Dear Oeyydnew,
Warmest greetings from Harris Barelang,
First and foremost please accept my sincere apologies for the unpleasant experience you endure while your friends was expressing milk in the nursing room. I genuinely believe that at no point the behavior of this staff member were wrongly motivated but can surely understand that it was not appropriate. This room is purely never or close to never use and i can imagine that he was surprise to see someone inside. Please be certain that we will be addressing all points you raised to the team to underline the issues and take appropriate action.
If you believe that some more information should be shared directly with me, i will be clearly at your disposal. My email is
Dear Oeyydnew, I do hope that we will have an opportunity to extend a warmer and better hospitality in the future.
Hugues Hervier de Courtisigny
General Manager