Destination 71 degrees north - Day Tours

Destination 71 degrees north - Day Tours

Destination 71 degrees north - Day Tours
上午8:00 - 下午3:30
上午8:00 - 下午3:30
上午8:00 - 下午3:30
上午8:00 - 下午3:30
上午8:00 - 下午3:30
上午8:00 - 下午3:30

4.5 分,共 5 分129 条点评

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5.0 分,共 5 分
TADEJ 是个很好的向导和厨子,我们体验了从捕捞,看他拆解蟹,到用海水煮熟在冷却,在温暖萨米人帐篷里吃帝王蟹的全套体验。这里的帝王蟹真是太好吃了,肉质紧致,很鲜,我们不但品尝,还吃饱了。坐快艇的规程也非常刺激,整个团队都觉得这是这次挪威之行里最难忘的体验
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芬兰赫尔辛基8 条分享
2.0 分,共 5 分
2017年7月 • 夫妻情侣
当我预订的客户服务也很出色。 我的查询都通过电子邮件回复得很快,和我们设法在一个旅游团虽然预订的前两天预订的时候网站上说这是完整的日历。

我们到达15分钟也许之前和员工非常冷漠。 我催了三次要付钱,例如。 工作人员似乎更感兴趣的是看起来像是一个比我们坐的股票。 我们被带到了后面把负责上套装,和一个组显然是沙滩车去野生动物园的路走了一半然后上船 - 完全装饰的冲浪装备 - 之前他们不应意识到船上来。

野生动物园正是说明网页上说。 我们的导游告诉我们很多关于超大螃蟹但看起来似乎他们相当的其他地方。 坐船有很高的速度和紧张刺激的速度和提供便宜的甜甜圈给那些不习惯划船。 超大螃蟹都很新鲜美味,但是,我们住在一个和他们中的很多人。

