a very good arrangement for two of us in tanzania , our guildman little man " godliston nickson" is a very experienced and full of passion guild, he help us to explore the senrigeti central , senrigeti north , the cratre, totally 6 days, all the accomadation and itineration is very well organized , little man is clear about all these animal's territory , we saw a lot of lion king characters :), and several times wild beast migration !! and crocodile hunters , sad , anyway a very impressive explore, highly recommended!
我们的导游叫little man 真名godliston nickson, 不知道为什么叫这个名字,当导游本身非常有经验,抢看渡河的时候能抢到最好的位置! 这里虽然已经是9月底了当我们看到了4次渡河,才知道角马不知道为什么都会渡河的,来兴致了就会。为什么不能发布!