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总体来说,收藏品数量庞大且精美绝伦。但展示巴尔蒂斯的作品有点不太合适,尤其是在ME TOO(我也是)运动的时代下。因为即将发生的强奸场景而把这座城市描述为“色情之都”是不合理的。即使这位艺术家的风格是独特的,即使他已经过世,他的作品不过是对未成年少女痴迷的表现。撇开这个特殊的展览,沉迷在印象主义、表现主义和后印象派的作品中。
This exhibition is not the first exhibition of the French painter organized in Spain: in 1996, the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum presented a retrospective of Balthus, with a hundred works (fifteen of which will be seen again in the halls of the Thyssen Museum) and his paintings and drawings were also last year at the Mapfre Foundation, on the occasion of the exhibition Derain, Balthus, Giacometti. A friendship between artists. In no case did any controversy arise.
Balthus was never accused of anything in relation to working with his models; On the contrary, there are testimonies of the exquisite treatment received by the artist and how, after the posed sessions, Balthus used to invite them to participate in the tea ceremony with the whole family.Warn of an alleged "moral danger" of the public display of some works of Balthus implies to underestimate the viewer, in this case the museum visitor.
We are glad you enjoyed the Permanent collection.
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