Namast!!! and thank you Lucy for the nice review on Trip Advisor. I’m glad everything was to your satisfaction and you enjoyed the hotel. It’s great you had such a good time on our camel and jeep safari as it’s one of our most popular tours. Hope to see you back again in the future. All the best from everyone in Shahi Palace.
这是我和朋友们第二次入住,第一次是6年前。 没什么,就坐了43小时的火车,顺道回来探望老朋友Devilal,Shahi Palace Hotel 的老板。 我喜欢的不止是他们提供的贴心服务和美味食物,尤其咖哩羊肉,还有宾至如归的感觉。 他们语录是:你来了,我们把你当客人。你离开的时候,我们已经是朋友 (you come as guests but left as friends)。 累了倦了想歇了,那就到Shahi Palace Hotel一趟吧,你会找到家的感觉。