Penobscot River
Penobscot River
Penobscot River Cabins - This place is Fantastic
5.0 分,共 5 分2015年8月
小木屋Penobscot River 这是我第一次写评论,我发过。 我经常旅行,但还没有觉得有必要写一篇评论,直到现在。 我希望你能有时间看这一切,但如果不是我将总结。 "这个地方很棒"。 很好的位置,靠近城镇的豪兰Lincoln Penobscot River ,。 靠近几个斜坡,船上还有几家著名的钓鱼Lakes Penobscot很近Coastal Maine的旅游区。 都是在一个非常漂亮的河上直接Lot Level。 不需要走很远的路去吃晚饭或上下Hill或船只或任何东西,只要走出去,鱼,吃东西,阅读,放松和享受。 我们的小屋非常干净,设施齐全,有冰箱,是,火炉,咖啡机(两DRIP Old很有意思,拥有风格),如果你想要一个烧烤架,以及所有POTS ,平底锅,盘子,杯子,餐具和所有你可能需要的。 毛毯,床单,枕头和毛巾也都有。 所有你需要的是一些干净的内衣和钓鱼Rod Pack。 (本书和一箱酒很好,也可能是一个不错的选择),还增加一些洗发水和一块香皂和一个牙刷,如果你想要的东西都有。 我们住在3号小屋,我觉得是其他房间一样。 虽然没有太多的房间里有你需要的一切,甚至更多。 主房间是开放式的厨房区域,里面有厨房,桌子和椅子。 一个非常不错的大小合适的浴室,有淋浴和水槽。 后面的一个房间,有两张双层床(或有限存储空间)。 一个狭窄的楼梯和梯子,三张床楼上。 没有客厅和起居室,但是这弥补了漂亮的屏风Porch着River。 如果你不睡觉,烹饪或洗澡,这里是没有理由的,你可以坐在外面享受Cabin Porch或折叠椅子Cabin提供的。 我从来没有在每个有火坑Cabin Opportunity使用。 对我来说,睡觉和起床Sun Sunset提供了许多适合我。 有几个很棒的长椅坐下来读一本书,上面就位于河边,或坐下来,看河Flow。 我们看到了一些从河对面看Eagle Cabin Deer Fly Bay寻找午餐。 有人告诉我,几个客人Eagles ,然后向上和向下河钓鱼潜水Thy ,然后走几步就有刚刚发布的钓鱼。 垂钓 - 水的颜色褪色,所以大部分客人都是红色和白色的塑料部件或使用白色Top鱼饵Water。 有些人骂我们运气最好的黑色或棕色的绿色和白色科Blue古怪的虫子,不过我们没有那么成功,因为大部分的客人。 每个客人都很Reporting三十,四十或五十或多个小嘴每天brozeback Bass。 我就没那么幸运或技能,那里的鱼。 我只是没有找到合适的组合。 船Docks可用如果你提前打电话,以实现高可用性。 我带了自己的船,骑马,还有一个外部Horse Foot铝Hull BOW的一个十七届,并很高兴同我一起回家的螺旋桨开始。 我不会让任何一个玻璃纤维Hull Boat里放了一个我不想Ding。 当我第一次看到RAMP Camp Boat在我说"你把Boat里? "它看起来像一座陡峭的山上河边。 你还想4WD Launch很容易使用,但实际上,它只是看起来很吓人。 如果你会非常乐意帮助你Jeff Launch Boat看起来太多的。 我把我在几次尝试钓鱼River的另一部分,没有任何问题。 不管我什么时候去搭船Peter ,一个年轻人,他在花Summer Camp ,继续显示级别的热情让人明显Camp。 