Thank you very much for all of your feedback.
We are very appreciated for those kindness reviews. Our team is well trained and have good mind service because you are the one who hands a chance to us to show you the real Thai culture,architectures and the right understanding in Buddhism in Thailand. From our experiences for years we are sure you will learn new things from us as Ex-monks. This tour is different from the other tours because on the day you will see Morning monks chanting- Alms to monks-Enjoy watching Sunrise in the best spot -morning walking up 603 steps-even can do some meditation with monks as an extra if you want or getting blessing from holy monks and try delicious Thai breakfast as famous Chiang Mai food(Khao Soy.) It's hard for the other guides who don't have direct experiences on being monks for such along time because you need deeply explanation about real Thai culture.. So you can have such a great experiences with us when you try this mornjng trip.
I saw many tourists they don't know how to act in the right way in the temple when monks are chanting or doing their morning activities even collecting food from people. That makes monks feel unhappy because there is No guide to tell them how to act to respect in right way and behave in the temple area. ( monks sometimes would like to tell them but they cannot speak English or they are in their ritual activity. And they need to be humble . So they just let it go. )
Thank you for reviews and taking any Thai guides to the holy temples to respect to the places. ( Or uou must double careful when you be there alone without a guide..)
Have a great day.!!
我们选择了Doi Suthep寺庙和Doi Inthanon国家公园旅程B,我们早早起床以避开施舍僧侣的人群,游览了几乎没有人的寺庙,真是最好的旅游经历,让我们非常感动。我们的导游特别友好,又知识渊博,从佛教到丛林中的许多植物,涉猎很广。他为我们点的超级新鲜美味的午餐是迄今为止我们在泰国吃的最好吃的美食,也是专门为我的素食者女儿准备的,所以我们特别推荐!!!