators in Tromsø were able to offer whale safaris due to the duration of the tours (up to 7 hours) and the more extreme conditions which were likely during such a long trip. Since we use a catamaran with higher speed and therefore longer reach than many of the other whale safari boats, we decided to go ahead and still offer whale safaris 2017-18. We did see whales on most of our tours, so also in December (and November and January when the whale season takes place in the Troms region), partly due to good communications with a research vessel, fishing boats and other operators, which could give us very exact locations for the whales. However, on certain days we had to choose different locations, where the chances were more limitied (but still the chances were there) to avoid too rough conditions out at sea. These rough conditions are not a problem for the boat or the crew, but can certainly decrease the experience for our guests. We do see that many factors contributing to the whale season 2017-18 not being as good as it should have been and we are certainly taking all feedbacks seriously and will make many changes for the 2018-19 season. Again, we are very sorry to hear that this experience did not meet your expectations. We do hope that you still had a good time in Tromsø.
We wish you many good travels ahead.
Oda Kvaal-Tanguay