这是一次非常轻松而且有趣的登山体验!我们买了夏季的通行卡,所以我们可以随心所欲地上下走动。在山顶散步... 查看更多
这是一次非常轻松而且有趣的登山体验!我们买了夏季的通行卡,所以我们可以随心所欲地上下走动。在山顶散步... 查看更多
这是一个快速有效的升降系统,几乎没有排队问题。这并不是说它没有短板... 查看更多
Hello Jet47960
Thank you so much for the great feedback, we are really happy that you enjoyed the Hahnenkamm and surrounding mountainside that much. Maybe we can also welcome you once in winter? Because then the view out of the starthouse is even more scary and impressive.
All the best, yours Kitzski Team
这是一个快速有效的升降系统,几乎没有排队问题。这并不是说它没有短板。 只是有些升降机似乎总是排队,但这些升降机很少,等待时间也不长。
Hello Brionic57,
thank you very much for the great feedback, we are glad you enjoyed skiing in Kitzbühel. Please be sure, that we do everything possible, to prevent guests from having to queue. Is there a special lift, you have had a bad experience of queuing? If so, plesase let us know to improve.
We hope to welcome you back to KitzSki soon again.
All the best,
yours KitzSki Team
Kitzbühler Alpen滑雪区是一个顶级的滑雪度假区,有充分的理由年复一年地荣获欧洲最佳滑雪度假区奖。他们在基础设施上投入了巨资,最新的电梯配备了座椅加热装置、雪炮(今年不需要它们了!)我不确定是否还存在另一个有数百公里长的滑雪斜坡和现代电梯的度假胜地。你可以滑雪数天,而不必经历同一个斜坡。所有这些都与密布的巴士交通相连,所有人员都非常友好而且乐于助人。
很难理解为什么基茨比厄尔需要收取夏季客人停车一天 7,80欧元的费用。如果你准备好接受各种各样的描述,你可能会收回停车的钱(如果你支付了起重设备的费用)。在你离开停车场前,确保你很好地理解了该如何进行。如果你真的坚持改天再来,在最坏的情况下,你将以一个不友好的方式被告知如何做得更好。
Hello Volker D,
thank you for the feedback. We are very sorry to hear, that you did not enjoy your stay in Kitzbühel or that you are unhappy about the parking. As you already mentioned, if you use one of our lifts/gondolas, the parking is free of charge in summer on each of our parking lots. Since the Hahnenkamm gondola and it's parking lot are situated in the middle of the city, where there is hardly parking space, we do charge parking fees to non-clients of us. I hope you agree, that this is not something unusual.
If you were treated unfriendly, I must apologize for the missbehaviour. Please be sure, that we are always trying our very best to satisfy our clients in the best possible way and treat them with the highest level of respect an friendlyness.
We hope you accept our apologies and would like to convince you on your next trip to Kitzbühel.
All the best, yours KitzSki team
Hello Nicohoog1,
Thank you very much for your great feedback, we are really happy you enjoyed your skiing trip to Kitzbühel and hope we will soon see you again in the skiing area of KitzSki ... or maybe also once in summer for hiking? :-)
All the best, yours KitzSki Team
这里有现代化的电梯系统,舒适的加热座椅。至关重要的是很安全。有些椅子(儿童滑雪学校经常去)甚至有“儿童车站”,以确保孩子们不会从座位上滑下来。Kitz与Tignes相比较来说: Tignes的电梯陈旧而缓慢。Kitz的电梯的速度意味着可以在一周内Tignes滑得更远,滑过更多的高度。这是我比较了我在这两个景点滑雪场的连续旅行的数据(都是二月的高峰)得出来的结论。我更多在Kitz滑雪!
Hello PSm_UK
thank you very much for the feedback, we are proud to hear you enjoyed the modernity and high quality standards of our lifts.
We hope to welcome you back to Kitzbühel soon. All the best, yours KitzSki Team