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Emberá Village Tours & More
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点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评

2017年4月24日,我们一群人(88人)和Anne Gordon de Barrigon一起,有幸拜访了查格里斯国家公园里的姆贝拉秘鲁村。我们度过了最愉快的时光 - 我觉得言语无法表达我们有多喜欢这次旅行。和部落会面,了解他们的文化和历史,享用他们为我们准备的午餐,能够购买一些他们手工制作的东西,非常有趣。Anne,作为他们的家人,使其成为了可能是我们见过的最好的旅游经营者 - 她让我们了解他们,而这通常是我们从其他旅游经营者那接收不到的。她的助理Kenny和我们一起也让我们很愉快。高度推荐这个旅程给各种规模的旅行团,大的或者小的 - 你不会后悔的!

感谢 Patti P
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点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评
2017年4月28日的点评 通过移动设备发表


感谢 IrishCueTravel
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评


感谢 Teresa F
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评
2017年3月14日的点评 通过移动设备发表


感谢 angelasundust
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点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评
2017年2月17日的点评 通过移动设备发表


1  感谢 margaretc007
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
Anne G,Emberá Village Tours & More 的 Owner,回复了这篇点评2017年2月21日已回复
Google 翻译

Dear Margaret,

Thank you for posting your review of your visit to the Embera Village. It is clear from your photos that you visited the village located near the Gamboa Rainforest Resort just 30 minutes outside of Panama City. This village is the closest Embera village to the city and has the most outside influence of them all. It is easy to get to and that is why some tour operators choose to go there.

I am the owner of the company, Embera Village Tours, (This Trip Advisor page is for our company and not for any Embera village tour offered by other tour operators, although we understand the confusion between the two.) I have been married to an Embera man since 2004 and we take our tours to my husband's village, which is the most remote village, which means they receive the least amount of visitors, which translates into them being equally curious, engaging and enjoying meeting and getting to know each and every tourist who arrives in their village.

There has been an anthropologist from Oxford who studied the effects of tourism on the Embera culture and he found that tourism provides an incentive to maintain their traditions, keeps their culture and language alive, enables the Embera to live as they prefer and instills a sense of pride in their tribe. In my 13 years with the Embera people, I have found them to be warm, friendly, happy and relaxed people who are equally curious about each visitor who comes to their village.. I have also learned that no matter how laid back they are, you cannot force an Embera person to do anything they do not want to do. In other words, they earn their income today through tourism because they want and choose to do so. If they did not want to participate in receiving visitors, they would not.

As you stated, in a perfect world, it would be ideal to leave the Embera to live their own way of life without having tourists visit them. However, unfortunately, we do not live in that perfect world...yet. In fact, where you went and where my husband's village is, are both located inside national parks, which means their traditional means of survival such as hunting and growing agriculture are prohibited, plus they must now pay a fee to the park for permission to harvest the natural materials needed to build their houses and dugout canoes. So because they are limited to how they can survive and now rely on money as the rest of the world does, they must earn money somehow and tourism is a sutainable, fun and easy choice for them.

Thank you for taking the time to write your review and I hope my response helps you to understand that the Embera choose to participate in tourism of their own accord and the differences between the village you visited and the more remote Embera villages.

Bia Bua, (Thank you in Embera)
Anne Gordon de Barrigon
Embera friend and family member
Owner, Embera Village Tours

点评翻译: 此点评由Tripadvisor全球志愿者翻译而来,查看 原始英语点评


感谢 Ebb2885
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。原文语言为英语,源自www.tripadvisor.com 查看原文
Anne G,Emberá Village Tours & More 的 Owner,回复了这篇点评2017年2月14日已回复
Google 翻译

Dear Ebb2885,

Thank you for sharing your opinion with us. I am very sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your visit to the Embera village. It sounds like you may not have gone with our company, Embera Village Tours. We always strive to provide the best and most interesting experience for our guests.

Many of the other tour operators who offer a visit to the Embera communities, go to the closer villages, that receive many tour groups per day, so it can feel a lot more like a "tourist trap" as you have suggested.

I have been married to an Embera man since 2004 and we take our tours to my husband's village, which is the most remote village, which means they receive the least amount of visitors, which translates into them being equally curious, engaging and enjoying meeting and getting to know each and every tourist who arrives in their village.

There has been an anthropologist from Oxford who studied the effects of tourism on the Embera culture and he found that tourism provides an incentive to maintain their traditions, keeps their culture and language alive, enables the Embera to live as they prefer and instills a sense of pride in their tribe. In my 13 years with the Embera people, I have found them to be warm, friendly, happy and relaxed people. I have also learned that no matter how laid back they are, you cannot force an Embera person to do anything they do not want to do. In other words, they earn their income today through tourism because they want and choose to do so. If they did not want to participate in receiving visitors, they would not.

I hope this helps you to understand more about our Embera Village Tours. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your visit here in Panama.

Anne Gordon de Barrigon
Owner, Embera Village Tours
Embera friend and family member
