Casa dei Ricordi - Villa Carpena

Casa dei Ricordi - Villa Carpena

Casa dei Ricordi - Villa Carpena
上午9:30 - 下午12:00, 下午2:30 - 下午6:00
上午9:30 - 下午12:00
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上午9:30 - 下午12:00
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上午9:30 - 下午12:00
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上午9:30 - 下午12:00
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上午9:30 - 下午12:00
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上午9:30 - 下午12:00
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上午9:30 - 下午12:00
下午2:30 - 下午6:00
John B
作者:John B
5.0 分,共 5 分2024年6月
我想在这里写下一些非常重要的细节,以便未来的游客能够提前做好准备。 。 。首先,墨索里尼的坟墓和他的家人的最后安息之地不在卡佩纳别墅。 那是在完全不同的地方,几十英里外的墨索里尼家族墓穴中的普雷达皮奥公墓。 我写这篇文章是因为这两个地方经常被混淆。 我认为卡佩纳别墅的主人也故意制造混乱,把墨索里尼墓穴的照片也贴在卡佩纳别墅下面。 不,不,不,不。 。 这两个地方相距 20 英里,没有汽车或公共汽车就无法到达,而公共汽车并不容易到达。 这又引出了另一点。 没有公共汽车可以直达卡佩纳别墅。 没有火车。 没有。 最好的办法是租车前来,或者步行很长一段距离,然后找一个 20 分钟路程外的不知名的当地公交车站。 。 。 这又引出了另一点——听起来可能有点奇怪——Villa Carpena 占地很大,曾经是纯农业用地,几十年后,变成了私人牧场/庄园,或者说是“村中村”。当然有门禁。四周是高墙等。 说实话,它位于荒无人烟的地方!是的。一旦你进入庄园的大门,它看起来确实很棒,而且细节丰富,有点像一个巨大的私人牧场。但在庄园外面,它什么都没有。很多农田都被遗弃了,村庄其他地方的房子离 Villa Carpena 稍远,而且大多数房子看起来都很糟糕。 有一种感觉,这个村庄被遗弃了……原因很明显…… 所以请记住,Villa Carpena 周围的整个区域(无论你选择哪个方向)看起来都很差,很乱,也有点阴暗等等。所以不要指望“独裁者村庄”式的炒作,因为根本没有。事实上,Villa Carpena 根本就不可能在那里。。。 好的。最后,当你到达入口大门时 - 大门会关闭。你需要按铃让主人为你打开 - 另一方面,这很酷,因为它增加了这种私密、亲密、家庭的氛围。你基本上是与当前主人/导游一对一交谈,他们基本上只有两个人。丈夫和妻子 Morosini 也亲自照顾房产和动物并管理整个事情。 一旦你进入房产(牧场,而不是别墅本身),请做好准备,花园里有大量值得观看和检查的细节。因此,我建议您留出至少 90 分钟的时间在花园里散步,看看花园里所有值得一看的东西(*请记住,我们现在在别墅内,但仍在建筑外)。 因此,一定要留出 60 - 90 分钟的时间,安静地参观外部区域。 很酷。现在是主要部分 - 进入别墅本身,通常(几乎作为一项规则)您将由一位业主陪同,他将带领您和其他游客一起参观房子。 该建筑非常庞大,细节丰富。您的导游可能会详细介绍一切。。。因此,您还必须至少留出 90 分钟的时间来参观 Villa Carpena 的内部。 