他总是给我们提供帮助或PUSH OFF Dock Line Catch BOW的一个也没有带我们到Cooler。 我觉得平均水深大约五英尺。 我很少发现八脚Timanfaya Shook。 您可以在任何深度游览,只有几英尺下面的表面,你会发现一个小的卡车Rock ,或者更糟的,但却是一个较小的就在螺旋桨Depth HIDDEN Rock。 千万不要去在飞机上... Watch Go很慢,而且Ripples ,颜色变化或有什么特别的。 你看,如果你不是特别小心这River Rock。 到处都是鱼,但是它的价钱可不低 希望我的建议是租一个船上的,船是正确的大小和类型。 一个十四个左右步行不到十Horse外部电源,以及一个设施齐全的小鱼饵Motor。 无论您使用的是什么样的船,他们会带你和你的车和拖车和/或DROP River船在另一部分河流或一个湖泊的附近,而且是免费的。 这真是闻所未闻的服务,因为我担心的。 这是一家宠物友好Camp Camp ,至少可以这么说,他们这里还有狗,猫和一只鸟,也许我没有满足PET。 他们也有其他客人PET ,不过打电话之前,您的,以防万一。 我会告诉你我不是一个喜欢狗的人。 我心目中的好PET ,我可以参观不要照顾到。 这里的情况就是,这里的狗都表现的最好的,我来过。 他们过来,去过几次,但他们一天可以坐着或者躺着休息休息,这就是他们做的。 其他的客人,有的Ages Form的二十几岁的年轻人在多代家庭夫妻。 每个人都很热情,而且很明显加长。 我确实看到了几个不同的组Rocks游泳,岸边Docks。 我强烈建议一个人,而且每个人都知道如何Koman No Koman。 当前River很强,同时邀请River应尊重。 电是一个通常是9或10上午Jermjompon Generator ,关闭和重新打开Jermjompon Supper时间大概11下午左右回来。 我不知道这一点的时候,当我第一次听说这样的惊慌失措。 我那是毫无根据的。 让我知道,如果我需要Electricity Jeff婚嫁和在其他的一些时间才让他们知道。 安顿好之后,我意识到我不需要电的大部分时间。 这是一个不存在的问题。 有很多的时间可以给手机,电池和火炬Ipad以及船出海。 我是在一个钓鱼营地的中心,所以我没有期望很高,因为我的技术需求Maine(也是不需要的,但是我喜欢Web Access)。 令我惊讶的是有一个很好的信号强的手机和ipad Verizon。 我被告知其他Cellular Providers CONNECT AS很可能不会。 这也证明不是问题,因为他们没有一个优秀的网络覆盖整个园区Form Setup WiFi小屋到码头和更多。 如果您决定不在那儿吃饭,你就会错过最好的计划。 食物很棒,有你想要的一切。 早餐一直都是个全套热早餐,有所有必需的设施。 脚垫的,你可以选择一个三明治和小吃在一个装满水的凉爽Wide Verity ICE Pack ,你带着你的一天。 一顿丰盛的晚餐总是Comfort的食物不会让你想要更多的东西了。 我不去谈论夜间自制甜点,你可以去那里体验一下。 在所有的食物为你准备释放的时间太多,不是每天都是一个放松的长天外之家。 不像有些地方,严格的时间表,吃个客人或组重复Mary Travelscape调整以适应不同的每日的行程,但最常南岸上相互方便,所以不要错过天同志情谊和钓鱼的故事。 最大的特色是这里的热情好客和乐于Mary ,以适应任何你可能需要和预见Peter Jeff和享受您的住宿。 如果你到此超长的评论,你知道你要去...