由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear Marialina Thank you for you honest feedback. I am very sorry to hear you experienced poor customer service upon arrival at our office. As far as I remember we had a very busy day with many private tours and tours for the cruise ship in town. Our organisation may have been a bit chaotic because of that and I would like to apologise for that. I hope we can make it up to you, if you ever decide to visit Honningsvåg again. Have a nice weekend Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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Gilly S
英国皇家滕布里奇韦尔斯15 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
这是,毫无疑问, 6月20日坐游轮去挪威的最大亮点。 行程中说这是一个野生动物园还有一个大闸蟹螃蟹餐 - 真是棒极了。 天气有点冷 - 不过这家6度c和受欢迎yves ,汤姆,他给了一个很棒的迈克尔和埃米尔的谈话和煮熟的螃蟹美味的易用性和精湛的专业技能Lavvo。 我们都穿着衣服专门提供 - 还负责 - 配得上(虽然我们并不需要它! )。 有非常好的厕所设施也很好。 因为天气很冷 - 我很高兴我穿着保暖手套太! 如果我们再来过 - 此列表的顶部会!
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Hey Gilly S Thank you so much for the great review! We really appreciate your feedback and are happy to hear you had such a great time during our King Crab Tour. Have a great weekend! Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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Carolyn A
怀俄明州杰克逊31 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2017年7月 • 好友
这是一个真正的挪威之旅的亮点。 这次旅行在橡胶快艇接送他们的锅是巨大的螃蟹吃现抓现做很多有趣的事和他们是一个真正的享受! 工作人员是非常具有教育意义和娱乐性。 我肯定会推荐这个旅行! 唯一的缺点就是很长一段时间才能做饭和切好的螃蟹但是你吃了你想要的一切! 当你回到港口,他们会给你一个去记住!
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear tetontootsie Thank you very much for the kind words. We really appreciate your feedback and we're sure our guides had as much fun as you did. We hope to see you again in the future, maybe for one of our amazing winter adventures ;-) Best regards Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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荷兰布雷达8 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2017年7月 • 夫妻情侣
九江江天店ronnie和谢谢你。 我们有一个很棒的兴奋和有趣的时间。 感谢您的故事国王和美味的螃蟹。
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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澳大利亚霍巴特518 条分享
4.0 分,共 5 分
2017年6月 • 夫妻情侣
它是非常昂贵的。 我们两个人来说几乎$500澳元。 肋骨大概只有10分钟坐船单程和我们被带到这个地方也是在一条主路上
我们大约等了很长一段时间。 大约一个小时前就准备吃的。
我们坐在四周到处旅游的其他朋友的。 幸运的是一些很不错的人。 我们一直等着去吃饭的时候才回到了大本营。
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear ushy Thank you very much for the review. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't really what you expected though. The description you're giving us is exactly what we promote. "During this 3,5hr excursion we take you with our 12-seat RIB-boat to Sarnes. Here, we will pull the king crab pot to check our catch and pick up the king crabs. Just a few minutes away we dock the boat and your guide will tell you all there is to know about this infamous crustacean. For example, did you know the king crab can grow up to 2 meters wide? After slaughtering the crabs, we take you through the boiling process and the history. While your guide prepares your meal, you get the chance to enjoy our location over a cup of coffee or tea. Maybe you'll even get to spot some reindeer roaming on the beach. After a delicious king crab meal, served with bread, mayonnaise and lemon, we take you back to Honningsvåg in the RIB-boat." I'm afraid I have to disagree on the 10min boat ride. Maybe it felt like a 10min ride, but this is technically impossible. Even though it wasn't exactly what you expected, I hope you still enjoyed our tour. We would very much appreciate it if you could tell us exactly what 'more' you were expecting. Kind regards Have a great weekend! Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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William W
佛罗里达博尼塔斯普林斯51 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
你可以在那里乘坐新鲜大闸蟹,带他们去海岸和他们做一个挪威峡湾的边缘? 很好,可能是在霍宁斯沃格挪威。 Nord 721目标运行开始每个人都适合一日游睡一种生存。 然后每个人都能进入到挪威峡湾的肋骨船的速度要检查您的超大螃蟹锅。 我们的房间放有20新鲜大闸蟹被带到了这鸟在我们面前做的一顿饭是无与伦比的! 然后放在一个大的螃蟹做的篝火在挪威的小屋看起来像一个印度tp。 做一次,然后就是盐水中煮螃蟹是所有可以吃的和更多! 多么棒的盛宴! 和男孩,螃蟹肯定不同口味的冻结版本可用在美国。 这里的饭很棒; 员工非常细心而且非常有趣的解释了他们的生活方式在挪威。 您可能会看到外面野生桩楼里漫游区域和我们一样,同时在美妙的峡湾景色。 不能错过这一日游!
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear William W We greatly appreciate you taking the time to write this wonderful review. We are very happy to hear you had such a great experience in Honningsvåg and we'd love to have you back for another arctic adventure ;-) Best regards Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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英国Lytham St Anne's76 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2017年6月 • 夫妻情侣
丈夫&我订的是直接从公司网站2 。 5小时之旅。 目标是一个声誉好的公司提供高质量71度以北的环保车,安全设备和衣服的一个很好的时光。 我们真的很喜欢这次旅行,只是希望我们能多住几天~甚至还抱了一个特大号的一个优点就是螃蟹lavvucamp~可惜的是我们没有尝到它! 所有 - 在 - 一个很棒的体验。
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear LetsGoWherever Thanks a lot for taking the time to write us this great review! We're happy to hear you enjoyed the tour and hope to see you again some day for another awesome adventure. If you're interested in a longer tour, try our 4,5hr North Cape ATV tour next time ;-) Have a great summer! Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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Alhambra, California, United States92 条分享
3.0 分,共 5 分
2017年6月 • 好友
这里的员工和设施都很好地为我们2 。 5小时atv之旅,但是我们大多只是坐的车在一条土路的柏油路和有点到瞭望台的传闻可能会在一个2轮驱动车。 没有真正的全地形车的目的除了冷的更贵的酒店也比一辆车。 我会租一辆车,去太平山好望角和驱动器和周围的岛屿。 你会再暖和点,花更少的钱,而且能看到更多。
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear JasonB2727 Although we really appreciate your honesty, I feel obliged to place your review in a different context. If I'm not mistaken you joined an ATV tour organised for one of the cruise ships that visit Honningsvåg? Please correct me if I'm wrong. The excursions we organise for the cruise ships have a maximum capacity of 20 guests on 10 ATVs. Most of the guests joining these tours have never driven an ATV before. Therefore, we promote our tours as an 'ATV-safari', and not as an 'off-road thrilling adventure'. Scenic views and a more intimate experience is what we focus on. There's no other excursions on the island that take you to the places we drive to. If you'd be interested in a more adventurous ride, you can always contact us privately and we can organise a personalised tour for you. I'm not trying to say that your comments are wrong and I feel sorry that you experienced the excursion this way, but I also hope you understand why we run these group tours the way we do. Best regards Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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Melina M
1 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2017年6月 • 商务型
我强烈推荐这次旅行给那些希望了解更多的关于这个地方的动态以及如何改变了特大号的红色螃蟹有关芬马克郡北部的景观。 你能看到提起他们的过程与医院,你还能听到的历史简介物种是在1960 - 70 s ,加上你会看到如何准备和做的。 这是一个非常交互式体验,提供可供知识丰富,渔业和当地社区的当地人知道的也挺好的。
由 Asia Online Language Studio 翻译
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Dear Melina M Thank you so much for the great review! We are happy to hear you enjoyed the tour and that our guides managed to teach you something new about the king crab and life in northern Norway. Have a great summer and we hope to see you again soon! Kind regards Yves Jacobs Destinasjon 71 Grader Nord AS
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Destination 71 degrees north - Day Tours (霍宁斯沃格) - 旅游景点点评 - Tripadvisor