我只想说,一旦您进入“牧场”,它就会吸引您,您会忘记村庄和您进入的外部区域。 一旦你踏入房子,你就进入了 Benito M 的世界,你甚至可能忘记自己身处意大利。。。这几乎就像——房子就是意大利,意大利这个国家只是房子的补充。。。奇怪的感觉。。非常独特,非常特别。。你每走一步都能感受到力量和权威。 他真的很有魅力。因为房子本身也充满了魅力,你真的觉得你在房子里就身处意大利的统治宝座(房子外面的一切都无关紧要)。 这又引出了另一个观点,这整个庄园非常大,是的,它确实拥有一个大家族可能需要或要求的一切,是的——但也可以说整个庄园是一个巨大的荣耀监狱。一个关押富人和权贵的监狱。 因为,我认为这个家族中没有一个人离开过这个地方,除非被官方保护和秘密警察驱逐或赶回来。 有点像电影《教父》中可以看到的米歇尔·科里昂的庞大家族牧场和财产。事实上非常相似。 好的。为了不向您揭示所有细节,我们就以这一点结束 - 前两层是墨索里尼家族的住宅和办公室等私人区域(说这很有趣是低估了它。。这真的非常有趣),但别墅的顶层最初并不是像今天这样使用的区域。今天,现在的主人把这所房子的顶层变成了一个研究中心,里面有大约 10,000 本意大利和德国法西斯时期印刷的原版书籍。所以顶层看起来像某种法西斯党总部,尽管这实际上都是私人财产,基本上不对公众开放或“仅由业主自行决定”,所以你不能责怪他们。如果他们这样装饰它——它仍然在他们的房子里,打个比方说,是他们自己的四面墙。所以人们可以理解,权利可以更灵活地自由使用法西斯出版物和装饰品。。。你作为游客基本上是主人私人住宅的私人客人。而不仅仅是某个公共博物馆的无名客人。。。 对于这种荣誉来说,门票实际上非常便宜。15 欧元对于你在这里获得的特权来说不算什么。我真的相信他们应该为这样的事情收取每人 100 欧元以上的费用。 最后一件事(记住,你是在某人的私人住宅里,在私人财产上)不要指望这里的客观性。 是的,业主们爱上了贝尼托和他的个性。是的,他们是他的忠实粉丝。是的,他们基本上卖掉了他们拥有的一切,以便能够购买这个东西并将其变成今天的样子。 所以。。。如果你真的想来这里参观,因为你热爱历史,但又对“墨索里尼所做的一切好事”零容忍,我建议你不要去,因为你会显得格格不入。 整个事情,整个故事,整个“项目背后的想法”都是……你猜对了! 最后,如果你确定这适合你——那么我会说你绝对必须将参观卡佩纳别墅与参观 M 在普雷达皮奥市的出生地以及他在普雷达皮奥市的家族墓穴结合起来。 弗利是你应该去的第三个目的地。 但卡佩纳别墅和普雷达皮奥(两者相距约 20 英里)是必看的! 换句话说,参观普雷达皮奥但不在卡佩纳别墅停留——你就什么都没看到! 停留在卡佩纳别墅而不参观普雷达皮奥——您的游览只覆盖了 75% 是不完整的! 所以,两个都去吧。而弗利可能是额外的加分项。 按重要性排序: 1. 卡佩纳别墅 2. 普雷达皮奥 3. 弗利 最佳游览时间:六月或九月 *最后说明,也是大多数局外人不知道的另一件事:普雷达皮奥的墨索里尼墓穴关闭了好久好久……直到大约四年前。 是的。您可以靠近它,但看不到里面。当左翼政府在普雷达皮奥执政时(执政了大约 40 年左右),M 的孙女不会把它打开。 直到四年前,情况才有所改变,墓穴可以免费进入。 有趣的事实,当我在 2024 年 6 月 5 日写这篇文章时,下周末将举行地方选举。如果左派获胜 - 地窖很可能会再次关闭,您将无法进入,因此请在参观前检查。 参观 Villa Carpena(正确参观)预计需要 4 小时。 正确参观 Predappio 的所有景点预计需要的时间 - 不超过 4 小时,但您可能可以在不到两个小时内完成所有参观。 参观 Forli 的预计时间 - 根本不需要参观 Forli。是的,许多书都说 Forli 是“领袖之城”,但不是 - 我会这样称呼 Predappio。Forli 更像是查看当时的建筑等,但您的重点应该主要放在 Villa Carpena 和 Preddapio 上 👍