4.0 分,共 5 分5 条点评

sara r
1 条分享
1.0 分,共 5 分
2024年2月 • 家庭
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马萨诸塞伍斯特160 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2017年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Just came back from spending 3 days at the Penobscot River Cabins and if you want to spend a few days fishing and just enjoying the outdoors then this is the place for you. Just to be clear the cabins are right off the river and what I would call rustic. Rustic not in a bad way, just be prepared this is not the Ritz, think of it as camping with an inside the house restroom, kitchen and single beds.

They used to have food onsite but now it's every man for himself. There's a supermarket in town as well as a few restaurants close by.

The small mouth Bass fishing is excellent and you will see Bald Eagles everywhere!! You can rent a boat or bring up a Kayak or small boat.

The owner Jeff is a great guy and will do just about anything to make your stay comfortable.

I had a great time up there and plan to get up there again, ENJOY
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马萨诸塞Dracut1 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2015年8月 • 好友
Penobscot River Cabins
This is my first review I have ever posted. I travel quite a bit but have not yet felt the need to post a review until now. I hope you have time to read all this, but if not I will summarize. “This place is fantastic”.

A great location on the Penobscot River near the towns of Howland and Lincoln. Is close to several boat ramps on the Penobscot as well as several famous fishing lakes with close proximity to the Coastal Maine tourist areas. The compound is on a very nice level lot directly on the river. There is no need to walk long distances or up and down hill to get to dinner or boats or anything, just walk out your door and fish, eat, read, relax and enjoy.

Our very clean cabin was is well equipped with a refrigerator, stove, coffee maker (both drip and old perk style that was fun) and Gas Grills if you want one as well as all the pots, pans, plates, cups, utensils and everything you might need. Blankets, linens pillows and towels are also provided. All you need to pack is some clean underwear and a fishing rod. (A book and a good box of wine might also be a good choice) OK also add some shampoo and a bar of soap and a toothbrush if you want to have everything.

We stayed in cabin #3, that I think is the same as most other cabins. While there was not much for rooms in the cabin it had everything you need and more. The main room is the open kitchen area with a kitchen table and chairs. A very nice reasonable size bathroom with shower and sink. A back room with two bunk beds (limited storage or closet space). Up a narrow stair/ladder to three more beds upstairs. There is no living room or sitting room but that is more than made up for by the beautiful screened in porch facing the river. If you are not sleeping, cooking or showering there is no reason to be in the cabin when you can be enjoying the porch or sitting outside on the folding chairs provided with the cabin.

There are fire pits at every cabin that I never took the opportunity to use. For me getting up with sun and going to bed with the sunset was plenty for me. There are a couple of great swinging benches to sit and read a book from located right on the river, or just sit back and watch the river flow. From the cabin we saw some deer across the river and watched an eagle fly bay looking for his lunch. I was told by a few guests that the Eagles followed them up and down the river as thy fished and then dived within a few feet of them to catch fish they had just released.

Fishing - The water is a stained color so most guest were using white plastics or red and white top water baits. Some others swore by brown black or blue We had our best luck with green and white senko wacky worms, but we were not as successful as most of the guests. Every guest was reporting thirty, forty or fifty or more brozeback smallmouth bass per day. I was not as lucky or skilled, the fish were there, I just did not find the right combination.
Boat docks can be used if you call in advance for availability. I brought my own boat, a seventeen foot aluminum hull bow rider with a fifty horse outboard, and was glad to come home with the same propeller I started with. I would not bring a fiberglass hull or any boat I did not want to put a ding in.

When I first saw the boat ramp at the camp I said “You put your boat in there???” it looked like a steep hill on the side of the river. You will want 4WD but the launch actually is quite easy to use, it just looks scary. Jeff will gladly help launch you boat for you if it looks like too much for you. I pulled mine in and out a few times to try fishing another part of the river without any issues.

Whenever I went to my boat Peter, a young man that spends his summer at the camp, continued to show the level of helpfulness everyone at the camp makes evident. He was always there to help catch a bow line or give a push off the dock or carry a cooler for us.

I found the average water depth is around five feet. I seldom found areas deeper than eight feet. You can be cruising along at any depth and just a few inches below the surface you will find a rock the size of a small truck, or worse yet a smaller hidden rock right at propeller depth. Do not ever go on plane… Go slow and watch for and ripples, color change or anything out of the ordinary. You will hit a rock if you are not extremely careful on this river. It is full of fish but it can come at a price

Looking back on it my advice is rent one of their boats, they are the correct size and type of boat. A fourteen or so foot with under ten horse power outboard as well as a small trolling motor fully equipped. Regardless of what boat you use, they will bring you and your boat up river and/or drop your vehicle/trailer at another section of the river or one of the close by lakes for no charge. That is unheard of service as far as I am concerned.

