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spacious seating on the patio. - 纳什维尔Thyme And Tempo Vegan And Vegetarian Restaurant的图片

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Thyme And Tempo Vegan And Vegetarian Restaurant

4.0 分,共 5 分 20 条点评
排名第 675 (共 1644 间) 的纳什维尔餐厅
spacious seating on the patio.
Nice and scenic patio with a great view of the Church Street Park.
Convenient, in the middle of downtown Nashville with a great patio and easy to access for pick up w/ curb side lane on 6th.
You can enter the restaurant through the Library's main hallway. The library will validate your parking during their opening hours for up to 90 minutes
Nice and clean interior. Vivid Menu board with a lot of options.
Nice and spacious interior


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