Thank you for your feedback.
If you have ever experienced a power outage or city water main break which was the case at my hotel then I am certain you know the frustrations of being at the city’s mercy of them telling you “we don’t know” every time you ask them for updates. The city experienced multiple water main breaks affecting the area and not all at the same time causing the water to go on and off wIth no prior warnings. Our team did a phenomenal job taking care of a full house in a sold out market during an emergency, many guests complimented our team on how well we handled this unfortunate, out of our control situation that affected portions of our town.
We are up to date, frequently inspected per law in all areas and fully compliant with all Healh and life safety codes per state regulation and pass all of our brand standard inspections with ease.
We wish you the best. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you under negative circumstance and wish you the best in finding more suitable accommodations when visiting the Meadowlands area.
Bret Esbrandt
General Manager