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The forgotten follies and rustic temples are definitely a highlight so make sure you try to see as many of them as possible! They are all sooo photogenic too! - 里彭Hackfall Wood的图片

照片:The forgotten follies and rustic temples are definitely a highlight so make sure you try to see as many of them as possible! They are all sooo photogenic too!

Hackfall Wood

4.5 分,共 5 分 137 条点评
排名第 8里彭景点(共 52 个)
The forgotten follies and rustic temples are definitely a highlight so make sure you try to see as many of them as possible! They are all  sooo photogenic too!
starting our walk near carpark
bench at Lovers Leap
As you start your walk, there is a fence near the car park which has 2 information boards showing the many routes.
a couple of benches at carpark with this view


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