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Nice fresh battered fish and chips with salad. Good food with execellent service. - 派希亚Jimmy Jack's Rib Shack的图片

照片:Nice fresh battered fish and chips with salad. Good food with execellent service.

来自对Jimmy Jack's Rib Shack的点评 : awesome food and service

Jimmy Jack's Rib Shack

4.0 分,共 5 分 1,841 条点评
排名第 11 (共 49 间) 的派希亚餐厅
Nice fresh battered fish and chips with salad.  Good food with execellent service.
Food arrived my Big Rib Combo and Nanna had Scotch Steak Meal
Ribs n coleslaw
Lively, friendly, and good food
Heerlijke steak


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