我是在网站上订的酒店,已经在网站上付款了,因为开车来停在酒店里面要交40欧的停车费,前台又让我付了房费加停车费,我付完后觉得不对又去找前台,坚持说我没有付房费款,通过网站协调后酒店退给我房费。觉得receptionist is not responsible ,酒店没有做好人事培训工作。房间还可以,比较干净,本来订的是full bed ,给的我是standard beds,两张床,凑合着睡吧,gym.也要收费。。不理解,开车来比较方便吧。下了高速就是了。
NHDenHaagN,新罕布什尔州海牙酒店 的 General Manager,回复了这篇点评2019年8月7日已回复
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Dear guest,
thank you very much for your review. Unfortunately it seems we did not exceed your expectations as we always hope. The fact that we could not give you a double bed was due to the fact that we were almost fully booked and not able to give you the requested bed.
Hopefully with this experience before, we do hope that we are able to give you the best treatment next time!
NHDenHaagN,新罕布什尔州海牙酒店 的 General Manager,回复了这篇点评2019年7月30日已回复
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Dear guest,
Thank you so much for this beautiful review. Lovely reading you enjoyed your stay that much. For that reason of course we do hope you will visit The Hague once more!