This was my second time diving and for the first time for my boyfriend.
I will start with the bad and finish with the "good".
1. The diving costumes were smelling like mold!
I kept asking for another, and they kept ignoring me. I basically had to put that horrible costume on.
2. During the dive, our fings kept falling! It was around 3 or 4 times that the instructor had to look for our fings and put it back on our feet...
Because of this inconvenience with our fings keep falling from our feet because the diving costumes were not matching us and were cheap products.
At one point, I went to the surface.
The instructor came for me, and when I did my diving, I had the unlucky experience that the instructor made the sign to pop my ears a bit too late.
From that moment on, I felt horrible !!!!
My ear starts hurting like crazy and I couldn't swim or find my balance. The whole sea was spinning around with me.
I immediately showed the sign to the instructor to let her know I wasn't feeling okay.
She put me on the sea floor and kept me there a bit to feel better.
However, I couldn't do it anymore, so I pointed out that I wanted out of the sea.
The instructor took me out but left my boyfriend, who was having his first experience as diving, on the bottom of the sea.
It was horrifying! Because I started panicking, thinking, "If she is helping me now and something happens with my boyfriend, who is gonna help him?"
It was a horrifying and horrible experience.
The weights we had on our costumes kept, pulling me down to the bottom of the sea, and I kept pushing myself up, and I got something in my nail...
Had to go to the emergency to be checked because the farmacist was scared I got some herbs that might be dangerous, under the bleeding nail.
Imagine going on vacation and experiencing this...
I kept asking for our pictures, and when they finally send it, from 37 pictures, we have just 3 that are okay... but in those, there were pictures with some people that they weren't even us...
I have the proof as well... as I filmed under water the whole time...
The diving itself felt like you were in a pool. If you looked up, people were swimming over your head. They just put 1 bicycle, 1 fish star, and 1 sea cucumber, so pretty plain... The sea is shallow, and you barely see any fish.
The only good thing?
That I made out alive...
I will never, ever recommend this dive to anybody!
The instructor we had was a French lady, but I don't remember her name... Celestial or something like that...
Never again!!!!