虽然服务人员可能很少看到观光客,应对稍慢了一点,但总体来说算是CP值蛮高的。我们当天是吃Bank Holiday 特餐,我们点了沙朗牛排,牛肉本身比较吸引人,配菜吃不太习惯。饮料点了芒果草莓冰饮,意外的好喝。价格以学生来说是中间偏高。
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虽然服务人员可能很少看到观光客,应对稍慢了一点,但总体来说算是CP值蛮高的。我们当天是吃Bank Holiday 特餐,我们点了沙朗牛排,牛肉本身比较吸引人,配菜吃不太习惯。饮料点了芒果草莓冰饮,意外的好喝。价格以学生来说是中间偏高。
Having just read your review, I wanted to personally thank you for taking the time and writing your kind words. It is always nice to hear that our guests have enjoyed not only the food but their visit was made complete by the service our staff provided and the ambiance.
A huge sincere thank you from all of our team - we look forward to welcoming you back soon!
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