This camp is a pet friendly camp to say the least, they have dogs, cats and a bird and maybe some pets I did not meet. Other guest had pets with them as well, but call before you bring yours just in case. I will tell you that I am not a dog lover type of person, my idea of a good pet is one I can visit and not have to take care of. This was the case here, the dogs were some of the best behaved I have been around. They came by to visit a few times a day but when told to sit or lay down, that is what they did.

The other guest ranged in ages form twenty somethings to couples to multi-generational families. Everyone was welcoming and obviously enjoying themselves. I did see several different groups swimming from the rocks, shore and docks. I would strongly suggest the no one swim alone and that everyone knows how to swim. The river current is very strong and while inviting the river should be respected.
Electricity is provided by a generator and is generally turned off around 9 or 10 am and turned back on around supper time then back off around 11 PM or so. I was not aware of this on arrival and panicked when I first heard this. My angst was unfounded. Marry and Jeff let me know if I needed electricity at some other time to just let them know. After settling in I realized I did not need electricity even that much of the time. It was a non-issue. There was plenty of time to charge phones, kindles and iPads as well as boat trolling batteries.

I was at a fishing camp in the middle of Maine so I did not have great expectations for my technology needs (OK they are not needs, but I do like my web access). To my surprise I had a good strong signal on my Verizon phone and IPad. I was told that other cellular providers may not connect as well. This also proved not to be a non-issue because they have setup an outstanding Wi-Fi network that covers the entire campus form the cabins to the boat docks and more.

If you decide not to get the meal plan you are missing out on the best aspect of this camp. Excellent meals with everything you could want. Breakfast is always a full hot breakfast with all the extras. Box lunches with your choice of a wide verity of sandwiches and snacks come in a cooler with waters and ice packs for you to take with you for the day. Dinner is always a hearty comfort food that will not leave you wanting for anything more. I am not even going to talk about the nightly homemade desserts, you will just have to go there to experience them.
Having all your meals prepared for you frees up so much time that every day is a long relaxing day away from home. Unlike some places that have rigid meal schedules Mary repeatedly offered to adjust mealtimes for individual guests or groups to fit their different daily plans but most often everyone agreed on a mutually convenient times so as not to miss out on the comradery and fishing stories of the day.

The best feature of this stay was the hospitality and willingness of Mary, Jeff and Peter to accommodate and anticipate anything you might need to enjoy your stay.

If you made it all the way to the end of this overly long review, you know you have to GO…
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massachusetts165 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2012年8月 • 好友
Our stay on the Penobscot River was at Penobscot River Cabins in Howland, Maine. Mary and Jeff are the owners, and provide outstanding lodging at their first class cabins. This was our second visit to the cabins, and again we were extremely satisfied with the accommodations, and the rental boats provided for fishing the river. Jeff does not charge an extra fee to trailer you ten plus miles up the river with your, (or their), boat on a trailer to drop you off at the best fishing up river. You can then spend the rest of the day floating and fishing back to the cabins in the afternoon returning for supper. Expect to catch 80-100 Smallmouth Bass on the river! Penobscot River Cabins have the best nightly and weekly rates for a cabin rental in the area, and offer meals at an additional price. Jeff and Mary go "above and beyond" to make sure your stay is unforgetable. You will not be disappointed!!!
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马萨诸塞波士顿68 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
This was the best rafting trip I've ever been on. A group of 7 friends and myself went up there this weekend through the Penobscot Outdoor Center, and our tourguide was James. James was incredible - he fit right in with us, was extremely knowledgable about the river and I think helped to make us all feel safe, even when a friend got sucked out of the raft, and when all but one of us fell out!

I would highly recommend this trip if you are looking for an adventure. Be prepared to eat some river water though, and remember to dress warm (no cotton!!!), because the water up there can be chilly!

The Outdoor Center was nice, with large camp sites and clean camping amenities. All 8 of us fit comfortably on 2 camp sites. There's also a bar there which is always appreciated if you're looking for some local brews, and want to escape the mosquitos for a little while. I think it's safe to say that we all plan to go back, and will ask James to be our river guide again - what a fun trip!
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