Driving from Yerevan to Tbilisi, they noticed that one guy didn't have enough room. The driver indignantly told him that there were no joints on the part of the carrier (IP Dallakian / Cheap Transporation), they had cancelled his tickets in advance, and allegedly it was the aggregators who were to blame for the delay in notifying the passenger and for selling the tickets more than the capacity of the bus. The driver also added that it was up to the passenger to call the number on the ticket and verify that he had been correctly registered for the flight. I then objected that if a ticket came in, it shouldn't be in the passenger's doubt, because when we get a plane ticket, we don't call to see if we'll be put on the flight. But the delay in notification by the aggregator sounded convincing. We weren't worried about the guy, 'cause this carrier says there's a new route every five minutes.
Everything became clearer on the way back from Tbilisi. When we were already at the route (by the way, with transport they also lie, pointing everywhere Viano, in fact all Sprinter cars) at Isani Mall, the cancellation arrived. The same driver gave the same reason - there are no more seats. I bought tickets in 3 days. But only in less than an hour did they realize this and decided to notify, ruining all the meetings that had been planned in Yerevan for the evening. At the same time, I see flights hanging for the same time, 5 minutes apart, from the same stop from the same carrier. But the route only costs one! So just to create the illusion of a major carrier, they create multiple flights on the same route. Of course, it is not surprising that as a result, more tickets will be sold than can fit on one flight! Moreover, there is also IP Avetisyan. I took a ticket from them just in case, hoping to leave. So it turned out that these are also tickets for the same route, only this IP does a spin on a flat spot of 300 rubles (they also have one technical support for two). OF COURSE MORE TICKETS WILL BE SOLD! They're pretending to be saints, like they had nothing to do with it, the aggregators are to blame. That is, two people can travel in the same itinerary, one bought for 1000 rubles, the other for 1,300. Moreover, when I called and told them to cancel their tickets, the cancellation from Yandex came to me in 20 minutes! So that guy they didn't bother to cancel in principle. But fairy tales are told how they cancel on time, and again it is not their fault, but the aggregators, supposedly late delivery of the notice. They themselves say that they have plenty of such cases. Yeah, be proud of how many people you've ruined vacations and plans with your irresponsibility and greed.
Parallel saw another carrier IP Davoyan, apparently new. Took tickets. Sami literally 5 minutes later contacted me by wotsap, informing me that there were no more tickets left, offered another time. Well, we already had to agree. We ended up driving the two of us in a Viano. They didn't cancel the flight and took us two! That's how responsible people work. And they call in case anything happens, rather than blaming the customer that once they got their hands on the ticket, they didn't call to check if the ticket was valid. But now there is an experience during which I have figured out how these "biggest" carriers IP Dallakyan and Avetisyan work, and that I will not contact them again and do not advise you. The responsibility for all their regular joints, which they have no plans to fix, will be weighed against you and the aggregators.