Hello BackPacker427305,
Thank you for your email and expressed concerns.
Please let us know if there are concerns with your bed while in house, we would be more than happy and willing to investigate a solution, even if it meant taking a different room. We want to ensure your comfort and it is difficult if we are not aware of the problem until after departure.
We are now offering 2 different rates, one with a breakfast offered inclusive and one separate. The rate with the breakfast inclusion is similar to last years rates, while the rate which does not include breakfast is a lesser room rate than same time last year. We wanted to be able to provide choice for our clients, as some expressed their discomfort paying for a breakfast they may not take part in. Should you want to have the same breakfast included, please book the bed and breakfast package.
We would be happy to provide a superior experience on your next stay with us. Thank you for your time, have a great day.