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We had the tasting menu and the food was unbelievable. Presentations were a work of art. I can understand why this is a Michelin rated restaurant - 纽约市Gramercy Tavern的图片

照片:We had the tasting menu and the food was unbelievable. Presentations were a work of art. I can understand why this is a Michelin rated restaurant

来自对Gramercy Tavern的点评 : Chefs Tasting Menu

Gramercy Tavern

4.5 分,共 5 分 3,828 条点评
排名第 133 (共 8469 间) 的纽约市餐厅
We had the tasting menu and the food was unbelievable. Presentations were a work of art. I can understand why this is a Michelin rated restaurant
We had the tasting menu and the food was unbelievable. Presentations were a work of art. I can understand why this is a Michelin rated restaurant
We had the tasting menu and the food was unbelievable. Presentations were a work of art. I can understand why this is a Michelin rated restaurant


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