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Iced cherry Bakewell tart. These ones are to takeaway, but we serve it by the slice for you to sit with us and enjoy too - 里士满Granny’s Kitchen的图片

照片:Iced cherry Bakewell tart. These ones are to takeaway, but we serve it by the slice for you to sit with us and enjoy too

Granny’s Kitchen

4.5 分,共 5 分 112 条点评
排名第 25 (共 133 间) 的里士满餐厅
Iced cherry Bakewell tart. These ones are to takeaway, but we serve it by the slice for you to sit with us and enjoy too
Takeaway coffee? We use compostable takeaway cups and lids but we always encourage you to bring your own reusable ones 😁👍
Breakfast anyone?
Our new pie heater makes it quicker to get a warming snack
Our Black Forest chocolate fudge cake
Our handmade Cheese and chutney or cheese and onion boules


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