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Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc) and fun home like service :) Leon is top - 威尼斯Osteria del Lovo的图片

照片:Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc) and fun home like service :) Leon is top

来自对Osteria del Lovo的点评 : Osteria del Lovo

Osteria del Lovo

4.5 分,共 5 分 2,311 条点评
排名第 112 (共 1376 间) 的威尼斯餐厅
Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc)  and fun home like service :) Leon is top
Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc)  and fun home like service :) Leon is top
Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc)  and fun home like service :) Leon is top
Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc)  and fun home like service :) Leon is top
Great food, big portions, nice prices (for Venice ofc)  and fun home like service :) Leon is top
Mal consejo y poca claridad


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