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漁夫的下酒菜 In season deep fried sea food combo with salad, garnish and sour cream. - HengchunAmy's Cucina的图片

照片:漁夫的下酒菜 In season deep fried sea food combo with salad, garnish and sour cream.

来自对Amy's Cucina的点评 : Amy's Cucina

Amy's Cucina

3.5 分,共 5 分 173 条点评
排名第 8 (共 110 间) 的Hengchun餐厅
漁夫的下酒菜 In season deep fried sea food combo with salad, garnish and sour cream.
章魚騷沙  Diced Octopus with fresh salsa.
AMy’s Brunch
New recommend
Excellent 我的最愛


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