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4.5 分,共 5 分341 条点评

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意大利Province of Monza and Brianza5 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
..all handled excellently! Reception by the perfect Mrs
The highest grade, however, is to be assigned to our Guide.. Valeriano.. you'd listen to him for hours! Very prepared and with a strong passion for details. Recommendation to everyone to pass .. it is really worth it!
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圣马力诺圣马力诺城3,328 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
For many years I had been curious to deepen the life path of the Mussolini Family and so we did. We dived thanks to Mrs. Adele at that time entering this Villa!! Entering into it you can clearly perceive the values that inspired Mussolini's entire political life. Many still appreciate them today, in secret, because in this liberal and democratic world in which we are living, externalizing concepts of God, Fatherland, Family, Honesty, Rigor, Humility..... is not really so advisable. Tolerance about the ideas of others, manifested naturally with great respect for those of others, is not always put an act especially if it does not conform to the main stream of the moment. Congratulations to the owners for what they are doing with great intellectual honesty without any support from the institutions that the recovery and maintenance of history should be careful.
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Michele M
61 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年9月 • 家庭
Beautiful Villa and teuta in perfect condition by the owners. Visit that lasts about two hours with lots of interesting information. Kindness and courtesy impeccable. Definitely worth visiting.
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Cesare F
3 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年8月 • 家庭
Very interesting guided tour. The Villa and the garden are really very nice. Recommendation absolutely to anyone living in Forlì and outside Forlì
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valentina f
意大利弗利11 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年8月 • 好友
Visit absolutely recommended. The Villa is beautiful the park is a charm and the Guide very prepared, will explain with passion the history
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。

Monica M
意大利米兰61 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
I state that two of my uncles were deported and survived the concentration camps, so my childhood was marked by painful memories. But I think that knowing history is about not repeating mistakes. Thanks to the hosts who have spent and spend their lives to give the opportunity to other generations to touch the past. Thank you very much.
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2 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年8月 • 家庭
Lovely place, come in and start time travel.
Beautiful and very formative.
A big round of applause for the professionalism of the guides.
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意大利米兰38 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年7月 • 独自旅游
Once in front of the exhausted Villa (Forlì FS - bus to the Monda Grisignano stop - walk for two kilometers) under a scorching sun and charged like a mule because of the alpine backpack, I finally ring the bell. I am welcomed by two very young girls (two volunteer students at the Casa dei Ricordi) I immediately go to the cashier to pay the entrance of 15 euros and they present me with the opportunity to buy some items for sale. Together with one of the two girls, I visit the surrounding garden for about 15 minutes. Half busts, houses, stone plaques, the tree planted by the Duce, tables and chairs where the Mussolini fam sat, a couple of gazebos. All well maintained, despite being exposed to the weather. Here and there, some signs of "split" and some scribbling/writing. Because yes, there are people who come here, pay the ticket and then try to vandalize. It is only thanks to the fam.Morosini, owner of the Villa, that it can still be visited and maintained in a state of grace.

So I know the Lady and her husband: a chat and a cigarette sitting in the shade. Then, waiting for other visitors there any minute, some more photos with the camera, while I was walking alone in the part of the sheds (there are doves, farmyard animals and many peacocks. Many motor vehicles belonged to the fam.Mussolini) and then the beginning of the internal visit. The two young volunteers are accompanying us. I was with an Italian man in his fifties with his teenage daughter and a Texan couple. The two Americans were very interested, enjoying simultaneous translation thanks to one of the two volunteers who spoke fluent English. Really very, very detailed visit and explanations. I felt totally immersed, also because of a house kept so well that it seems to have still lived... while instead, the Italian, shot one after the other:-(
Jokes of disarming childhood. Kindergarten Mariuccia. La figlia che sorrideva a tratti...
The volunteer who laughed (nervously...) and glissaded. In summary: some people really exist in the world to just steal oxygen. The same oxygen that does not reach them, where it should naturally reach: the brain. I stress that it was a PAID visit. So you're disturbing. At 50 years of age, don't you get it?
For a moment I observed it from top to bottom and vice versa and imagined it in the Mussolini Crypt: discomfort.
Questi personaggi se ne vadano a Gabicce Mare, piuttosto...

However, the visit takes an average of 45 minutes. You visit all the rooms: from the ground floor to the terrace. Then there was a friendly greeting, even the owner. Mrs. Morosini, she wanted to take action to make me give a ride by car to Predappio, where I would then stay overnight, to avoid the banging on foot again.
People who care about what they do. Without help from ANYONE. Ideology is present, but never ostentatious.
ABSOLUTELY a visit not to be missed if, like myself, you go there out of interest / historical curiosity. Vote: 5 stars.
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意大利罗马144 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
You breathe history in every footstep. Stories, bedrooms, motorcycles etc. You go back in time!!!
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Cristina C
5 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
Highly recommended visit. Valeriano is an excellent guide, he did not spare himself in describing an unpublished Mussolini. It was also a leap into the past, I relived my grandparents' furniture and objects.
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