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Excellent fish sandwich, great roll, BEST cole slaw pretty much anywhere north of Nate 'n Al's i - 圣克鲁斯Stagnaro Bros Seafood的图片

照片:Excellent fish sandwich, great roll, BEST cole slaw pretty much anywhere north of Nate 'n Al's i

来自对Stagnaro Bros Seafood的点评 : Very good food, great price, fast service, good views

Stagnaro Bros Seafood

4.0 分,共 5 分 674 条点评
排名第 13 (共 259 间) 的圣克鲁斯餐厅
Excellent fish sandwich, great roll, BEST cole slaw pretty much anywhere north of Nate 'n Al's i
Great location/ambience!
Beautiful Water View
Good seafood and great view
Early dinner
Early dinner


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