我们在新加坡去过的最好的情侣按摩。肯定会推荐给我的朋友和家人。身体按摩是最好的,他们的15分钟头部按... 查看更多
At Natureland, we strive for excellence in both attitude and service. We would like to thank you for your valuable feedback and hope to see you back real soon. Stay safe.
这是一次很好的经历,我的按摩师 Leah 给了我一次 舒服的1小时的全身按摩体验,leah很贴心的一直和我确认力度,空调的温度。我喜欢他对我的身体疼痛的地方的关注,让我的背部放松了很多。会再预约Leah👏
At Natureland, we strive for excellence in both attitude and service. We would like to thank you for your valuable feedback and hope to see you back real soon. Stay safe.
在这里体验了一次美妙和优质的服务,做了90分钟的 全身按摩,我的按摩师Leah 人很好 会根据你的喜好调整力度,让我感觉非常舒适。按摩完后还让我下楼饮用了姜茶,简直就是太舒服了 👍
At Natureland, we strive for excellence in both attitude and service. We would like to thank you for your valuable feedback and hope to see you back real soon. Stay safe.
我有一个僵硬和紧绷的肌肉、肩膀和下背部的坏情况。按摩后,我感觉超级放松。我做了5in1 60分钟 我感觉时间不太够
下个月肯定会回来的!得做一个2小时 才能3那个满足我身体疲惫的需要
At Natureland, we strive for excellence in both attitude and service. We would like to thank you for your valuable feedback and hope to see you back real soon. Stay safe.