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80 years old and landed this big one. Memories will always be with us of our late "Pop" and his outdoor adventures on the Salmon River - PulaskiSalmon River的图片

照片:80 years old and landed this big one. Memories will always be with us of our late "Pop" and his outdoor adventures on the Salmon River

来自对Salmon River的点评 : Salmon River - Pulaski, NY

Salmon River

4.5 分,共 5 分 66 条点评
排名第 1Pulaski景点(共 15 个)
80 years old and landed this big one.  Memories will always be with us of our late "Pop" and his outdoor adventures on the Salmon River
Friends old and new on the Salmon River
Beautiful and Dirty
Erik with his catch of the day. Salmon River Ny 10.5.2019
Steelhead and others!!!
Steelhead and others!!!


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