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Alfredo Alla Scrofa
罗马排名第4,407 (共14,889家美食)
价格区间: US$21 - US$63
菜系: 欧洲, 意餐, 各国料理
用餐选择: 早餐, 午餐, 晚餐, 宵夜, 可预订
周围地区: 中心区 (Centro)
2023年12月25日点评 通过移动设备发表


感谢 Yuxuan L
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
点评 (2,934)
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1 - 5 条点评,共 2,935 条

点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评
2019年10月23日点评 通过移动设备发表


感谢 693melissaf
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
Team235648,Alfredo Alla Scrofa 的 Responsabile relazioni con la clientela,回复了这篇点评2019年11月5日已回复
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Dear 693melissaf, thank you for coming here for so long, and for your review. We are honoured by your presence for over 30 years. We are also sorry if your experience here was not perfect. We can ensure you we give prominence to our heritage every day. For over a century, everything here is prepared with high quality raw material, and the staff in and out the kitchen is excellent. About our Fettuccine, its original recipe and technique have made it famous all over the world, and it is still in vogue. We invite you to come back: we will do our best to make you feel great!

点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评
2019年9月24日点评 通过移动设备发表

在罗马时我妻子想吃意大利细面条,所以请门房服务员推荐。 他们推荐这家餐厅。 然而这里各方面都很差。 意大利细面条很好吃但是糊了。 我吃过比这好太多的面。其他才也没什么好吃的。 东西很冷,味道不好。 别点白葡萄酒泡肉丸! 难以下咽。 辣椒鸡肉可以吃,但没什么特别的。 我女儿的炸虾和炸鱿鱼好吃,但是鱿鱼有橡胶味。 服务也很差。 装修陈旧。 也就名人的老照片好看点。 算上一瓶酒,总共花了165欧元! 他们自动加收了12%的服务费。 绝对不值得。

感谢 Stephen1952a
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
Team235648,Alfredo Alla Scrofa 的 Responsabile relazioni con la clientela,回复了这篇点评2019年11月5日已回复
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Dear Stephen, thank you for your review and for staying here. We are sorry if your experience here was not perfect. Alfredo alla Scrofa is a historic inn with over 100 years of activity, and we give prominence to this heritage every day. For over a century, everything here is prepared with high quality raw material, and the staff in and out the kitchen is excellent. Also, our Fettuccine Alfredo are prepared with excellent raw material as homemade fresh pasta, Parmigiano Reggiano DOP and fine butter. For this reasons, we propose a price that is convenient but also reflects the high value of what we realize. We also always try to offer a very attentive, respectful and fast service, so we apologize in case you felt it not rich. If you want to come back for a second chance, we will be glad to meet you again and do our best!

点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评

有人可能会认为我不喜欢Alfredo,因为我已经习惯了它在美国的做法,但是但我和4个澳大利亚人一起去了,他们也不喜欢。 抱歉,但这只是一团柔和的意大利面,上面涂满黄油和辛辣的奶酪。 就像通心粉和奶酪,其中的奶酪太浓而无法享用。 不过提拉米苏真是不可思议! 不能说我们享受了出色的服务,因此我们所有人都建议您跳过这家餐馆,绝对不值得20欧元。

感谢 Jeanine44
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
Team235648,Alfredo Alla Scrofa 的 Responsabile relazioni con la clientela,回复了这篇点评2019年11月5日已回复
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Dear Jeanine, thank you for visiting us and for your review. We are sorry to hear that you have felt your experience here not perfect. Alfredo alla Scrofa is an historic inn with over 100 years of activity, and we give prominence to this heritage every day, thanks to an excellent team. Everything here is prepared with high quality raw material, and the staff in and out the kitchen is very attentive. Fettuccine Alfredo is our 100 years old masterpiece, loved and celebrated all over the world, and there are several reasons why: an historical, artisanal and unique technique, high quality raw materials as the authentic Parmigiano Reggiano DOP and fine butter, homemade pasta we daily prepare, for instance. These and other reasons make our Fettuccine Alfredo much more than a common past. If you want to come back and give us a second chance, we look forward to seeing you soon!

点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评
2019年8月23日点评 通过移动设备发表


感谢 ESully23
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
Team235648,Alfredo Alla Scrofa 的 Responsabile relazioni con la clientela,回复了这篇点评2019年8月30日已回复
Google 翻译

Dear ESully23, thank you for dining at Alfredo alla Scrofa and for appreciating our cuisine! Fettuccine Alfredo is a centennial dish invented here in 1914, and by then appreciated all over the world. Our cuisine is prepared only using high quality raw materials only, and the creamy is a tradition. Please come back soon, we look forward to seeing you again!


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