Thank you for staying at Best Western Hotel Causeway Bay and share your valuable comments with other travellers. We appreciate for pointing out the hotel for its convenience. We will certainly share you comments with the team to keep up the standards in order to meet guest expectations
Should you need further assistance or future room enquiriy, please feel free to contact me directly on tel: (852) 2496 6618, email: and I will be delighted to take care of your future reservations personally.
Thank you for staying at Best Western Hotel Causeway Bay and share your valuable comments with other travellers. It is regret to hear your stay was not up to your expectation. we will be focusing the feedback you gave us for implement improvements in near future for ensuring better experience for guests in the future.
Should you need further assistance or future room enquiriy, please feel free to contact me directly on tel: (852) 2496 6618, email: and I will be delighted to take care of your future reservations personally.